I awoke to an unfamiliar, bright room, rubbing my eyes, i try to sit up only to discover my body bandaged nearly from head to toe. My body is stiff and sore from everything i had gone through on what i assume was the previous day. However, right now i can not dwell on these disturbing events, i need to find out where i am.
Forcing myself painfully to get out of the large, royal looking bed I've been laying in, i limp to the window nearby to get a grasp of my surroundings. I nearly lose my footing as i take in everything im seeing. I am up at least 100 feet and to my left and right there are two huge, identical waterfalls and between is a large extravagant bridge.
Looking down i now realise im standing in the window of a giant, gold accented, castle. Much to my surprise, looking up, this castle has been hidden under a dense canopy of what seems to be a single gigantic willow tree. I wonder how so much light can come through and still allow this place to be hidden as well as it is and then I notice large glowing orbs between a few of the branches.
Suddenly i hear the door of the room im in creak open and jump nearly out of my own skin as I see the head of a large white lion come in to view. Unable to force my body to move the correct way from my injuries i tumble to the ground. Terrified and certain i am about to lose my life after surviving so much already, I cup my face and sob "Please do not eat me!!"
After a few moments of silence and not being eaten I gather the courage to slowly look up from my hands. Standing in front of me, looking puzzled , was the huge white lion. He was wearing a golden pendent around his neck with an odd symbol that i could not quite seem to figure out. It had to have been from a language i did not know and i found that quite perplexing as i knew many.
I looked up at the lions face, now inches from my own, and froze. There was something familiar about him, his eyes, i swear i had seen those piercing blue eyes somewhere before. As soon as this thought crosses my mind he begins to glow, brighter and brighter until i have to turn away and shield my eyes.
"I apologize for the theatrics my lady" a mans voice now replaces the steady pur of the lion and i look up to find none other than my rescuer. I stand gawking at this handsome , chiseled, man who looks as if hes been sculped by none other than god himself and now know why the lion looked so familiar. Not able to talk from the pure shock that this man was a huge lion only seconds ago, i just continue to stare at him.
"I understand you most likely have many questions my lady and what i am about to say will only raise more but i would like to be the first to say, Welcome home my lady Saturnia. We have long awaited your return." He looks at me expectantly as i try to wrap my head around what he just said. "H-Home?" I stutter. "Long awaited return?" I ponder aloud. "Wait! what do you mean? I've never seen this place in my life!"
Looking sad but also understanding the man sits on the bed in the room and beckons me to sit next to him. Curious as i am i gladly sit next to him expecting an explanation however none comes he simply pulls me close as he hugs me tenderly and strokes my hair. I look up at him questioningly " I am sorry dear princess but it is not my place to tell you of your past, that is the place of the council. all i can tell you is that i have been watching you for a long time and when i finally saw you flee that dreadful place and saw the condition you were in, I had to save you. I had to have the chance to be near you to hold you."
Confused even more at this point, I have to ask" How do you know me?" He looks down for a long while as I hear the door start to creak open once more and says "That is for the council to tell you my dear." Leaving me with more questions as the woman at the door beckons us to follow her. Lifting me off my feet and carrying me the man follows the woman out the door.