Still, the little beauty remained unmoving, just like the snow-white, but in her case, she still hadn't woken up even after her prince had kissed her twice.
Still, Tianlong Yun didn't seem to mind it much, as he kept planting kisses on her cherry lips, and enjoying her drool, and sweet saliva.
Her lips were really fresh and soft, as he felt like he was kissing the skin of a newborn baby. The more he kissed her the more he wanted to keep kissing her.
And that was what he did, he kept kissing her for more than 10 minutes before he suddenly said,
"Will you still pretend to be asleep, or will you kiss me back!?"
The truth was that she had awakened the moment her prince had kissed her for the first time, she had been so immersed in that kiss, that she thought that most probably she was dreaming.
But this was a dream she didn't want to wake up from, so she tried her best to close her eyes and keep dreaming until she couldn't bear it anymore.