Chereads / Blades of the Sentinels / Chapter 12 - Chapter 12 The Kings doubts

Chapter 12 - Chapter 12 The Kings doubts

Over the hills and forest´s, on a ground next to the lake Foster where once Leaders of Katvarne and Osadnal tribes submitted to Dracon Hellsword leader of the Hellsword tribe. That man united them under his banner and founded a kingdom naming it after his newborn daughter. On that sacred spot Kingdom of Mercina was founded. Now 987 years later a city lays on that spot.

City of Doren a capitol of Mercina built around the lake Foster stood proud. An evening rays started to fall upon its walls giving it a majestic look. It was also a sign for everyone working in the fields that the time to return home has come.

Even in the citadel that stood on a higher ground overlooking the rest of the city, everyone started to return to their chambers. Only ones who still worked despite the time were servants and maids cleaning the rooms and hallways.

But one man stood out from the bunch. His walk firm, his stature full of pride. A God amongst the mortals, King Haftor. Maids wishing they would have a man like him waiting for them back home, and male servants jealous of his status and looks. But unknown to them this man, this God was doing something not fit a person of his status. He was skipping work, avoiding his right hand man Sigmund Blacksteel who wanted him to sign more blasted papers.

Since he took the crown he did nothing but work. Of course he knew that he would have a lot of work when he became the King, but still he wished to see his wife and two sons. But Sigmund overwhelmed him whit papers. He did understood Sigmund, there is a lot of work to be done before they march to Larvik. A King just for a few days and he has to lead an army to fight again.

( This fucking sucks ) He thought as he walked through the hall. Making his way towards the garden that was in the middle of the citadel. His wife spent most of her rest time there. She had a lot of work on her hands as well, being a good mother and a queen is tasking in its own way. The amount of work she does makes me love her even more. He quietly said.

Then he notices a group of women walking opposite of him. Three women, the one at front was Erika Kertsar. A wife to Borna Kertsar, a man who is advising him on the matters of war together whit Sigmund. Despite her age she was still beautiful, she had long red hair and red eyes. Walking behind her were her two most trusted maids. Both daughters of some smaller nobles.

"Oh! My Lord how nice to see you."

"The pleasure is all mine my lady."

"I thought you were busy whit Ser Blacksteel and my husband."

"I wished to see my wife so Im looking for her. By any chance have you seen her."

"Yes I did my Lord. In fact I just finished talking to her. She is still in the garden talking to Maryan Lebilou."

"Is that so. Thank you my Lady, it´s been a pleasure talking whit you." He said whit a bow.

"Oh my! Please no need to bow my Lord, the pleasure is all mine." She bowed to him like a true lady, her posture perfect. Her maids did the same.

Whit that they went their way, soon after he reached the citadel garden. A beautiful place no matter the season. The magic in this place keeps all the different types of flowers in bloom. All kinds of flora and fauna, from the most common earlyrise´s to the exotic ones like the blue roses all the way from Imperium from the famous Blue Rose valley.

Two women sat on a bench below the tree. They were of similar age, biggest difference between them being their height and hair color. Maryan´s hair was shorter up to her shoulders, and was curly as well. A trait that her brother Leonard didn´t have. She was also quite tall for a woman almost as high as Haftor and he was six feet tall. And she was well equipped in the breast department. While on the other hand the woman next to her was flat and short whit silky smooth blonde hair. Paired up whit her emerald blue eyes, she was something most men wouldn´t want.

Two of them drank tea and talked about things that would surly put any man to sleep. ( Well even women need some girl talk from time to time. ) He thought as he approached them. Shame that Maryan will have to leave now, he wanted to talk to his wife privately. Nothing she can do about it, he was the King after all. But still they are clearly enjoining them self´s. He felt just a little bit bad.

"Having a good time ladies?" He stood before them. When Maryan realized that the King greeted them she quickly put her tea on a small table next to them and bowed to him, at least she wanted but Haftor stopped her.

"Please my Lady there is no need for that."

"But my Lord you graced me whit your presence. It would be rude not to bow."

( Well have it your way. ) He thought and allowed her to bow. After that they exchanged pleasantries and Maryan excused her self and left.

"She is truly a polite lady."

"Indeed, and she makes for a good company. What´s the occasion my Lord, I thought that you were buys."

"There is none. I just wanted to spend some time whit you. After all in few days I must depart."

"Yes my Lord. It is a sad but duty calls." She said whit a sad look on her face.

"Leave the titles Izabela. I don´t want to talk to the Queen of Mercina, but to my wife."

After he said that she switched completely. Always having two personalities, one for the court and one for the personal life is tough. Haftor did that too sometimes, but most of the time he acted as he wanted. He was the King after all.

"Haaa.... I was hoping you would say that" She says whit a sigh but then smiled.

"Soooo, what do you think?"

"Huh? Think about what?"

"Maryan. Maryan! What a beauty isn´t she. I bet you wouldn´t complain having her in bed every night."

"Oh please. I already have you."

"But still she is packing isn´t she." She says whit a wink. "That lucky Reckon."

"Oh my will you stop."

"Hahaha okay. I see that you are not in the mood my love. Something bothering you?"

Of course it did. Many things bothered him, despite the love he felt towards him he killed his brother to get the throne. It was something that had to be done but it still had an affect on him. And even after getting the crown his rule is not even close how he imagined it. King Richard of Kingdom of Sleibia declared war on Mercina a day after he was crowned a king. The amount of work he´s been doing would take a tool on any man. After she saw him grow silent she realized it too.

"Silly me, of course that something is bothering you. It´s about Harold right?"

"Yes. In fact I had a nightmare, he came to curse me. And I just stood there unable to move, just looking at his face empty of life."

"Come now you knew Harold better then anyone, he would never do that."

"Really? I don´t know anymore. Maybe in his last moments he did, even if he did I wouldn´t blame him."

"He wouldn´t trust me...."

"You don´t even know how he died. I never told you."

"Then tell me now. If it will help you then talk, tell me every little detail." Haftor grew quiet for a second, it was tough to talk about this.

"The battle was close to the end. His army started to fall apart and many of his men ran. At that time I entered the battle whit my bodyguards, for a final push. I was also looking for him, or his body at least. I tried my best to find him in the chaos. I thought that maybe he managed to ran away, but then I found him laying in the mud."

"Was he still alive?"

"Yes he was." Haftor took a deep breath, this part was most painful to him.

"He lay there in mud crushed by his own men. He must have fell from his horse at some point." She could only imagine the sight, if she saw him she would probably brake down on the spot. She loved his brother he was a good man, a good friend.

"He was somehow still alive, barely breathing. When our eyes met, it looked like he wanted me to end him. So I did."

( How am I supposed to help? I offered my self but now I don´t know what to say. I don´t want to say something wrong. Im useless. )

"You okay Izabela?"

"Yes, yes I am! I just...."

"Sorry it must be hard to listen to this."

"No, you did nothing wrong! Listen to me my love. You did nothing wrong." She then gave him the biggest hug she could possibly give.

"You did what you had to do. For the good of this Kingdom. You did the right thing."

"I see. I had doubts for some time but this helped me. Thank you."

"Good. But enough of the depressing stuff. Come now, follow me." She then grabbed his hand, got up and started to walk out of the garden.

"Huh? Where."

"To our chambers!"

"Huh! Why?"

"What do you mean why, idiot. Your lovely wife will make you feel better!"

"But I have to go back...."

"Be quiet and follow."


That day the maids who overheard the whole thing had something good to gossip about.