Deaderthandead's Blog
Post #12: Zombies Get a Bad Rep.
Comments: 236 Likes: 621
Nasty, goey, vomit inducing organ, let me tell you. I have it on good authority that no self respecting zombie would ever dream of taking a bite of that fetid grey matter. Eeeewwww.
Also, while I'm on the subject of brains; or a lack of thereof, let it be noted that no zombie with an iota of sense would stagger around like a half-witted fish struggling to take its last breath moaning the word "braaaiins"
I mean, c'mon...really Hollywood? Is that the best you could come up with? And what's with the rotting flesh and black teeth? It's as ridiculous as Edward Cullen glittering in the sunlight.
Hollywood has really given zombies a bad rep.