Chereads / DREAMS WITHIN DREAMS A LOVE STORY WITH A TWIST. / Chapter 21 - Jie Yang Lucy and Jenisys K. Hendrix and Song Sumi:2

Chapter 21 - Jie Yang Lucy and Jenisys K. Hendrix and Song Sumi:2

Lets start from the beginning 1974 April Lucy and Jenisys got stuck together in class for Jenisys was new at Saint Kanan all girls school.

The star students are in charge of new students and new arrivals.

Jenisys Korean was rusty in speaking for she lived in Japan half of her life so the new language was kinda a shock to her .

(really it wasn't she was pretending and only spoke English )

Jenisys is fluent in many languages but acted like she was new too everything in the country.

In the office the Principal asked that Yang Jie Lucy take Hendrax(he mispronounced her last name) to her first class which is the same English class as yours.

The next student called Hendrix Jenisys K to read the book in front of the class the Teacher said translate to Korean when reading and the class laughed at her.

Lucy stood up and walked to the front she stood beside her and said I will translate while you read.

A announcement came on the speaker asking students to leave the school immediately I repeat immediately!!

Students rushed the school hall it was like stampede of animals rushing for the food.

Jenisys stood in place as all of the students ran out to help the injured students but most were dead.

Lucy holding onto Jenisys arm when they got out of the school the building began to collapse in front the students and faculty eyes.

Parents came and picked their children there we're some causalities and minor bruises the police and ambulance came as well.

Jenisys began to walk in the direction her apartment building when some the students that where hanging around were talking about Yang Jie.

They said sometimes she's Lucy top student and other times she several people at once.

Jenisys started walking faster she got to a grocery store and picked up some vegetables and meat's and noodles and some drinks and snacks.

Speaking Korean to herself she bumped into a older woman who was yelling at someone in the next in a different aisle.

The other voice sounded familiar to Jenisys she said Sorry and went to cash out.

Jenisys thanked the clerk and he gave her a loaf of bread and told her to be safe.

Jenisys started walking to the apartment when she got there, her belongings where outside.

So she opened the door and took the groceries in and then went back for her luggage.

A neighbor came to greet her begin new she helped with last bag she introduced herself as Song Sumi.

Then she asked Jenisys

So how old are you?

18 turning 19 end of the year.

(she much much older then that)

Where did you live before? Japan and Canada and Australia and St.Vincent

Where her parents are? Jenisys lied and said at work.

Do you have siblings or are a only child? Yes only child no siblings.

Rich or Poor? Very Rich

What's your background if you don't mind me asking? Jenisys said St.Vincent and a little bit of everything.

Are your eyes real? Yes they're mine very unique

Song excused herself.

Song said to Jenisys that she lived below her 312 apt she closed the door behind her outside the door.

Jenisys could her Song speaking too two other people but she didn't care she unpacked her stuff.

And cleaned and then cooked a late dinner and made a lunch.

Early morning there was a banging at the door

Jenisys looked out the peep hole and saw Lucy she open the door and Why are you banging ?

What's wrong Lucy?

She looked dazed and said I'm Lillian not Lucy Sorry thought this was my friends house.

Her father came out and said Lucy come back and said to the tenants that we're out of there apartments We are truly Sorry!!


Her mother out now out grabs her arm and bows and says Sorry the noise woke up some residents.

Her father reassured them it was just a nightmare she was having.

Jenisys went to close the door but Song came again she said one minute and then you can go back too sleep.

Song told Jenisys a story about a trauma so what happen is Yang Jie had two daughters.

One daughter died on a school trip with the other daughter was also there.

They didn't find the wreckage for 6 days a couple of students also survived but they weren't the same just like Lucy.

Anyways her twin sister was Lillian when died a crack began in her heart and mind so the Doctors say its like a break.

Multiple Personality Disorder becomes different parts of someone else including Lillian so bear with her okay Goodnight Hendrix.

Jenisys said its Jenisys (pronounced Genisis)not Hendrix Please.

Song giggled and said okay Goodnight Jenisys.

A couple months have gone by since Jenisys had seen Lucy she hadn't been to the temporary school either.

Afterschool Jenisys decided to see How she was the other students made fun of Lucy behind her back but were nice to her face when she was there.

On her way to see Lucy she saw Lillian instead for a bit and then Lucy emerged she said that she would met Jenisys at her apartment instead.

When Lucy arrived Jenisys had homework ready and drinks and snacks.

Jenisys's apartment was big for a two family it was only here living alone.

Jenisys told Lucy one moment as she ran into her room when she came out Jenisys gave her a pendant for safety (it was a blue eye)

Jenisys it will keep you safe from harm Lucy noticed that the apartment was lacking pictures.

Lucy went to her apartment and got some posters of anime characters Simoun and Castles in the sky they taped the posters up on the wall.

Lucy laid down on the futon and Jenisys covered her up and began cooking dinner a knock on her door.

Jenisys said I am coming when she opened it was Lucy's mother she looked angry at Jenisys.

And then she spoke and then pushed her way in the apartment and she woke up Lucy and tried to stare down Jenisys.

When she spoke her accent was clear Mrs.Jie Yang said I will speak to your parents.

Jenisys responded look to the skies cause that's who you'll be talking too.

Lucy's mother looked confused and told Hendrix she was rude then realized on her way home.

What the colored teenage girl in the apartment meant her parents are dead.

A year went by and Lucy went to pick up Jenisys but Song was in her apartment she said did Jenis sleep in.

Song said No she not here the door was wide open but their are letters here for us Lucy fainted.

Song's Letter said I moved closer to the College its smaller but lonely I left some things.

Can you bring it today when Lucy gets up from fainting also remind her she knows where it is .

Sorry for scaring you but the landlord needed it for a family.

Song opened up Lucy's letter when you get up off the floor my address is on the bottom.

Also sing You are my sunshine if she switches it calms whoever's comes out Hey Song !! See you soon.

Lucy sprung up and said she at the apartments by College there's a park there we are going right and Song handed her the posters and a bag.

They we're off to the office to drop off the keys and to apartments by College walking (Lucy)held Sumi hand.

Lucy personality switched to a little girl her name is Leah she about eight years old and speaks old British accent.

Leah has a big crush on Song but she calls Sumi-chan she really doesn't care for Jenisys.

Leah will play video games with Jenisys like Mario karts and Donkey kong and dolls and tea time.

Mr. Ji-hu Jie Yang had gotten to know Sumi and Jenisys very well that he would entrust Lucy too them as long as they called and checked in with him.

The school called instead telling him that Jie Yang Lucy has won 2 awards and she has passed and will be Graduating this year 1975 and entering College.

The park was a open field it had many trees and a baseball diamond not far from little ponds that birds swam on.

And little kids and the elderly would feed the birds and run around well that's where Jenisys met Leah and Sumi.

Jenisys said it's going to rain Lets get going before it starts Sumi called for Leah she ran and automatically held Sumi's hand.

While walking it began raining it was light at first by the time they got the apartment it was pouring down.

In Jenisys's apartment the two girls entered the bathroom looking for towels and Jenisys had already unpacked her stuff so it was easier to find everything.

Jenisys went to the phone and dialed Lucy's parents number it began to ring Sumi said did they answer yet? Ji-hu voice said Hello?

Jenisys said its Hendrix.

We are in the new apartment two blocks away from your apartment and Lucy with us Ji-hu said Thank you Hendrix.

Who is she today ?

Jenisys said right now she is Leah and she playing tea time with Sumi I mean Song.

Ji-hu said can you keep her with you tonight I will come get her Tomorrow around 10am okay Hendrix she said Yes Sir I understand.

They both hung up Jenisys said sleepover girl's Let me get the treats unpacked.

And I will start on dinner Sumi said Let me do that your Korean cooking sucks and then she laughed.

Jenisys said then I will start the bath for Leah she turned and said that's not your name to call me.

Jenisys said I will make a bath for Little.

Jenisys put 4 towels out for Little and she put bath toys and set the water on warm for her she called Little bath is ready.

Leah came in she looked the bath and said no bubbles Jenisys said I have to buy some but it has toys inside the bath she turned around and hugged Jenisys.

In the morning Leah had disappeared and someone they never met was out when Jenisys opened her eyes.

The voice said my love, you're alive you look like her and smell like her but something still different she call Kauron.

Which is a name (Hendrix's) real name which was the name the Princess of the past name her.

When she saw Sumi should told her to leave for she was going reunite with her lover.

When Sumi went touch the body of Lucy she flew across the room and Lucy's voice changed.

I am the Princess Fragance who loves this woman and kissed Jenisys.

While kissing the Princess a old memory more like a fragment of Queen's past was revealed.

How she died?

The formal self the orginal Goddess.

It showed the Princess stabbing the orginal Goddess and then Princess screaming No!!

What have you made me do it forwarded back to 1975.

Jenisys pushed her off of her and ran to Song who was bleeding when Jenisys touched her a bright came from Jenisys hands.

As she healed Sumi and saw something she hadn't seen on the outside of Sumi she was 4 months pregnant.

Sumi Song had a linen in her stomach had a hidden sack from the normal human body.

Jenisys picked up Sumi and walked towards the couch and laided her down she grabbed Jenisys's hand and pulled her down towards her.

Sumi whispered You are like me... That's our daughter but first we have to unlock Your true form My Queen.

Your powers are awaking after all.

Lucy said What happen to Song?

As Jenisys went to answer Lucy there was a knock at the door Jenisys she said Who is it?

Jenisys didn't wait for answer she open the door it was Mr. Jie Yang.

Lucy said Hi Dad he said gather your things and met me at the door Lucy ran around the apartment.

Ji-hu turned to Jenisys and said we are moving Lucy and I so I will call you when we are settled in.

Lucy came back and said see you guys later right Jenisys said Yes later of course Lucy I will tell Song.

The year is now 1980 and Sumi works as a Journalists and Jenisys works at a new Company called Bouy's and Boat's.

On May 3 Jenisys starts building a Boat in the backyard of the new warehouse that she acquired at a open house last month.

It was about 8:06pm and Song came to pick up Jenisys who was waiting under the light of the front of the warehouse she had lite a joint waiting to be picked up.

For a couple years the two have been living together since the J.Y.Family left and hasn't contacted them for a long time.

Ji-hu had found a hospital that could help with his daughter he only wrote letters to them.

On the news they heard that the Jie Yang had divorced after 30 years of marriage Lucy's Mom had gain control of the Grand Father's business.

Jie Yang Ji-hu he had all the real estate properties and his daughter on the news its sounded like a destruction of a country.

Ji-hu had started making preparations for Lucy /Lillian /Leah life for he knew her Mother would put her away in Mental Institution for the rest of her natural born life.

In a letter Ji-hu gave to his lawyer containing How to take care Lucy it stated that.

Lucy and the other personalities are married to Jenisys K. Hendrix and Song Sumi one out the personalities on paper.

In Lucy and Song marriage Mika is Lucy and Song daughter and Sumi and Jenisys daughter is Kaoru.

In reality the children are actually Jenisys and Sumi daughters.

Waking up a month on Secondary Earth later on the Hendrix mind had shuffled to the past and also to the present.

The promise her formal selves had made to the shock of everything shut her down.

Hendrix eyes both green now had changed in a way that Lucy and Mika noticed something different about Hendrix.

Something new about her appearance something that what was hidden in her human form.