Chereads / This Stalker Won't Leave Me Alone! / Chapter 92 - James & Alessandro Part 15

Chapter 92 - James & Alessandro Part 15

The thick accent coated voice that made my toes curl up sounded awake, void of any drowsiness. I deliberately opened the door, my eyes roaming around in search of Alessandro to have them settle on the desirable man sitting behind his desk, scribbling away on some documents in his black bathrobe.

I closed the door behind me, making it sure that it was locked so that no unwanted guests would invite themselves in before trudging to where Alessandro was. The padding sounds of my bare feet hitting the floor had drawn Alessandro's attention from the documents that he was painstakingly working on to focus on me.

His eyes wandered over my body, from the top of my head to my toes that were wriggling under his intense gaze. The colorful eyes darken as they drank up my appearance, and they noticed that the only thing that I have on my body was a size too big bathrobe, giving them enough way to peek at my chest as the bathrobe glided off one of my shoulders.

"What a diligent Don is our mafia boy to even have a work desk in his bedroom." I didn't shy away from admiring the man sitting in front of me. The lamp on Alessandro's desk turned on, spilling its light on the desk and the side of Alessandro's face, giving him a soft orange glow with the moon's rays trickling through the window on his back.

My fingers were itching to just run themselves through Alessandro's already tussled hair that made him look more youthful.

"Today I had no choice as someone had decided to turn my office upside down." He stopped working on the documents as he raised his head from the papers to give me an accusing glare.

I shrugged it off, coming closer to the table and placing my hand on it as I leaned in. "I thought that your office needed a new makeover." My fingers trailed over the side of the table, gliding over it and when I came to stand next to Alessandro, he turned in his seat to the side, his eyes strained on me to observe my movement.

I placed my hand on his shoulder and straddled his lap, taking him by surprise. He looked at me amused, but humored me by wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer to him. Capitalizing on the moment, I went in for a kiss. He hummed approvingly as my lips willingly moved against his. Pulling away from the kiss to leave a small gap between our lips where we could feel each other's breaths. Looking into his eyes sweetly, I whispered. "You didn't like my surprise?"

I slipped my hands in his bathrobe to let them run over his broad chest in wonder. His skin radiated heat, and I wished I could just go through the days solely by touching him. His bemused expression took the one of suspicion as he was beginning to suspect something.

His eyes narrowed down suspiciously. "What is it you want, Bambino?"

I hummed innocently and wounded my arms around his neck. "Sleep with me."

He snorted at my demand, looking away as if he was in disbelieve before giving me a sideways glare to which I batted my eyes innocently at. He exasperated, "Go to bed, Bambino. I will make love to you as much as you want tomorrow night."

I don't have that much time!

"You sure?" I crooned, cocking my brow before rubbing my bum against the rigid length that has been poking me ever since I straddled his lap. He grunted at my action and almost growled if it wasn't for his hands that clasped my waist, his fingers burrowed in it to stop me from moving.

"I am sorry to break the news, but I prefer you by my side forever than to lose you for something which I know will be out of the world but momentarily." His voice came out strangled but determent and I knew that the man wouldn't budge. I bit the inside of my cheek despondently, wondering how I could make him yield.

He attempted to push me off him, but I was relentless by wrapping my legs around his torso. "Alessandro." I said his name to catch him off guard. He was speechless, staring at me wide-eyed. "I want you Alessandro."

Alessandro brought his hand up, cupping the side of my face. His thumb brushing gently over my cheek as his eye searched for something in mine. "Why?" He questioned, wondering why I said his name after all this time.

I simpered. "You know you have been saying how I have never said your name before, but I have certainly said your name a few times, you know?"

"Why?" He reiterated his question, not even listening anymore to what I was saying and only wanting to know the reason I was doing this. His eyes bored in mine, and I felt the inside of my mouth turning dry and rough like sandpaper. I gulped, but no saliva went down my throat. My heart hammered against my ribcage, and it hurts as I got overwhelmed by this barrage of emotions.

"My feelings weren't going to change whether I say it now or tomorrow. It won't matter-"

"Do you like me, bambino?"

I took a sharp breath at the question filling my lungs with air while a warm feeling surged in me at the look of anticipation found in Alessandro's eyes.

Letting out a shuddering breath, I nodded, "Yes, I like you."

For one moment, he didn't move. Whether it was because he was riddled with surprise or utter disbelieve, for a long moment, he didn't move a muscle, only gazing at me with an intense look.

But then suddenly, as if someone had changed his battery for new ones, he leaned in gradually and my heart skipped. When his lips almost touched mine, I ushered his name out in a trembling whisper, but he cut me off by smothering his lips on top of mine, covering my mouth with his. One of his hands left my waist to settle on my nape, deepening the kiss, allowing not even the air to come between us. My own hands winded up in his hair, running through it as I got lost in the fevering kiss.

The air inside the room got filled with small gasps and moans coming from us. His hands traveled down and grabbed a fist full of my cheeks before standing up from his seat and keeping me hoisted. Not expecting that, I released a yelp in his mouth and made sure I trussed my legs around his torso.

He waltzed to the bed and carefully lowered us down on it, the soft fabric touching my back. My hands cupped his face whilst keeping our lips connected. Our robes got disheveled in our make-out session where they partly became undone, giving our hands excess to explore one other's body.

He broke away, both of us breathing hard, so close we shared the same air. His expression was so heated and wistful, his eyes not withholding the adoration that he held for me, and before he opened his mouth, my heart welled up and my eyes burned with tears.

"I love you, James, so much." His head fell in the crook of my neck and inhaled my scent, crushing our bodies together by wrapping his arms around me tightly. "I know that there's still some leftovers of doubt in your mind, but I swear on my soul and Familia that I wouldn't ever hurt you and give you the love that you deserve. So be mine, Bambino."

The tears in my eyes got blinked away, coating my eyelashes and traveling down the side of my face to stain the pillow as my hands clutched his back, crumbling the robe in them. God, forget liking him. I love this bastard. I've got a feeling what's more of a prediction that I will be the one devastated to leave him and this place, but to protect everyone, I don't have a choice now.

Pulling himself back, Alessandro's eyes darted to the collar around my neck. Using his fingers to touch it, he said, "Let's get this off you." And got off the bed to walk to his desk to pull at one of the drawers, his hand whisking around in them before revealing a key device with buttons displayed on it. Pressing on one of them with a click, the collar unclasped itself around me.

Minor shock of tremors went through my hand that touched my bare neck. My eyes travelled to look at Alessandro, who made its way back to me, placing his knee on the bed before climbing on it and chucking the collar away. He caressed my cheeks.

"Stay with me." He whispered affectionally to which I hummed, as I was afraid that I would break down in tears and confess if I said another word.

He dipped down to kiss me, and we fell back on the bed, spending the night as if it was our first. Each thrust, each searing kiss and every touch expressed our want and need for each other until we became completely spend, lying on the bed in each other's embrace.

When I was sure that Alessandro was deep in sleep, I carefully pushed his arm that was draped over me away and climbed out of the bed to pick up the robe that got tossed on the ground during our lovemaking and wore it.

With a solemn gaze, I cast one last look at Alessandro before making my way out of the room, but not even two steps further and something took a hold of my hand, jerking me back on the bed.

"And where do you think you are going?"

Not even looking back at him, I spoke in a soft quiet tone, "I thought you were sleeping."

His hand that was holding my hand tightened its grip, and I winced. "There was no way that I would sleep when I know that you're planning something." His husky voice was freighted with something foreboding and the beating of my heart became errant. "Already running away from me?"

I still couldn't afford to look at him and my shoulders became rigged as I tried to will out the words that I should have said before. "You don't understand. I have to go back, Alessandro. If I don't then-"

"They would kill the whole Familia." He finished the sentence in a calm, even tone, interjecting me. My head finally whipped around to look at the stoic expression of Alessandro, where not even a spec of surprise could be seen on it, where else I got struck dumbfounded and confused to how he knew what I was going to say.

On seeing the furrowed brows and the befuddlement flickering in my green eyes, Alessandro sat straight on the bed, his back perched against the headboard and said, "Bring him in." His words not meant for me but at the people who swung the door open to kick a bounded person in whose upper body and legs were restrained in ropes. The person was dressed in all black as if wanting to cloak their presence from the world, but here they were trashing around on the floor like a wriggling worm, their grunts and complaints muffled by a scarf tightly wrapped around their mouth.

I didn't have to question who the person holding a frantic look was. Antonio and Piero, who had pushed the person into the room, walked to where the guy was for Piero to stomp his foot down on the person's back, earning a painful grunt from them.

"We had found this person loitering around our territory and caught them." Piero explained with a smile whilst grinding his foot further down the person's back, putting his weight into it.

"After that we interrogated him and had learned that he was from your organization." Added Antonio with a bored look on his face, his hands pushed in his pockets. "We obviously told Alessandro about it."

My lips parted, agape, mystified. They knew already?

Alessandro pulled me back by my hand to have my back flushed against his torso. He lassoed his arm around my waist and used his other hand to caress my head. "I wanted to see what you were going to do, so I said nothing to you, but here I find out that you were about to leave me for good instead of conversing with me about your problems." He sighed bummed, but somewhere also relieved that he could thwart my plans of escaping him.

Capitalizing the moment where everyone was in a conversation, the man who got caught grunted as he tried to free himself. When Piero felt the man move under his feet, the smile that was always present on his face faltered. His face darkened, and a storm brewed in those normally clear blue eyes where he unleashed his rage by crouching, his feet still on the man's back, to slam the man's face into the ground before yanking his head back by pulling on his hair- causing the man's upper body to arch.

Bringing his mouth close to the side of the man's face where the man squinted teary-eyed, letting out muffled whimpers as a trickle of blood trailed down from the gash on his forehead, Piero spoke in a tone that could have frozen peas, "Be quiet for once will you. Why the hell are you crying when you were the one who looked down on my family. Let me show you what happens when you bite off more than you can chew."

Piero pulled out a pocketknife, flipping it open and with a swift movement, placed the sharp side against the man's throat, earning a strangled sob from the man.

"Piero." Alessandro called out to his little brother with a dull expression. "Don't do it here. Cleaning the blood up will be annoying."

Piero answered with a momentary smile, his voice jovially like usual, "How rude of me! I will deal with this thing in a different room you guys can enjoy each other." and like a discarded cloak his smile fell off instantly and pulled the terrorized man by his collar before dragging him over the floor out of the room, his struggling, weeping figure being the last thing that I saw before the door closed on him.

With a blank expression, I absentmindedly pointed with a withered index finger at the door. My mouth was agape, and I had to stutter out the words. "W-Who was that?"

Alessandro, who had been cuddling me for a while with his chin resting on my shoulder, hummed, his eyes flickering for a second to the door before looking at my stupefied face. "That's Piero, Bambino."

"There's no way that, that was the same guy who always wears a stupid smile on his face."

"He gets a bit protective when his loved ones are in danger and since you're going to be his brother-in-law, this behavior should be expected."

"But... I haven't even agreed to... marry you." My voice came out drawled as I was still stunned, staring at the door. How can a person change like day and night so quickly?

While being lost in thoughts, Alessandro hooked a finger under my chin and turned my head to place a chaste kiss on my lips. My eyes, that were wide open, finally fluttered close as I indulge myself in the kiss.

Disconnecting the kiss, Alessandro asked, "Do you love me?"

Vertical lines appeared between my brows while my bottom lip pushed out as I pouted. "That's a foul play." Not liking how he made my mind go mushy with a kiss and then overtook me with the question.

"I have to know if the words that came out of your mouth today were true. So, do you love me?"

Now it was my turn to kiss him. My lips moved against his languidly before nibbling his bottom lip and letting him go. On disconnecting our kiss, he lets out a disapproving growl, the thirst in his eyes only growing by the minute. I love it when he looks at me like that; I thought.

With a heavy breath, as if I had run a marathon, I spoke against his lips in a whisper, "Was that enough confirmation?"

"No." He growled and placed his hand on the back of my head to pull me back in a hungry kiss. His mouth ravishing mine completely until he left my lips plump and tender.

Though my lips felt raw, my heart felt full, a feeling that I'm going to have to get used to. Reeling my mind back from the kiss, I said, "I will marry you under one condition."

Worry puckered the skin between his brows, and I chuckled. Bringing my hand up, I used my index finger to soothe that spot until it was wrinkle free. "Relax, you will destroy your only got feature if you keep frowning like that. I will marry you if the wardrobe in this house gets changed to a colorful one. I'm getting tired of seeing people wearing monochrome outfits."

Alessandro grabbed my hand that was massaging his forehead and placed a kiss on the palm, and I felt my face heating again. "I will give you anything that you want." Alessandro said with seriousness as his eyes bored into mine.

Willing my heart to calm down, I cleared my throat and said, "But my organization wouldn't leave me alone."

"Don't worry about them. I have already obliterated them."

Shock contoured my face on hearing the news that the organization that I worked for doesn't exist anymore.

"They must have sent that guy after you before we got rid of them." Alessandro asserted, pulling me down with him on the bed.

"Should I question why you guys could figure out where my organization was and from what point you decided to destroy them?" Crooking one of my brows, I splayed my hands on his pecs before gliding them to his broad shoulders and wrapping them around his neck to pull him closer. He wrapped his hands around my waist securely and pressed me against him.

He hummed, placing a kiss on my forehead. "Let's just say I always get what I want no matter what."

So, you were never planning on letting me go in the first place even if I had won the bet; I hummed inwardly before a yawn escaped my lips as my eyelids drooped. Now that the problems that had plagued me, shackles that pulled me down to the depths of the sea, left like the hurricane exhaustion had finally gained on me.

Noticing how my body snuggled closer to his body, yearning for warmth, Alessandro brought the duvet up, covering the both of us and making sure that everything below my chin was tucked. "Sleep. I will be here when you wake up."

My eyes were closed as the drowsiness doped my mind. I let out a feeble chuckle, nuzzling my face against his bare chest while letting out a content sigh. "I don't doubt that."

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