haruna:(I was now just waiting to get hit on for the first time in my life.)
[she looks on the side of her seeing 2 boys looking at a famous girl.]
boy 1:check it out! that girls so famous now!
yoh:is that right?
haruna:(well,of course. anyone that yoh says will be popular...will no doubt be a success! you really know what guys look for in a girl! I wonder what kind of person he is...)
[suddenly she twisted he ankles in her high heels]
[yoh turns around sees her on the floor and spots her heel picks it up and walks over and hands it to her]
haruna:wow...ur hot...
haruna:*nervous* oops! sorry! thanks you very much for picking up my shoe!!*runs as fast as she can home*
[yoh sits there watching her run in confusion]
haruna:*running still* I'll have to try again...i wonder what I'm doing wrong?being attractive is hard..
*the next day*
[at school she tells her friend that she didn't get hit on.]
haruna:mami! it didn't work!
to be continued.....