He had a rather large lump just behind his shoulder, and itchy at that, far more than any other bite he ever had. It was not what he would consider a lethal spider bite, as determined by a rash swipe of irritation and an eight-legged crumple of a body, but worth, he noted seeing a physician when he got home. Though he then found after a great while, he was unsure he would survive the day, it was perfectly ruthless and only seemed to get worse, the more it itched the bigger it got.
Well, this would be a trip to remember, wouldn't it? Ha! It was a perfectly miserable endeavour. Such a filthy steamship was not first-rate, that and the damp chill that crept into his thick woollen coat. The thick dark mist seemed to resemble the soft consistency of cotton, covering any chance of seeing the sun, which only made all to be bleaker than was before. When he tried to distract himself by watching the waves, it only seemed to get worse as seasickness added a situation that he had already deemed despicably no good.
He walked around the ship in a weary restlessness when sleep failed to smother the spreading tingling, leading him to wonder if the bite was more serious than he first thought. He knew it was too late now, there was no doctor on board such a crude and simple ship, he would have to wait until he got back to shore. The strain of it seemed to gnaw at his, making him feel more and more fatigued, then exhausted. Hunger scraped through his stomach like a rusted butter knife, forcing him to stumble into the nearest chair. He felt as if he was sinking into the chair, almost become a part of the chair. He felt it would be better to be as lifeless as the chair at the moment.
A sharp pain shot through his shoulder, oozing warm and wet beneath his perfectly bleached white cotton shirt. A brisk brushing skidded through his shirt, followed by more flesh-tearing pain searing through his body, sending him to the ground. Spiders skipped down his shirt, slipping in the puddles of blood pooling around him. Somewhere far away he could hear screams and blurs rushing to surround him. His skin looked horrid, torn like a rubber tarp leaking a now more watery substance. His entire body burned and slowly faded into a bloody heap.