Summoning the goddess of confidence, I take a whiff of air before voicing out my innermost feelings.
"Thank you for this hairpin, Sol. Also, for encouraging me before. But it just turned out that I don't have that thing you call as passion after all. I also failed every trial test I took... Even so, I decided that I'd start over again. I'll find out what I really want and pursue it no matter what!"
A moment of nerve-wracking silence sprawls amidst us.
I'm not sure why I'm this scared to disappoint someone, considering how I always have my way no matter what people think of me. It could just be the heart-pounding disquietude that hammers my chest at the moment, or the irritating pessism I've been having these days.
Even then, however, I still can't help but get the cold feet. That's until Sol begins patting my head with a smile, snapping me out of my burrowing hole of thoughts.
"That's great. I'll be rooting for you."