Chapter 4 - The Chain

While I had been talking the forensic pathologists had been examining the clothes and bodies. Soon they approached us with a find, on the scene there had been thin gold chain that had snapped,

"I think someone pulled it really hard" commented one blonde woman, "the catch is bent backwards, and all mangled." I snapped some gloves on and had a look, I saw she was right; the tab you pull was jammed in all the way, and and the the moving part was bent out at an eighty degree angle and twisted to the side.

"Ok" I said after I examined it "this would definitely leave a mark, who is it from?"

"If I knew I'd tell you, but I can't find anyone dead with a matching mark" she replied.

"That means..." I started

"It was from the assailants." She finished, "one of them must have a decently fresh cut on their neck."

"Well that's sorted, er, well, on its way it being sorted out. We'd better get back to the station, and, um, get working of finding these guys. Busy, busy. Heh heh" Sam stammered, he has an... interesting ailment, he gets quite nervous around pretty women. Not to say I'm not pretty, I am quite attractive, tan skin, dark hair, and golden brown eyes, I even have a boyfriend. But I cured Sam of his ditziness a good flick on the forehead for every stammer.

"Fine"I sighed, he was right it was almost six o'clock, we'd been in the house almost all day, and here for an hour "ta, we'll see you guys soon."

"Wait a minute, Charlotte come 'ere, Ms. Beckman will escort you guys out" the man I had been talking to earlier called, giving me a look that said 'don't do anything stupid, but I want to show you this'. I paused and turned giving him an amused look that quickly faded to awe and horror as Charlotte breezed past me. On her neck was a deep jagged mark partially covered by a bandage. It was the kind of mark that you might get from pulling a necklace too hard.