"This is unacceptable!" Agatha exclaimed, waving a sheet of paper in her hand.
"I'm sorry, but there is no other way you guys." Irina apologized.
The red haired witch turned to the next isle of stacked magical items, her gaze scanning the place for the next item on the list. Agatha and Elize followed behind, with the former looking quite irritated and the latter cursing under her breath. Heads turned as the three passed other students who were also looking through the rows of enchanted items, brooms, grimoires and an infinite supply of potions. It was not every day that they got to see a teacher helping her students with the essential school shopping. Not that it was illegal, but it was simply unheard of. And above all, one of them was more or less shouting at the elder witch, which usually earned other students a day in the dungeons with nightmare demons.