"But, I remember you said that there's no beginning in life." Huo Ling reminded Yi Bing. "Don't you dare deny it! It's on chapter 4. You said, 'Because in reincarnation, there's only the before, present and after. There's never the beginning nor the end.'!" He pointed at Yi Bing. Yi Bing gave him a look full of pity. "W-what's with that look?!" he asked.
Yi Bing kindly pointed it out to him. "This is your first life. You still haven't reincarnated to your second life yet." He said. "Your cycle hasn't yet started." He added.
"I know that!" Huo Ling said. "If this is my first life, then isn't this the beginning of my cycle?"
Yi Bing patiently explained to him. "Do you know where did the circle begin?" he said. "You have forgotten that your memory will be erased before you start another life." He reminded him.
"Ah." Huo Ling froze.