"I love you Mistress!" Ash cried, grabbing me around the waist. I jerked a little, but laid a hand in Ash's soft tresses. Honestly, I would pet Ash like a dog if they'd be willing. This hair was so silky! I ran my fingers through it. Ash shivered. "That feels nice for me too." Ash said.
"Snakes like to be pet?" Zeev scoffed, dropping over the back of the couch to sit beside me.
"Dragon." Ash growled. "And besides, I'm an Incubus, we CRAVE touch." Ah, suddenly it all made sense.
"Do you wanna watch a movie with us Ash? Zeev and I need to stay together for a while so that our soul can heal. This is kind of our thing." I leaned against Zeev's shoulder and could almost feel the burst of happiness from him. Ash looked at me adoringly and scrambled onto the couch next to me. As turned on the TV, I reached out and took Ash's hand, drawing it into my lap. I could feel Ash sneak a peek at me, and then settle closer to me on the couch. The threads that bound the three of us together tightened. They were starting to feel like steel cables in this moment, at this time, we were a cohesive whole. One unit. I sighed and laid my head on Zeev's shoulder, tucking my feet up on the couch beside me. The movement pulled Ash over a little as well until Ash was leaning on me. Ash looked at me with worry, but I merely patted my side and Ash sprawled out, laying their head on my ribs. I felt Zeev sigh and I giggled, wrapping my arms around his waist.
"Don't be jealous." I teased. As I was watching the current movie, I realized I could still feel the burning spot in my lower abdomen. Had it lasted longer than normal?
Zeev POV
Once Harlee fell asleep, Ash spoke.
"I heard a rumor.." Ash said softly.
"Oh?" I responded.
"Apparently, you've pissed off some pretty big people, and they've been holding back on attacking you."
"Yeah." I sighed.
"Well.." Ash grimaced "I'm afraid that they may not be so willing to keep waiting now that I'm Bound to Harlee and she's accepted me. It will start to look like.."
"She's amassing an army." I finished for Ash. Ash grimaced.
"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking beyond my own personal revenge and selfish desires. Now I've put the very person I care for most in danger." Ash apologized.
"Well, at least we've got you to fight with us now. You're a formidable foe. You'll make one Hell of an Ally." I stated. Ash grinned.
"Why bird brain, that almost sounded like a compliment!" Ash responded and I scoffed.
Harlee POV
I yawned. I was still tired at work the next morning. Somehow the breakroom looked spotless. But there was one other thing. The burning in my abdomen-it was still there.
"Earth to Harlee!" Josh called. I blinked.
"Sorry." I looked at him expectantly. "Well, what?"
"I said-are you done with these returns?" Josh rolled his eyes.
"Uh yeah. They're ready for the back." I waved a hand.
"Um Harlee.. I noticed your soul is looking better." Josh offered, rubbing the back of his head. I tossed a pencil at him.
"Soul peeper." I remarked.
"Does that mean you and Zeev made up? I mean it'd almost have to-that's a bit of him clinging to you isn't it? I can't tell, I don't recognize the Demon, but it resembles Zeev." Josh squinted at me, rubbing his head again. I threw a bottle of water at him this time.
"Get out of here your peeping tom!" I yelled. He fled with the box of returns in his hands. I placed a hand on my midriff. What?
'Zeev-' I called in my mind
"I'm already here." He said softly and I turned to him swiftly.
"Is it? It's too early to say yet, right? I mean there's no guarantees.." Just when I was saying wait! Zeev looked at my waist.
"We'll know for sure in a few days, a week tops." Zeev replied softly. "Do you want me to try to remove it?"
"No, I.. no." I answered. The burning spot inside me-it could be a... Zeev ran his knuckles under my eyes.
"Harlee, you're crying." He whispered. I thunked my forehead against his chest.
Zeev POV
I stayed with Harlee until I knew she was going to be ok. She waved me off saying Josh was there so she'd be fine. She had a point, the young Mage was becoming a terrific sorcerer. I did need to clue him in on our little problem though.
Waiting for Harlee's shift to end the rest of the morning was excruciating. I was a nervous wreck. Was it really possible? Was she pregnant? She wasn't too sure herself how to feel, but I think she was happy about it.. Should I be? Could I be? I was in the middle of supper preparations, so I sent Ash for her. When she returned she ran happily into the kitchen.
"It's still there Zeev!" She cried and placed my hand on her stomach. I allowed myself to smile for her and she gripped me around the waist.
"I'm so hungry, and tired. It smells so good! What are you cooking?" Harlee babbled excitedly and I chuckled. Ash took a seat at the counter.
"It's eggplant parmesan. You have time to shower before it's done." I told her, ruffling her hair. She shoved my hand off her head and huffed but called a happy 'ok' before racing to the shower.
"There should always be one of us with her now." Ash stated.
"Yes." I answered and turned back to the sink to rinse and shred the lettuce for the salad.
Harlee POV
I ate until I was stuffed and promptly fell asleep at the counter. Somebody carried me to bed. I think it was Ash, because their fingers were cool, and the gentle kiss on my forehead wasn't quite like Zeev's, but I was so out of it I didn't even pay attention well enough to catch a scent. When I woke up the next morning Zeev was curled around me and Ash was at the foot of the bed. legs dangling off the edge, arms under their head. Neither of them was asleep, but I had the impression they had just been talking and had stopped because they heard me wake up.
"Uhm, good morning? Why do I feel like an intruder in my own bed?" I asked and Zeev laughed a loud, full, laugh. He kissed my temple. Suddenly I bolted up-the little spark was it still there? The hot spot in my abdomen pulsed. "Uhn, that feels weird." I commented.
"Still there." Ash remarked with boredom.
"Thanks Uncle Obvious." I snorted. "Oh wait-is that gender offensive? How do you want to be addressed?" Ash looked at me with eyes shining.
"You're gonna let me be the kid's uncle or aunt?" Ash asked.
"Or whatever you wanna be called, yeah. Is there a gender neutral term?" I asked, making a mental note to look that up. Ash rolled over on their hands and knees quickly.
"Aunt, uncle, cousin, Ash, I don't care what the kid calls me." Ash replied happily. "I can't believe you're gonna include me."
"Of course I am-you're family, we've gotta call you something, since you're gonna be around the rest of my life." I laughed. Ash placed a hand on either side of my stomach.
"Did you hear that kid? She said I was family!?" Ash looked at me like the sun and moon rose at my command. I ruffled Ash's luxurious hair.
"Calm down you creep-there's no saying this even works. It's lasted the longest, but that doesn't meant anything." I laid back against Zeev.
"Oh it'll work. It'll definitely work. I'm an Incubus, I know these things." Ash sniffed and I laughed.
"Ok smarty pants." I giggled. Zeev ran his fingers over my shoulder.
"Whose shift is it today again?" He asked Ash pointedly.
"I don't go in 'til this afternoon!" I crowed. Ash growled and pounced me.