King Haftor the Lion. Now the most powerful person in the Mercina kingdom. A man who just a day ago won a battle against his brother. He loved his country and its people, and he saw how low the kingdom had fallen under his fathers rule.
He was sure that his father Matey would chose him as his successor. After all he saved the country few years ago by crushing a rebellion against the crown. He was named the Lion by his men for he fought like one in battle. But his brother Herald was chosen. Out of anger and pure fear of what will happen to his country under his brothers rule. He killed his father on a hunting trip, and made it to look like an accident.
Then he rallied the people of Mercina to his banner and marched against his brother and his corrupt nobles. It was the right thing to do! There was no other way! He thought, but when he stood atop his brothers body something changed. He began to doubt his actions. He sat alone at the table inside the war room in his castle waiting for his nobles to discuss about the future of the kingdom.
The room was full of memories of him and his brother playing here all the time while they were children. Once he and his brother had a fight. And he pushed his brother who then fell inside the large fireplace that kept the room warm. He still remembers how he immediately jumped in the fireplace to save him.
Both of then had light burns. He cried in fear of what his father would do to him when he finds out. But his little brother saved him by telling their father that it was an accident. He got praised by his father and by the whole royal court for his brave actions.
His kind little brother got him out of many bad situations, the same kind little brother he himself struck down on the battlefield. Now he felt guilt, a lot of guilt. While siting there in his chair, his arms crossed, he began to pray. It was a prayer that´s meant to guide the souls of loved ones to the afterlife.
"I hope your soul can find peace brother." Whit that he finishes his prayer.
"Does it bother you that much. My lord?"
Only now he notices a man standing at the other side of the table. The man was tall and of a strong build. A body of a seasoned warrior. He had long gray hair and deep blue eyes. Half of his face wrapped in bandages. Another scar added to his collection.
The mans name was Sigmund Blacksteel. A noble who served the royal family for generations, a true patriot. A man who helped Haftor organise everything.
"My. Is it so obvious?"
Said Haftor softly.
"Indeed my Lord. It shows all over your face."
"Well that´s not good, is it? A king can't show to much emotion." Haftor says whit an empty smile. "Correct my Lord."
Said Sigmund in compliance.
"But my Lord. I'm a hand of a king. Which means, I am your biggest servant and that means im here for you my Lord."
He said while taking a seat next to Haftor. He then placed his arm on Haftors shoulder.
"Tell me what´s bothering you, my Lord."
"The nobles Sigmund? I think they waited enough. Let them in, now."
Sigmund sighed, clearly seeing that his King was not in the mood for conversation. He stood up and walked up to the doors. "My Lord. No, my friend. Killing your brother was the best option. As long as he lived he would be a treat to your rule."
Haftor knew that well but still he felt guilty.
What if he handled the situation differently.
What if he imprisoned him. Surly he wouldn't be a treat then.
"My Lord. You already killed many innocent people to get here. And you will kill more. This role is made for strong people. People like you, my Lord." Then after a short pause he said.
"And not for people like your brother. Good people."
Haftor just litsend in silence. He was well aware of that. But he didn't want to be remembered as a tyrannical murder. He still remembers how his father Matey talked about making Mercina even greater. Deal whit corrupt nobles and make changes. But when he got older he stopped caring for that. He let his people descend into poverty. And under him corruption spread.He only cared about alcohol and women. All who said anything against him got put down in brutal fashion.
"I will not become like you old man"
He wisperd to him self.Sigmund opened the doors and let the nobles in. Twelve men entered the room. Leaders of the twelve most powerful noble families in the kingdom. From short to tall, from fat to skinny to well built. A diverse group of people, all different whit their own goals and dreams. But they were all loyal to their king. They fought and bleed for him.
Well all besides one man. A man who stood out among this diverse group of people. His name is Areon from the Breonfur family. He was short and fat, so fat that it looked like his expensive shirt made out of silk would pop at any moment. His face was red, sweaty and full of pimples from all the sweet food he eats. So that´s how he looks like. He is even fatter then the last time i saw him. Thought Haftor.
The only reason that Areon was still at a such powerful position was because he was on very good terms whit the Church of The Elder One. He is a very good friend whit the All Father Nataniel the head of the Church. He was Nataniels loyal dog. And the Church still held power in the Mercina kingdom. But that was about to change. Haftor hates Nataniel and the way he runs the Church. And Areon knew that. He knew that he is in a very bad position.
He told him self that he is going to do what he does best. Try to make a deal whit the king and keep his position. He will beg on all fours if he has to. He told him self that many times. Truly a man whit no honor and self respect. Nobles now all sat down. Sigmund stood next to the Haftor.
"Ahem.... My Lord."
"Oh yes!!" Haftor sat him self up straight and gave a sing to Sigmund to start the council.
"Ahem!!!! Gentlemen, the council has started."
And whit that a meeting that will change the future of Mercina kingdom has started.