Chereads / The Lego Monster / Chapter 3 - The Killer

Chapter 3 - The Killer

The night was dark. The moon had waned into non-existence. I step out my bedroom window and started to grow. I grew taller and my strides grew longer as my legs carried down the road and through the town. The footsteps were heavy and the houses flew by at speeds I could never reach. My breathing sounded labored and hot. I continued to run without looking down and ended up at a house I wasn't familiar with. It was a run down little house. The shingles looked to be old and very worn down. I felt sadness run over me, then determination. The thought that went through my head was, "I dont care if they are poor. He will pay for hurting my creator."

As the thought drifted through, I started to shrink. I got small enough to squeeze through the open window and into a bedroom. The bedroom was quite plain. There were no toys or television, just a bed and a lamp on a bedside table. Across the room was a closet. I crossed over to look inside and what I saw made my heart ache and my stomach twist at the same time.

Within the closet were clothes, the same clothes that one of my bully's wear. But what made my heart ache was that, there were only five pairs of shirts and two pairs of jeans hanging in the closet. Thats why he always wears the same clothes to school. I thought it was just a fashion choice. I walked over to the bed and stared at my bully. A lot of thoughts and feelings were going through my head. "What am I doing here? Why am I standing over him? Why does he live like this?" As these thoughts flashed through my mind, I bent over and bit his head off.

I woke up screaming. I didnt know what had just happened but it definitely wasn't right. My mom comes running into my room asking if I was OK. I look at her and say, "I just killed someone." I started balling my eyes out because I should not have been capable of doing something like that but it had happened in my dream. My mom kept trying to reassure me that it was just a dream. " You didn't kill anyone. I promise you, you didn't. Who was in your dream though?" she asked with curiousity.

"AJ. One of the bullys at school."

"Oh. Well...maybe it was a dream about you being fed up with being bullied at school. Even if it were wishful thinking, which I hope it isn't, you aren't capable of doing that. How did he die?"

"I bit his head off." I said through my tears.

"Oh sweetheart, thats not even possible. So I know you didn't do it. Were you, you? As in were you in your own body or something else's? "

"It felt like I was a dinosaur." I peered past my mom searching for my T-Rex. "I felt like the T-Rex."

"Well maybe you need to stop playing with dinosaurs for a while? Try and get some sleep you have school in the morning and you don't need to be tired two days in a row." Mom kissed me on the forehead and left the room.

I laid in bed, staring at the ceiling wondering why I would dream such a thing. Then I heard a clicking noise. As if legos were putting themselves together. I looked over my bed and my dinosaur had fallen over. I got out of bed to go fix my T-Rex and realized that the dinosaur had red teeth. I dont remember giving him red teeth so I left them alone. I crawled back in bed and attempted to fall asleep. When I did, I had no dream, just darkness.

The next day, the school was a buzz with panic. Word had slipped that AJ was dead, and that Tom, the other bully, was dead as well. Both heads were bit off and their bodies in the bed. The news scared me a lot; for that was what I had dreamt. My expression of paranoia blended in with the rest of the crowd. Nobody liked the idea that they could be next. Rumors had started spreading about parents going nuts and killing their kids and how poor people would be the first to go. I tried to ignore a good bit of it but it was hard to when everyone was talking about it. Brad and Ben, the last two bullies, were called to the councelors office to try to help them. Everyone else was shuffled to class to try to stop the rumors and get back on schedule. During the day, the principal came over the intercom and asked for a moment of silence. Though I dont wish death or hell on anyone, I did not give them respect by bowing my head. No one noticed because everyones eyes were closed and heads bowed. When the silence was over, the principal announced the burials will happen this Saturday if anyone wished to show. I couldn't help to think, "Nope, not going go."

When someone bullies you for a long enough time you start to grow tired of them and resentful. Brad and Ben were allowed to take the rest of the day off from school, while I had to sit in the classroom learning stuff I already knew. My anger grew. They don't deserve to have the day off. They just dont!! As I was staring out the window, I accidently broke my pencil.

"Daniel? Are you alright?" the teacher asked concerned.

"Yes, I am alright," I said with a fake sadness.

"Go see the councelor please. Here is your pass." As the teacher hands me the pass I continue the appearance and walk out the room. On the way to the councelor I felt my anger flare up again and started to try and get ahold of it again. By the time I got to the councelor, I was about to burst. Any attempt to control my anger had failed.

"Come in Daniel."