Chereads / Dumped** / Chapter 8 - Sadness, Not Regret.

Chapter 8 - Sadness, Not Regret.

Fun fact about dimension traveling. It doesn't always take you to the place you want to be. Did I spawn in japan? No… I glided there from fucking space, not exactly as close to the ground as I would be comfortable being. Putting it simply I gained quite a lot of resistance to heat while burning through the atmosphere.

I don't know if it was luck or I was guided by the system but I fell in the right city. If somebody said that the my system comes with a homing add-on I wouldn't deny it. The problem still remained though. I had to find him before he activated his ability and could defend himself. The answer was a simple one.

'I don't like it… but I'll have to do it. I couldn't take any chances with this ability.'

As I said that I consumed a few people in the allies and got the general idea of the city. The hospital was half a kilometer southwest of me. As I considered all my options I decided this was the worst one… but also the most probable to succeed.

Eiji entered the room that his sister was being treated in. Even though I use 'treated' it wasn't as if she could be saved.

Eiji: Sena, how are you feeling today?

Sena: "You don't need to worry about me Oni-chan."

Eiji: "What are you talking about? If I don't worry about you, who would I even worry about."

Sena: "You look tired oni-chan, are you okay?"

Eiji: "Yeah, just doing some late night study."

Sena: "Is school fun?"

Eiji: "I guess, it is somewhat fun."

As he was speaking he slowly laid his head on the bed.

Sena: "You should rest if you are tired."

Eiji: "It's okay, let me read you a few stories so you can sleep better."

Sena: "Mooo… Oni-chan, I'm not a little girl anymore." – Sena said pouting.

Eiji: "To me you will always be little." – Eiji said laughing a little.

And so the conversation continued until it got late.

Eiji: "Huh… it's gotten so late, I guess I should go now. The nurse hasn't come either. Sena wait here a little for me okay?" – he said as he walked to the door.

Sena: "Oni-chan!!!"

Eiji: "What?!"

Sena: "Can you give me a hug before you go?"

Eiji: "Do you even need to ask? Of course I'll give you plenty of hugs."

Slowly Eiji sat on the bed. He then hugged Sena tightly, with her throwing her arms around his neck.

Sena: "Can we stay like this for a while?"

Eiji: "Sure."

'I really didn't want to do it like this.' – I thought very depressed for what I had and was about to do.

All of a sudden a loud crack was heard.

After a few moments Eiji could be seen walking outside the room, heading towards the exit. The door of the room remained open and the former patient long since gone.

Walking down the road, i had changed my outer appearance a few time to throw off any trail I might have had and turning back to my real appearance. My thoughts were still lingering on my earlier actions.

In every movie the loved one are the weak point of the protagonist. I made use of that weakness… did I gain power? Yes, did I feel happy? Not at all. Would I do it again? …Yes. As much as I hated to think about doing it again… I would.

All of a sudden Daisy appeared in front of me.

Daisy: "Well, well, didn't you make quite the mess." – she said looking at me with a blank face.

I returned the same face to her.

Zero: "Hello fairy, are you here to criticize me?"

Daisy: "By the look in your face you seem to be doing just fine on your own."

Zero: "…"

Daisy: "Oh… don't be like that? I just came here to give you a little advice."

Zero: "And what might that be?" – her face turned stone cold.

Daisy: "Disappear from this world before I decide that I should do it personally."

'Did she have a thing for Eiji? She can't interfere with this world as far as I know but I wouldn't want to test her personally. I don't know much except that she can see the future. She might evens see a way to kill me for good or which of her attacks are effective or If any can kill me with one shot.'

'While there are still some abilities that I would like to collect I don't think she will be standing on the sidelines watching.'

Daisy: "I'm only letting you go because I enjoyed your little show. Should you have tried it on another person I would have been thrilled to let you stay here longer… bu you chose the wrong family this time. Eiji was one whom I granted a wish personally, not to mention he was supposed to my entertainment. Now that he is gone I'll have to wait for the other round of wish granting."

Zero: "And you are telling me this, why exactly?"

Daisy: "Well I can't tell it to Eiji now can I?"

Zero: "You must be really bored to talk to someone like me."

Daisy: "You are the first monster i has seen." – she said turning her head towards me smiling lightly.

Zero: "If you want monsters just look around you. There are more than enough"

Zero: "I am a simple villain. Everything I do is to gain enjoyment out of it." – that's a lie, I simply do it to get power. But little Daisy doesn't need to know that.

Daisy: "Does that mean I am a villain too?"

Zero: "No… you are worse. You are the person who just stands there an watches."

As I finished talking I walked away from Daisy, leaving her standing alone and disappearing shortly after in small light particles.

'I should get out of this world as soon as possible. System how much is the random transportation?'

System: "Just 1 point. It's up to luck where you end up."

Slowly I started disappearing from this world.

'I am sorry… but even if I went back in time I would still do it.'