The trio brace themselves as the phenomenon approaches. An eerie, curdling sound grows from one to many as the halls ring with a boisterous enchantment. An ungodly chill breezes past the warriors. The unsettling coolness rattles them a bit.
"Guys, we can't stay here…c'mon! Get up!" Kerelia shouts.
Fear seems to counter her courage as she can feel evil drawing near.
However, the others are too tired to move as the door disappears. Was this a mirage of some sort? Perhaps it's the legendary home of the Phalanx warriors? Perplexed and exhausted, the three drudge along. This made for a difficult journey. The ground was thick and murky like that of a dense, quaggy swamp. It reeked of death and despair as the sounds drew ever closer.
"I-I can't move…" Deigus confesses as he falls back to the ground unconscious.
Kerelia staggers and collapses upon the dampened grounds.
Tredot looks on and crosses the threshold only to slump helplessly amongst the others.
The door vanished as he splashed face first to the marshy floor.
He looks up and is dragged by some mystic beast known as Credlin.
A horrific, foul smell filled the air as if rotten corpses adorned its grotesque silhouette.
The hollowed feeling of despair and imminent doom was inescapable. Tredot blinked once more to see that the scale of this beast was mind boggling.
What was the purpose of this beast? Why did it intercept and suppress their journey?
"Ceilsta, prepare the chamber. Looks like we have some guests for dinner." Neadintus devilishly orders.
Well, I guess that answers that question…
The amalgamation consists, primarily, of five entities:
Ceilsta, the daring.
Redingza, the wise.
Edlixus, the might.
Libequin, the mage.
Neadintus, the ruler.
Each beast possesses some sort of ability that affects their landscape, range, attacks and defenses.
Ceilsta has the ability to separate from her position. Her long arm-like appendages extend outward like a lure to attract prey. The fine hairs, along its disfigured arms, react to the slightest vibrations. She can sense how close or distant a foolish predator is based on changes in the atmosphere around her. Additionally, attacking from various ranges gains the jointed beast tactical advantages. Redingza has the ability to survey battle formations, an enemies' attack strategy, amount of magic capabilities, amount of energy exhausted and probability of victory.
Edlixus (Eh-da-licks-Uhs) mixes fighting prowess with brute strength and a pugilist mentality: strike, strike and strike again.
Libequin (la-ibbi-kin) repurposes the energy particles from their battles. She can use her technique only twice per battle as her "body" grows until the limit is reached. Like a balloon, she can "burst" and expel toxic plumes that weaken the hideous monster, if she absorbs too much too quickly.
Neadintus gives the commands. He is the core and head of this monstrosity. His head is like a holographic image but materializes when the core is stricken. His actual being resides inside the core. Known as the "Dark Charmer". His commands supersedes the others amongst its body. They are similar to puppets.
"This is eerily familiar…"
The ground creaks and pops from the sheer mass of this being. A very dense energy encompasses its form. The sky lowers around it. Clouds bring with it energy that illuminates the creature below with flashes of light.
Deigus looks up and recognizes the stench before him.
"Y-you…again. What is your purpose, beast?"
He questioned. Still weakened but able to withstand the pain.
The Credlin looks on. Intrigued with his strength, the foul beast raises its limb. Pointing.
The small sphere that transported them to these realms appears. Zipping to and fro until it stops just before Deigus. The Credlin looks on as it gauges it's next move. The craft seems to be empty. Just a strange empty shape of pure energy. The Credlin seems a bit leery of its presence and begins to attack. The craft raises from its station and zips around the behemoth. The beast swats and flails to no avail.
Energy particles form a faint barrier around the beast. The craft swirls around and vanishes. In an instant, a flash of light cracks and poofs. The residue of a thick mist falls effortlessly to the floor. The moisture subdues all movements. Deigus is temporarily immobilized as his body begins to dissipate. The craft reappears. With a violent shake, Deigus disappears. The CREDLIN can only watch as its movements are temporarily halted. The craft twists and twirls about the area and disappears once more.
"Argggh…wa-wait…don't leave us he-"
Tredot and Kerelia are unconscious as a soft beam of light collects them from the dungeon. Their bodies slowly evaporate into a fine mist as they ascend towards the light.
This beam of energy is like that of sunlight on a sunny day. As welcoming, too. The pair can feel the warmth of the mysterious energy intrude upon them. Their bodies illuminate faintly in the afterglow.
Burdened with the rigors of war, they are left to clear their minds and rest a bit.
The flight is short lived as they reach their destination within moments. Beyond this area is a small dark cavern just south of the hunting grounds where the feral creatures roam.
Rejuvenated once more, they slowly rise from the crafts' interior. Their crests are full and bright.
"What, what just happened?" Kerelia asks.
"It's like nothing I've ever seen…a window into another…world?" Tredot analyzes.
The crafts' interior is like a velvety plush rug. Filled with intricacies unknown to its passengers. Monitors and devices adorn it with faint sounds of mechanical noises. The craft comes to a halt and hovers, quietly, above the chambered grounds.
Below is a familiar area. One they traversed before.
"I think we better get prepared to fight."
Deigus adds calmly.
"Why do you say that? We seem to be in no immediate danger." Tredot inquires.
"There…just before the clearing." Kerelia points.
"Is that the?!"
A large glow can be seen in the distance. Some phenomenon likened to that of planet Idi's atmosphere. A brilliant display of light highlights the skies and disappears abruptly. The sounds of growls and moans can be heard in the distance.
The fields that surround them are dampened with moss and dew. Preemptively, they set out. Hoping to gain some tactical advantage while the noise grows. Emboldened, they carry on, through the marshy grounds to complete their quest.
"We cannot go forward.
Not without that sword…" Kerelia realizes.
"There's no way to reach that thing without being devoured or trampled to death. There has to be another way."
Kerelia ponders a bit and surveys the scene.
Before her lies a beaten muddy path.
There's a source of energy that glows when a beast tries to traverse it. A barrier of some sort but for how long?
The group prepare for conflict once more.
"We have no upgraded armaments. No directions. No knowledge of our surroundings. No nothing! How in Spira's name can we hope to complete this quest?"
Deigus inquires.
"A half-days moon, I'd wager." Tredot chimes in.
"Half-day, you say? What good is that bet when we can't collect due to our own DEATHS?!" Deigus adds jokingly.
"Regardless of our intentions, we cannot change our destinies. Our fates lie before us." Kerelia adds.
"Therefore…we go forward."
"Wait. I DO have some interesting finds. Not sure what they all do but was hoping to see them in action!"
"Tredot? What is it?" Deigus asks.
Tredot pulls out a silver sack that has several armaments. Each with alien scriptures upon them.
"Here. Take this one, Kerelia." Tredot hands her a flattened disk that seems to do nothing. It's several links long and wide with no true weight. "Not exactly sure what it does. According to a merchant, it's supposed to support weaponry."
Kerelia accepts the strange contraption. Rubbing alongside its exterior, a faint message appears.
"Wait? Are those instructions?"
The words sway and glitter like starlight. They seem to rise above their station and become entrenched into her fingertips.
"H-hey!!" Kerelia wails.
The energy displays a brilliant blue aura that encompasses her body from foot to head. Chambers grow and open and close about her new armor. The sounds of mechanical components pop and click about her as the armor bores into her body.
"ArghhhhhhhhhhhhhHhHhhh!" She screams.
The agony she endures is rough as she tumbles upon the ground. Writhing in intense pain, she rocks to and fro until she collapses into a deep coma.
Within this coma, she encounters her origins. A short reprieve to her many endeavors to this point. In her subconscious lies an old village and other sentient beings, like herself. The chiming of miners in the distance hums ever so softly in her translucent dream. She can feel the everglow of the morning sun on her planet…the silence of the Never Trees as they hush in the breeze of a lazy day.
"Kerelia!" The sound is soft and muffled. Muted, as if to be intentional, she can only focus on her visions.
A strange figure appears before her as she cowers.
"Kerelia!" The sound grows a bit louder but audibly distorted as if under water. She can feel something grasps her arms…
Now, her legs…
This time she can hear the scream as the horror awakens her.
"Your armor! Your armor!" Tredot looks on in amazement.
The armor adapts to the entity it inhabits. A sort of nanotechnology that reacts to her every movement. Blood seeps from the entry points and begins to flow around her.
The blood travels through magical lines that traverse around her head to her feet.
The pain is overwhelming and makes her want to pass out again but she slowly begins to weather it.
The armor pops and oozes along her body seamlessly. Veiled-like armor known as the Zeideain (zay-day-in)is a class of armor that can merge with its host to strengthen crest attacks. It isn't top of the line but has the unique ability to cloak. It can also fire ballistic missiles of different masses from different angles and ports about the armor. It has the ability to absorb energy particles which strengthen future attacks. It can heal the user five times per battle. Can temporarily mimic spells and aura-based abilities. Can use the power of flight manipulation. Can manifest energy sages known as Meimen. These sages protect the armor bearer when entering synergy fields and conjuring energy sources. The Meimen are voiceless beings that can be used as pawns with the Zeideain armor.
"Blood shield, my grace?"
A strange mechanical voice inquires.
"For the blood that surrounds you.
A blood shield, my grace?"
"Uh, sure."
The blood swirls and hardens. It is form-fitted for her forearms. Like gauntlets, they cover her forearms.
"When battle ensues, raise your arm to form a shield.
Or raise both to make a larger shield.
The shield is strengthened by your will to fight."
Intrigued with this new weapon. Kereila gathers herself and extends her arms.