What's up What you doing today? No plans why what's up. Want hang out. Sure. what time? When ever you can get over here. Wait what's the plan? What you mean? What do you want to do I'm not just going be sitting around doing nothing. you said hang out meaning we need to be doing something. Ok well I didn't really have no plans. I just figured you could just come over and we play it by ear. Okay so next time just ask me if I want to chill at your house. I swear you playing with words to much. well I plan on going swimming in a little while if you want to join me you can. na I'm good. I'm not in the mood to swim. Well if you come up with something. let me know. alright later bye . I will never understand why people think you want get dress to go out. And go sit in their place instead of chilling in your own spot. Now im not against hanging out. I feel the same way about hanging out that I do about the phone. Have something to say or at least a topic that you my want talk about. Why should I hold on the phone with you now course their exceptions to this. Just calling me to ask me a thousand time what I'm doing. No why. I don't care if you reminisce about old stuff you know talk about something. everybody got their pet peeves and that's one of mine.