Chereads / destiny were you take me / Chapter 221 - forcible jerk

Chapter 221 - forcible jerk

Me: humm

He: humm think as much you want to make reason

Me: a

He: a fast please or else

Me: ...

He: a-

Me: yes (as i push him and start run back far from him. while covering my mouth)

Jk: so its surprise time.

He: huh told me

Jk: (while strping back) you cant remember anything between you cause first nothing happened between you and you cant remember cause she punch you to make you fainted.. As he run

He: WHAT! And your telling me this NOW! You... Wait she run here.. I should follow her..

Kai: here... Ah.. What is this noise at this night! Cant i sleep pacefully once!

He get near to door and as open..

Suddenly he get pushed back into room.

Me: am sorry! (while running)

He again come out to see who.. Suddenly his foot get stomped by jerk.

He: agh... My feet.. You!

He turn to get back into room as he bumped on somthing.

Jk: (agh... Am sorry!) did you know were they both are?

He: there they run..

Jk: oh thanks! Gays wait...

He: what the hell is happening here at this late night

I even cant sleep again they broke my sleep! What this girl did now?

Agh.. Whatever.. I am going to sleep more. Ah my feet now also paining..


Me:(while running) am sorry JERK! For punch but mistake was yours...

He: let me just got you!(while running)

Jk: wait gays.. Where are you?

Yah there..


Me: yah i already said sorry dont follow me na!

He: yah then stop i am also tired.

Me: no! I dont want just stop following me!

Jk: yah you both-

We are again running

(whole palace get wakeup by sounds..)


Finally he caught me! In garden and pin me to the piller. (were we both are breathing heavily)

Me: (while looking down) am sorry!

He:yah you! (as he start rising his hand.. (i think this dude gonna punch me) i close my eyes ready to fill pain but wait i didnt fill pain on cheek as i open my eyes. And foynd him starring at my scared face.

Me: a-ah-

He:(while putting finger on my lips) shh! As he cupped my face (wait did this dude done prevertness instade of punch on me. Instead of his prevertness i rather love to eat his punch.

I am in my thoughts suddenly i fill

He's caressing my cheeks with his thumbs.. While cupping my face.

He: how small your face is(What!

Is that compliment or a joke)

Me: ha ha ha(fake laughing) really? I donrlt know about that. Now can i go! (as i said i start moving. And ehile bending down from his hands. I am gonna leave but he again get me between his arms by putting hand front of me down i look at him in disbelief and gonna move from up but he again caught me by putting hand upside front of me)

He:(with glare) did i say you to leave.

Me:(wispering under my breath) who the hell are you that i need to take your permission)

He: Your JERK! (as he said that he pull my ear (like mothers our did.. Or you can say that i grab his and starts squishing)

Me: ah.. Ah.. Leave it its paining.

He:(with the help of his other hand start pulling me close

He: want i let you go ear

Me:(while nodding my head in yes) yes!

He: then lets go i want to talk with you!

Me:(never talk to peoples who said lets talk. Its my rule)

Me: no! Talk here what you want.

(why the hell his eyes burning in anger now)

He: i said lets talk then lets go!

Me: talk here or stop it!

He:(while pushing me again towards piller and pinning me to the wall. Start stared into my eyes were pur forheads attach with each other were his hands now cupped my face (yah forcefully) and were our lips are just inches a part to each other. As he start leaving his body pressure on me... I try to move and try to remove his hands from my cheeks cause i dont like get forced. But his muscular hands are so strong.. I start hitting his chest but it seems like he didnt give any response like much punchs and my hitting his chest is just joke for him. (my eyes get teary i really dont like to get forced why this dude behaving like this.) (with his thumbs he start wiping my tears from eyes. Were his thmbs are even enough to reach to my forhead to move side here.. His hands are big and strong enough..when his thumbs start wiping my tears i start moving my face cause i dont want his this side as it make him more angry. And tighten grip on cheeks.

Me:(i even cant talk..his grip is so tight,)

He: dont cry (still i am crying in his grip. )


Me: (while gaining my energy) ITS NOT IN MY HANDS! LEAVE ME!

He: (while leaving more body pressure on me) NO! You want to talk here then fine..