Yi Bing suddenly turned his head and looked outside the window. He can only see the blue sky and the sea of clouds. "What's wrong?" he heard Hai Ba asked.
Yi Bing turned back. "It's nothing." He answered. "How long will fixing my wristwatch take?" he asked. Earlier, his wristwatch was scratched by the Soul Eater zombie. Thus, its battery malfunctioned.
"It's time and space function malfunctioned, thus I had to fix it, too." Sha Jiu said. "The time and space are already unstable. Our device serves as our protection. Fortunately for you, you safely returned here. Else, who knows where will you reach?" he said as he resumed fixing his watch.
"Please finish it as soon as possible." Yi Bing said and left before Sha Jiu could answer.
Sha Jiu frowned, but nonetheless continued his job. "What's he so hurried for?" he asked.
"I heard from San Di that Yi Bing's current assignment is… too unique." Hai Ba said. "He said he's Yi Bing's boyfriend." He added.