Chapter 29 - 12 STARS ARE BORN

Erend lead them down the path now covered in spiderclods (Like spiderwebs) but fluffy webs everywhere.

Erend said the stars have to go through a ritual before heading down the path of redemption.

They have been living human life's you must stripped of those ways and re educated for they are powerful stars which have more then what this life gives.

12 stars where lead to the end they all waved to Seven one by one they disappeared out of her sight.


Gemini entered the chamber first she saw how they become one Star sign, in there beginning there were twin sisters Lynn and Ronnie.

That loved and admired each other very much for they lived in a forest with their parents at time.

They where outside when the change happened running playing they found a tree with a hole in the middle it was glowing.

And calling out to them their names out in a song Lynn and Ronnie were once separate and now will become one.

The sisters walked towards the in a haze and they tree and touched it being curious of this tree.

A loud bang was heard through they're forest in the village many run towards the sound but they're eyes were blinded by the light and the twin beings whom once was the little twin girls of the village.

When Gemini exited the chamber they were no longer human but two head being.


Aquarius entered the chamber and instead of memories it was a water chamber of artifacts.

A spear, A tyrant,A siren, A bucket with a chain attached.

August legs disappeared as he went to step the humming underwater was soothing to his body he began to swim.

The spear attached to his back magically and the tyrant had become his body inside the bucket and chain also became his bracelet around his wrists.

When he emerged he was in water which changed to how he swam he jumped out of the water and legs appeared.


Cancer entered the chamber she walked and walked through sand through water she finally realized her size had begun to shrink.

As Jeri was walking the trees around her began singing a song she went to look at her hands instead saw pinchers they are (her first legs in the front).

And the 2nd legs are called( chelipeds) In her mind she said am not a crab no way but her body had become hard and her two legs had now become many little legs.

The last back legs are small swimming appendages called (swimmerets)or (pleopads) but her human legs remained.

The Cancer had become the Crab underwater and discovered her element within herself.

Erend said today We break for the Water of life and Tree must refurbishes before the next Stars can enter.

We start at midnight this time Erend said bring in Virgo and Leo and Pisces.


Virgo entered the chambers of mirrors it showed her true self in mirrors the souvenirs of a child born with disfigurement.

And how she would put mud on her face to try to gave her the beauty that the others had.

Most Virgo's male or female have beauty outside and inside is there true form but for Cyrie her true form is reversed from birth.

Coming from two beautiful people most people envy her parents and family before some say that Cyrie was cursed for it.

The Earth ground calling her to the dark cave where she saw a cave with a mirror which showed her beauty of inside brought outside.

Cyrie hand didn't touch it her body was pulled in and when she reemerged she was more beauty she was the renounced the Goddess of Beauty from within.


Pisces enters the Water chambers and they're are many fishes of different species through times.

As Lake swam out the fishes started to attack his body biting and pulling entering his mouth as he tried to scream he slowly lost consciences.

And then Lake awoke he was the fish but not just one but three more and they wear paired where Lake swam the fishes followed.


Leo walked in the Fire chamber and tried running back out but there was no door out.

Ziggy has always been brave in front of others but is truly scared when facing obstacles.

The fire flames sparked everytime she walked she heard a voice it sound like drums beating hard in her chest Ziggy bent over on all fours.

Ziggy's body began stretching as paws replaced her hands she still tried to walk her ass became a tail.

Ziggy's body grow by then she had passed out from the pain and woken up a Lion.

Ziggy roared loud and the flames of fire disappeared.

Erend escorted them out one by one and finally brought them a Chamber of Zin until the other Stars were finished.

Libra and Aries and Capricorn and Taurus where taken too a different East wing of the Chambers.


Libra entered the Air chamber at first the room showed him scales and clocks rewinding and going forwarded faster then his eyes could blink.

As London walked further into the Chamber air blowed hard pushing him back every step he took seem further and further away.

London's eyes glazed at the wall which showed him life of a baby being born and what will happen through the child's lifespan and in his left eye death happening around him.

As London went reached to cover his face from what he was seeing his shoulder became heavy and broadened outwards his bones began to creak and crack.

London couldn't bend down his legs became stiff and he arms stretched out he heard chains fall as well as something heavy weighing both sides of his arms.

Back and forth it went and finally it stopped and London was complete.


Aries ran into the wrong chamber but it soon started to change too air and then water and finally heat.

Marye felt like she need to take off her clothes she started stripping taking her pants and socks shoes and jacket sweater and tank top she was completely naked.

Marye felt a pain her head like a instant headache when she touched her head Marye felt horns were growing from both sides of her head.

Marye horns heavy gave her great strength humans say in the sky the Ram can been seen spanning the first 30 degrees of celestial longitude.

It is also true for Marye horns glowed with flowers and showed her the past and the far future.

Marye stood up feeling stronger then before the Chamber open wide for her too exited.


Capricorn entered as a boy and we are hoping that he will come out how he wants to actual see himself.

Garret feet slipped under him and he looked down and noticed his legs and torso changing.

Garret's legs bind together and his torso had become furry he was excited at first for he was becoming a man so he thought until his hands became if it became coven hoof.

Garret's left side of his face started burning and when he screamed but his voice had was deepen.

When he spoke he said someone Help me man down and he laughed he stood up on his coven hoofs and walked out of the Earth Chamber.


Taurus stubborn believes in she belongs in the Fire Chamber but she is mistake for she Earth's old creation.

Strong willed she walked in arguing about the unfairness of this for she is a fire that can't be played with.

Sabine sank into the sand grabbing to get out she dug herself further inside when she landed her legs bucked hard her hands and arms pained her.

Sabine couldn't see anything in front of her but sand she yelled but sand covered her mouth when she stood she felt a tear in her body below.

Sabine stances became much taller and her hands had turned into hoofs but her legs had slimmed down and shoulders broadened up.

Her hair parted between the horns in her head the sand stop falling on her as she walked out of the Earth Chamber.


Water is a playful thing that a lot are intrigued by it is also a deadly being that can take life and give life.

That was the warning above the Chamber that Scorpion walked in he giggled at the quote above the door.

Erend warned him not to laugh for water really isn't to be taken lightly he pushed by Erend to the Chamber.

Carson opened the door and water just poured in all around him the water came in he went to reach for the door knob it also turned to water.

He grasped for air but water filled his lungs his hands turned into water he thought I should listen to Erend the bubbles was all you could hear.

Carson awoke his hand still human but fingers we're replaced with pincers he had gained four pairs of extra legs (Pedipalps).

His body had hardened in the shape of scorpion and his stringer was huge the poison came from the history of many scorpions in the past and future.

Carson human head remained his eyes blacken and his smile was devilish the water stop flowing and the doors open up.


Sagittarius entered the Chamber of Fire on a movie scene there are pictures of a horse graceful and proud and a human who killed the horse.

Ryan felt pain in her lower body the pain is all she felt, fire covered her she began crying from the pain.

When she looked down her top half of her body is feeling num but her lower half feels like its ripping in half and the stretching,pulling and then it stopped she stood up and looked down.

Ryan realized she had become part of the horse like the legend she was told long ago from the older Stars.

The bow and arrows on her back the Chamber of Fire opened up.

Humans who hurt animals deserve to feel What that animal really is.

One by one each Stars changed into a Signs True forms to Seven but not too the rest of the Secondary Earth.

Erend told now your whole now you must return to Earth for Lin-Jeung is still there some humans survived the Blast and Floods.

Seven is whole being again but her true self will not be relieved until she can find Lin-jeung.

Seven is told that Lin-jeung is in the past or the new future of Earth.

As the 12 Stars return to Secondary Earth Seven leaves in a dark cloud on her search for Lin-Jeung.