"Can you look at that? What do you see?" Zoe pointed at the formed cloud to Koby.
Was she just imagining things? Why would she distinguish Raigon in the old buttermilk sky?
He was not even courting her or confessing that he likes her. Her cheeks reddened. She suddenly thought of their lips almost meeting each other passionately.
"It looked like a prince statue to me."
Koby figured as he rubbed his chin and crossed his arms.
'Woah, so if truth be told, my eyes are not playing tricks on me.' Zoe muttered to herself.
She peered in wonder again at the figure of Raigon, inviting her to come with him.
The cloud was standing still on the Ball's Pyramid, which she could view from their spot.
The other clouds were moving except that one.
'Is he like the god of that island?'
Zoe's eyes widened at the realization.
'Can he be part of that legendary city over there?'