A little help with some words

Hi all!!!

Okay, I will be updating this chapter every time I find a term used by the translator and editor or author that may confuse the general audience… Well, it may not be perfect but I hope this will help. If you do find words you do not understand along the way, just leave a comment on the chapter and I will add them in!

Family terms: (Formal - Will be used in this novel for Nobel and High ranking family)

父母 Fùmǔ - Parents (爹娘 Diēniáng)

父親 Fùqīn - Father (老子 Lǎozi/ 爹 Diē)

母親 Mǔqīn - Mother (娘 Niáng)

哥哥 Gēgē - Older Brother (兄 Xiōng)

嫂子 Sǎozi - Older brother's Wife

弟弟 Dìdì - Younger Brother

弟妹 Dìmèi - Younger brother's Wife

姐姐 Jiějiě - Older Sister

姐夫 Jiěfū - Older sister's Husband

妹妹 Mèimèi - Younger Sister

妹夫 Mèifū - Younger sister's Husband

长子 Zhǎngzǐ - Eldest Son (Lǎodà)

次子 Cì zǐ - Second Son

长女 Cháng nǚ - Eldest Daughter

兄弟 Xiōngdì - brothers

姐妹 Jiěmèi - Sisters

孙儿 Sūn-er - Grandson/Grandchild

丈夫 Zhàngfū - Husband

正妻 Zhèngqī - Wife


小姐 Xiǎojiě - Young Lady

大小姐 Dà xiǎojiě - Eldest Young Lady

二小姐 Èr xiǎojiě - Second Young Lady

大少爺 Dà shàoyé - Eldest Young Master

二叔 Èrshū - Second Uncle

二婶 Èrshěn - Second Uncle's Wife

三叔 Sānshū - Third Uncle

三婶 Sānshěn - Third Uncle's Wife

夫人 Fūrén - Madam

老爷 Lǎoyé - Master

主人 Zhǔrén - Master of the house (主子 Zhǔzi)

少爷 Shàoyé - Young Master

兒婦 Er fù - Daughter-in-law

女婿 Nǚxù - Son-in-law


祖父 Zǔfù - Father's Father (爷爷 Yéyé)

祖母 Zǔmǔ - Father's Mother (奶奶 Nǎinǎi)

伯父 Bófù - Father's Older Brother

伯母 Bómǔ - Father's Older Brother's Wife

叔叔 Shūshu - Father's Younger Brother

婶婶 Shěnshěn - Father's Younger Brother's Wife

二叔 Èrshū - Second Uncle

二婶 Èrshěn - Second Uncle's Wife

三叔 Sānshū - Third Uncle

三婶 Sānshěn - Third Uncle's Wife

堂兄 Tángxiōng - Older Male Cousin

堂弟 Tángdì - Younger Male Cousin

堂姐 Tángjiě - Older Female Cousin

堂妹 Tángmèi - Younger Female Cousin

姑母 Gūmǔ - Father's Sister

姑夫 Gūfū - Father's Sister's Husband


外公 Wàigōng - Mother's Father (外祖 Wàizǔ)

外婆 Wàipó - Mother's Mother

舅舅 Jiùjiù - Mother's Brother

舅妈 Jiùmā - Mother's Brother Wife

姨妈 Yímā - Mother's Sister

姨丈 Yízhàng - Mother's Sister's Husband

大舅 Dàjiù - Eldest Uncle

二舅 Èrjiù - Second Uncle

大舅媽 Dàjiùmā - Eldest Uncle's Wife

二舅媽 Èrjiùmā - Second Uncle's Wife


公公 Gōnggong - Husband's Father

婆婆 Pópó - Husband's Mother

大伯子 Dà bǎizi - Husband's Elder Brother

大伯嫂 Dà bǎisǎo - Husband's Elder Brother's wife

小叔子 Xiǎo shūzi - Husband's Younger Brother

小婶子 Xiǎo shěnzi - Husband's Younger Brother's wife

大姑子 Dà gūzi - Husband's Elder Sister

小姑子 Xiǎo gūzi - Husband's Younger Sister


岳父 Yuèfù - Wife's Father

岳母 Yuèmǔ - Wife Mother

大舅子 Dàjiùzi - Wife's Elder Brother

大舅嫂 Dàjiùsǎo - Wife's Elder Brother's Wife

小舅子 Xiǎojiùzi - Wife's Younger Brother

小妗子 Xiǎojìnzi Wife's Younger Brother's Wife

大姨子 Dàyízi - Wife's Elder Sister

小姨子 Xiǎoyízi - Wife's Younger Sister

====Imperial/Royal Family====

皇父 Huángfù - Imperial/Royal Father

皇母 Huángmǔ - Imperial/Royal Mother

皇兄 Huángxiōng - Imperial/Royal Older Brother

皇弟 Huángdì - Imperial/Royal Younger Brother

皇姐 Huángjiě - Imperial/Royal Older Sister

皇妹 Huángmèi - Imperial/Royal Younger Sister

母妃 Mǔ fēi - Consort Mother (used by Royal Children to call their Concubine Mother)

王叔 Wángshū - Royal Younger Uncle

王婶 Wángshěn - Royal Younger Uncle's Wife

皇上 Huángshàng - Emperor

皇后 Huánghòu - Empress

太子 Tàizǐ - Crown Prince

太子妃 Tàizǐ Fēi - Crown Prince Consort

陛下 Bìxià - Your/His/Her Majestry

公主殿下 Gōngzhǔ Diànxià - Your/Her Princess Highness

王子殿下 Wángzǐ Diànxià - Your/His Prince Highness


1 一 Yī

2 二 Èr

3 三 Sān

4 四 Sì

5 五 Wǔ

6 六 Liù

7 七 Qī

8 八 Bā

9 九 Jiǔ

10 十 Shí

11 十一 Shí yī


朕 Zhèn - used by Emperors to call oneself.

本宫 Běngōng - I/me/my (used by Imperial females)

本網 Běnwǎng - I/me/my (used by Imperial males)

娘娘 Niángniáng - Your Ladyship

公公 Gōnggōng - In this context, it is used to address high ranking eunuchs serving the direct royal family members usually with roles of secretary or head of a department

杂家 Zájiā - I/me/my (often used in ancient China by civil officials)

臣妾 Chénqiè - This Consort (calling themselves)

姨娘 Yíniáng - Another rank of a concubine

公子 Gōngzǐ - Gentleman / Young man

姨母 Yímǔ - Aunt

学生 Xuéshēng - Student

先生 Xiānshēng - Can be used for Mister or Sir and even teacher.

老师 Lǎoshī - Teacher

世子 Shìzi - Heir

五女儿 Wǔ nǚ'ér - Fifth Daughter/ Fifth Lady

五姐儿 Wǔ jiě'ér - Fifth Girl / Lady

娘 Niáng - can be used on Mother, woman or young woman

So if you see Wǔ niáng, it refers to Fifth Girl. The author is rather indecisive with the way he calls FL in this story… Well not only that… he is rather fickle is pretty much a lot of things….

世子 Shìzi - Heir

夫君 Fūjūn - Another way to call husband

母子 Mǔzǐ - Mother and child

父子 Fùzǐ - Father and child

媳妇 Xífù - Daughter-in-law

女婿 Nǚxù - Son-in-law

Běnwǎng is used by princes that have been conferred with official status while Běndiàn is used by imperial princes that have not been conferred with official status.

Gōngzǐ / Xiānshēng are both Gentleman. It's just a difference between formality and degree.