Chereads / Through The Pages / Chapter 2 - Annoying Day

Chapter 2 - Annoying Day

Loud music, excessive dancing, and nonstop drinking, that's what my friends are already doing. I wasn't in the mood to go all out tonight since I'm the one who insisted to drive them home after their craziness.

"What are you doing here by yourself?" a guy asked me, he was presentable and looked sexy with his buttons down. When I looked at the floor and saw his shoes I rolled my eyes, a Santoni.

I forcefully showed him my sweet smile, "Just watching out for my friends."

He shamelessly sat down next to me and introduced himself so I had to do the same. He's an engineer student, same university but I don't see him often. Probably because he's from a different department or I rarely pay attention around my surroundings. He's smooth and can easily talk to any woman he wants but I ain't any woman.

"Hey," I cut him off and carried my bag, "I have to go to the comfort room."

"Alright, I'll wait for you here."

I smiled awkwardly before leaving him, I want to punch the walls due to frustration. How can I make him go away? I'm not good at dealing with men. I heard someone chuckle behind me.

"Why are you chuckling?" I asked, irritated.

"You're like a mouse hiding from a cat," he comes close and peeped on what I was peeping on, my reflexes quickly told me to move away but couldn't. I smelled this scent before from the library, mixed chemicals. "Do you want me to help you and make him leave?"

"And why would you help me out?" I squinted my eyes.

I don't know why but he laughed, "Well, if you don't want it, it's fine. Good luck dealing with him."

He was about to leave but I pulled his sleeve, "What plan do you have in mind?"

He showed an amused smile and held my hand, I was about to yell for help but he pulled me back to our table. The guy I just met looked confused when he saw our intertwined fingers, "Sorry, I didn't know you have a boyfriend."

"And that is how you do it," he lets go and smiled smugly.

I bit my lip while thinking if I should say it or not but said it anyway, "Thanks."

He saw someone behind me and made his way to stop him, "Kairo, you're leaving already? It's a Friday night."

It's the guy I saw at the library, his bored eyes happened to meet mine which made me turn away. They were close so I heard what he said, "I've had enough." and he left.

The guy who helped me scratched his head and walked closer to me, "I don't do things for free. Here," he held my hand and placed a card on my palm, "Send me a message tomorrow morning, or else."

I rolled my eyes when he finally left after winking at me. I wasn't threatened at all with his last remark. I crumpled the card and threw it somewhere.

"You're such a party pooper, Gayle!" Cloede, already in her drunk state, tried her best to stand straight but couldn't.

Kenichi dropped her knees on the floor and rested her head on the couch. Cloede laughed at her but did the exact same thing after a moment. The last woman standing is Hestia, I could tell that she's a bit tipsy. Although, she's still on her right mind knowing her high tolerance when drinking alcohol.

I looked around, "Where's Sierra?"

"You know her," she shrugged, "Probably doing kahoots with some random guy inside a car."

Disappointed but not surprised. I just wish that she won't have sexual intercourse with an old dude on the way. "Let's head home, drunkards."

My weekends have been peaceful, I have finished the book I was reading and finally I can give it back to the library. When I decided to let my alarm ring and wake me from my wonderful dream, it's four in the morning, Kenichi was already up.

"'Sup, cuz?" It was obvious that she's reading but I want to annoy her once in a while like how she does it every morning when she wakes me up. She just glared at me and rolled her eyes, I chuckled and opened the fridge to get water. I decided to get up early to refresh my mind and read the lessons I didn't focus on. My professors aren't easy to pick on and may kick me out from their classes if I don't have a single clue when they ask me a question. Surprise recitation is their favorite way of torturing students who don't like studying.

It was already eight in the morning when I finally took a bath. Ripped jeans, oversized shirt, and sneakers, my usual outfit and I'm good to go. My cousin Kenichi is probably at the campus already and didn't even bother to ask me if I'd like to ride in her car. It doesn't matter anyway since I ain't gonna be late for my first class today.

Quiet surroundings, students not paying attention, and no one looking, that's what I always experience when entering the campus but today... it felt different. Random students were looking at me and will casually talk to the closest person next to them like they were talking about me.

Cloede seemed nervous when she saw me and quickly made her way to pull me away from the crowd, "Someone's looking for you! He broadcasted that he's looking for a girl in our department."

"What? How do people know that it's me?"

"Who in the world is Gayle Rueco, architect student, 17-year-old, has long black wavy hair, looks good in jeans and a shirt?

I feel momentarily paralyzed while thinking about the people I encountered last night who would look for me, I crossed my arms when I remembered someone. "Why do you act like its a big deal?"

"Because it's a big deal!" she snaps, "The guy who's looking for you is no other than Vanisse Coleman! The journalism club member, debate society member, and legal management student. Remember?"

I shook my head, keeping my lips in a thin line. "Nope, never heard of him."

"You don't even pay attention when the other girls are talking about boys." she snorted, "Well, enough about that, he's looking for you. It's a big deal since most girls have feelings for him."

"And why do I have to care?" I asked.

"Oh, Gayle! You ingenuous brat!" she says irritably and pulled me while walking. I was still confused but I'm more concerned with how people look at us with evil eyes. What's their problem?

"Found you!" someone yelled and garnered all the attention. When I saw who it was, my eyes widened and it felt like the best option is to run. He walked closer and whispered, "I told you so."

"Jerk," I mumbled, "What do you want?"

"A date." he said casually.

"A what?"

"A date." he repeats, "Don't worry, I'll pay even if you're the one in debt here."

Speechless, that's what I have become after listening to him. Now, I can finally say that I experienced an annoying day!