Ariena was feeling much better after taking a long afternoon sleep, she was enjoying the evening tea and snacks when a reminder pop on her phone. She quickly take a look at it and scolded herself for forgetting about things again, "How can my brain suddenly become so dumb after being drunk for a night that I have become so irresponsible in doing my things..."
She immediately check the time and dialled Andrew number while mumbling to herself, " He must be free by now as it's almost 10 there..."
The chirping voice of a girl came out as soon as the phone got connected, making Ariena shocked to her core for a few seconds, "Hello Ariena ... how are you dear, it's been a long time since we have met or talk to each other... right.."
She calmed her racing heart as realization stucked her that Andrew must be with Leora right now. 'Did she disturb them when they were having some good time together' a thought crossed her mind but she quickly dispensed it, as she answered back, "Hello Leora, yes it's been some time... I'm good .. Are you enjoying your stay there.."
"Yes I'm loving it... Hehe.. though I miss you guys so much... to tell you the truth I'll be coming back soon as everything is almost done here but don't tell it to anyone as it's a surprise... okay..." excited voice of Leora could be heard from the other end.
"That's wonderful... let's hangout once you are here, you have to make some free time for me okay..... no excuses..." Ariena replied with a soft chuckle.
"Sure..."Leora answered, she was about to say something more but her words shortened by a male voice, "Whom you are talking with, in my phone Leora.."
Leora turned to face Andrew and said in a cooing voice, "Oh it's Ariena.. she just called .... here I think she has something to talk with you...." she once again talked to Ariena before handing the phone to Andrew, "bye Ariena .... see you soon.."
"Bye Leora.... and take care..." Ariena replied her back before a dominating voice of Andrew could be heard as he excused himself to other room to talk to her.
"Hello... are you okay Ariena.." Ariena heartbeat fasten a little bit listening to his concerned tone.
"Yes, I'm fine. Ron told me to call you back at the evening as your schedule was jet pack today and also told me that you wanted to talk to me about something, so I just called you now .... hope I didn't disturb you... " Ariena timidly said her part.
Andrew walked to the roof high glass window staring at the dark sky while listening to her and stands there with one hand in his pocket. He turned his sight to the dazzling lights of the city making it look like an art piece.... 'BEAUTIFUL ....but why he can't feel it. EMPTINESS is what he is feeling right now... yes empty.' He sighed.
"It's not me who have something to tell you, it's you Ariena... Remember....You called me in the morning to say something on the day when I left for country A, but that time I was not available and in afternoon also I didn't get the time to call you back...." he paused suddenly as he noticed that his voice was giving away his emotions, this peculiar feeling inside him.
'Strange why is he feeling so guilty here', he mused over the the fact.
He cleared his throat before continuing again in a straight tone, "I called you back in the evening but was not able to get in touch with you, so I just asked Ron to check on you, to make sure you are fine.... so what was it that you wanted to talk me about.. "
Ariena was disappointed to see how aloof he sounded right now when he talk to her in comparison to the coaxing tone he just used a few seconds before with Leora to enquire about the call.
She smile bitterly and said rigidly, "Ah nothing important... I've told Ron that you don't have to worry about that I'll tell you when you return back ...." She paused a bit, as a gloomy and chilly aura formed around her, before she continued, "Sorry to disturb you with my irresponsible behavior by not responding to your calls at that's nothing related to you or your work. I've already taken a lot of your quality time, and SORRY once again for all the inconveniences that I have caused you .... I've some work so I'll be get going,.... bye"
She promptly cut the call without waiting for him to do so. She sat on the side chair near the window viewing outside, the beautiful and we'll maintained garden, contemplating on her feelings about him.
'When can she be free from all the hurtful feelings and boundations that surrounds her heart making it hard for her to breathe.'
..... ..... ...
Andrew was too astonished to see her behaving so distant with him, this was also happening first time too. 'What had gotten into her.... why and from when she started behaving so strange with me. ' he thought to himself.
He was so indulge in processing all of his disorganized thoughts that he didn't realized and wasn't even able to react on time before the call ended suddenly. He remains standing near the window, staring at his phone
"What's just happened now... did she just ended the call without even listening to my explanation.. ", he growled while gnashing his teeth in anger.
He was about to throw his phone because of the frustration when suddenly the room door opened and a girl gifted with a hourglass proportions enter the room draped in an ermrald green sequin ankle length gown, walking in her high heels in a graceful manner.
"Andrew are you done .... we're going to be late for the auction, James is already here ... let's go..." said Leora in her melodious voice as she circled her hands around his arm.
Andrew quickly hides his irritation with his blank looking face and turned to have some water, before heading out.
He made a note in his mind to finish everything fast here and reach back to Ariena, as his gut feeling was telling him that something was wrong somewhere. He can't pinpoint it but she is acting not like her original self.
'Yes she can be mad at him for not calling her back in that afternoon but it was not the first time he forgot to keep his promise to her . She had never ever shown such rebellious actions in the past.' he was doing all the calculation in his mind as he reached his car with Leora besides him.
James greeted the couple as he opened the car door's for them. It was Leora who instructed James their destination as she turned to Andrew with confused look, "Andrew ... why are you kept zoning out after talking Ariena. Is everything fine there ?"
Andrew turned to her and smiled a little, seeing her concerned look, "Yes everything is good there. I was just remembered something related to work, sorry for not paying attention to you..... let's go and see what will catch your eyes in the auction.." He tried to lighten the mood as Leora leaned over his shoulder and said, " let just enjoy the moment please ... it's rare to find some alone time with you as you are so busy... "
They both chuckle at her comment, as he think of it, 'That was true he rarely spend time with Leora and Ariena.. ARIENA.. wait for me. I'll be back soon.. ' He sighed and lean on the car seat while closing his eyes.