Liyah brought out a plate of strawberries to the hall and placed it on the table and sat across August Maijune. August stretched out her hand to pick one and Liyah hit her saying ''go and wash your hands before you, lazy lass''.
August pouted and stood up to go wash her hands. Liyah picked the remote and turned on the TV and they were showing a business documentary about top business groups in D-City.
August returned and picked a strawberry into her mouth as she sat and watched the documentary. Liyah looked at the wall clock saying ''is it not time yet? I thought they would be showing 'Hospital Playlist by now?" August shook her head as she munched on the strawberry.
Liyah was a fanatic when it came to Korean series. She would watch and re-watch and even binge-watched all the series that were currently airing on TV. Her favourite series lately was ''The Hospital Playlist'' a drama about five doctors who had maintained more than 20 years of friendship.