Chereads / The Joker's Troubled Time In Another World / Chapter 7 - [Arc 1]Chapter 6

Chapter 7 - [Arc 1]Chapter 6

Ray's POV

After breakfast Ray went out into the garden and walked a few hours to his destination.

Ray's destination was far in the north-west of this large-ass garden. 'Hmm...', Ray appraised the flowers as he walked towards his destination.

There were all kinds of flowers, from the standard daffodils, roses and sunflowers to some he had never seen before. Ray reached his destination and started to enter it.


Ray pushed the bushes out of the way and arrived. Ray arrived at some place hidden in the pushes. There was a white circular gazebo made out of some polished material that seemed to shine, and the top contained bricks.

"It's here...", Ray muttered as he pushed the bushes out of the way and headed towards the gazebo.

'I'll never cease to be amazed by this amazing craftsmanship.', Ray thought as inspected and assessed the gazebo.

"Oh, right.", Ray blurted out.

'Oh, yeah. What's the time?', Ray raised his watch towards eye level and saw that it was only 8:00.


Ray proceeded to head towards his destination and went to the lake near the gazebo. Ray took his shoes off and rolled up his pants, as he dipped his feet in the lake.

Some may ask: "Why is he dipping his feet in the lake?", the answer to this question has two answers. The first answer is: "it feels nice." and the second answer is: "Helps calm the mind.".

In [Haki] training it is essential for the user to be calm, because even a slight disturbance could cause a fatal mistake. Ray learned this in his previous existence known as "Raymond Dragon" through the hard way, and seeing that Ray's previous self was mentioned lets explain a bit of Raymond Dragon while Ray focuses on his [Haki] control.

'Raymond Dragon', or 'Card Master', or 'Joker'. When Joker was at the age of 5 in his previous life he noticed that he had the ability to access his supernatural energies. Everyone had them, they just did not know how to control it as it feels normal to have a certain amount. When Joker was 6 years old he had mastered the ability to control mana and hence he learned of his special magic '[Card Magic (self-named)]'. When using [Card Magic (self-named)] for the first time you get an [UNKNOWN-Grade Card].

In [Card Magic (self-named)] there are 9 grades with an extra that essentially acts as '[Grade 10]', however the power of [Grade 9] and [Grade 10] differ so much that comparing heaven and earth would be an insult.

Anyway, back on track. At age 6, Joker unlocked a [Grade 10 Card] which was called [Soul Storage] which I obviously used. Afterall [Soul Storage] has a couple of handy functions like: an outfit button for multiple saves, accessory storage, item storage, money storage and a bunch of other functions, so why not?

Lost track again. So, once he unlocked his storage ability he rolled for a random card, and by 'rolled' I mean he figuratively rolled a dice because [Card Magic (self-named)] has the amazing ability to gacha for random cards for a very small amount of [Mana]. However if you want to directly choose your cards then you just have to spend a small amount of your [Mana] to obtain a card by will, so the function is practically useless as it's downside is that the quality of cards are significantly worse than normal. Only rarely will you be able to get something worthwhile. Why am I going to such lengths to explain? Well it's because 'me' the narrator has fallen to 'Gacha Hell' before. Anyway, enough 4th wall breaking.

So Joker or 'Raymond', got the so-called 'beginners luck' and got the [Grade-4] [Truth Card] which he asked it one question:

"How do I train my other energies?"

Which then it replied a bunch of stuff thats either not very important or already been mentioned or is going to be mentioned.

So, after Raymond learned how to train his other energies he proceeded to use the [Grade 8] [Knowledge Growth Enhanced] and proceeded to cheat life itself. Not only this, he also abused [Grade 1] [Prediction UP] which can also lead people to think that your shaping the world and not the world that's shaping you, and aced the tests required for his education while learning his mistakes, and as a side job he competed in card games that people spent money on and still proceeded to abuse his powers even more and get rich.

Though, that was his downside. He used it so much that his big-sister who realised that he was cheating life, - because she keenly observes the rumoured 'genius' - thought him blessed, and lost her sanity when she realised that it seemed like God himself was on this kid's side.

Sounds like abuse of powers if you ask me.

"AAACHOOOOO!", Ray sneezed, he looked around only to see that the sun was setting. Ray tried to manipulate his [Haki] and realised that he was training it through his sleep, once he realised this he turned his [Haki] off.

Ray lifted his feet from the lake and put on his socks and shoes, then after he rolled down his pants. He then headed home.





"WHAT ON LISHANIA, IS THIS?!", Ray cringed as he heard his Mom - Evelyn - screech at him.

"Went out to play.", Ray calmly replied.

"Don't 'went out to play' me, young man!", Evelyn scolded Ray as he was covered in fragments of the branches he passed through.





'Hmm... Feels nice...', Ray smiled as he sat back in his large square tub, after he scrubbed himself with soap and used shampoo on his hair.

Ray looked at the ceiling of the bathroom and thought:

'It feels warm and fuzzy to be loved, again. It's not like how my big-sister used to treat me, it feels like a family. A real family.', Ray smiled.