Chereads / My Dearest wife... Make a Choice¡! / Chapter 28 - Chapter 28: Long time, No see~

Chapter 28 - Chapter 28: Long time, No see~

Meanwhile: Ahi's Situation~

"Ahi..Don't walk so fast!" shouted Ivaan.

"Don't follow me! I wish to be alone." she yelled back.

"Don't mind me..I am just having a stroll.."said Ivaan, with his hands resting on his head and following Ahi.

Being far away from the trio, Ahi finally stopped her incredibly fast pace of walking and swiftly turned back, glaring at Ivaan.

Flinching, Ivaan put his hands in front in a defensive position.

Looking at his scared stance, Ahi lifted her eyebrows and walked towards the ocean and sat down on the wet sand, where the ocean waves were crashing.

With a sigh of relief, Ivaan plopped beside her.

"I don' him"she said out of nowhere, looking at the vast ocean.

"Why?' he asked looking at the ocean with a matured expression.

"I don't know.."she said, hugging her knees closer.

"That's just like you."He smiled.

"Won't you ask me why?" she asked, turning to him.

"You will say, when you are ready to say."he replied.

She turned back to the ocean,"What if I am never ready and it's too late to ask for help."She mumbled, lowering her head.

"That would be really troublesome.Hm?"

"You really need some time alone huh?!?"

"Che, You are really good at manipulating people according to your wishes."He said, annoyed by the fact that he fell right into her trap.

"I already told you to leave me alone!" she mumbled, with a small smile.

"Ok.I won't bother you.Just don't do anything stupid. If not, your brother will snap my neck." said Ivaan, dusting his trousers.

"Be careful and come back quickly" he said, and walked back to the cottage, to get some details from his wife and the 'Fatpurse'.

This is so unlike you to run away from a problem.


Even I feel so Daada.

Still scared?


But Why?

I don't know....

It hurts to look at him.

I might need therapy if it goes on like this..

But, What do I say to them about me? I might look like an Alien to them.

So, What is your solution?

A few moments later~

I am thinking of rebooting my mind Dada. So that next time, I can face them without being scared.

I don't like being weak.

Both Physically and Mentally!

She slowly got up from the shore and dusted her shorts.

She took out her mobile and switched ON the Bluetooth, with her earplugs tightly plugged.

Opening her playlist, she resumed her Goth collection and adjusted the volume to the Max, cancelling all the external sounds around her.

With the horrifying, creepy music numbing her nerves and tensed muscles, she relaxed and walked aimlessly on the seashore.

Her steps according to the beat with the music, she slowly took the path towards the nearby woods.

While walking near the entrance of the woods, she found a wooden stick that was plunged deep into the soil.

She grabbed the top of the stick, applying sufficient force on it, and made a Lay-down rotary motion, removing the sword shaped stick successfully from the ground.

"Wow! A wooden Sword! I never thought I'd find one here!" she said, appreciating the new found treasure.

"Hm?This looks really well-made! I'd like to meet the owner of this wooden sword" she said, to no one.

'I really love you Mother Earth. For showering me with such beautiful Gifts!' she said, kissing the ground below her feet.

Putting the sword on her shoulders like a Yankee, she walked deeper into the woods with her song's collection, now playing the War-themed music.

"Ah! I love forests! I feel so alive here." said Ahi, with a blissful smile, removing her bluetooth and enjoying Mother Nature now.

'Why do I even bring this extra baggage with me?'She thought, placing her mobile into her pockets and zipped them.

When she was about to take another step forward, she heard a *fwoosh sound, like something was being cut through it.

Her blood rushed immediately with excitement and she made slow yet steady steps towards the direction of that slashing sounds, holding the hilt of her sword tightly.

'This is going to be fun' she thought, with a wicked grin taking over her features.

When she approached her destination with light foot steps, there was a sudden deadly silence.

A few seconds later~

There was a sudden dart-like object thrown towards her from behind, which could hit her head with a perfect shot.

Ahi instinctively moved her head making the dagger miss its target, and swiftly moved around sensing an approaching danger. 

Facing the person who silently approached from behind, Ahi had a cold smile in her eyes, blocking the offender's long sword with her wooden ones, which could have cut her neck, If she responded even a second late.

Raising a thin eyebrow, "Yo! Long time, No See!" she said, in a domineering voice. And was about to force the sword away from the offender's hands.

But the person reacted way too fast for her to notice his movements.

He rotated her body in an agile way, such that he grabbed her waist and pulled her body to his rock-hard abs, tilting her head to a side by placing his mouth dangerously near towards the crook of her neck, and placed the other side of her neck with the sword. But, he was blocked by her wooden sword.

Simply put~ she was embraced by him in a familiar manner.

"Pleasure, meeting you here." He said in a deep husky voice, that made her skin crawl with goosebumps.