Chereads / The Iron Alchemist / Chapter 72 - A Prized Ride

Chapter 72 - A Prized Ride

Lyolis sat on the bench of the balcony. It was beautiful, this night, a lilac cloak made up the sky.  In the courtyard below, birds rinsed before nesting, singing their goodnight songs while bluish butterflies and green dragonflies soared toward their resting place on leaves and stone. The air was a cozy warmth that nestled in her lungs, and smelt of the  fresh mint that populated the garden. The kind of night that made her want to venture and not stay trapped fifteen-foot above ground.

Three gentle knocks came at the door. Lyolis ignored it, though it didn't stop the person on the other side from entering, searching the room, until discovering her hiding place. 

"My love," Zoar bowed his head. He was was dressed in a thin set of hides, with beads that matched the sky in his hair. He looked troubled, the corked smile working to disguise it, she was not fooled.  "I have come for you."

"At my mother request, I assume."

Zoar shook his head, "at my own." He invited himself onto the balcony though didn't take to her side, instead finding the railing, watching the north where the city lights began to awaken, readying for the night. "I wish to spend the evening with you."

"Like you spent it with me at the ball?"  The beast-like blood filled her veins once more though she held back her temper. "You left me alone, and I have not seen you since!  You've been … distant."

He faced her, leaning against the rail. Light wrapped  his body, highlighting his muscles, while shadows defined his figure, making him appear taller and stronger than he already had. There was no wind though his hair draped down his chest, beautiful and gleaming. 

Lyolis couldn't help her cheeks from blossoming red. She turned and searched the city, not allowing Zoar to see her look upon him like the prince he was; valiant and courageous. The kind of man many of the Cyoakian girls dreamed would hoisted them into their tents, and lay them on their bear-furred beds, giving them babies who'd be strong and handsome as he was. 

"My apologies...allow me to make it up to you." 

"There is nothing you could do to make it up to me." Lyolis said, though many things came to mind. A kiss would be a good start, she thought. She crossed her arms and lowered her chin. "You head has been lost on the one at the party … the man with the scars." Zoar jerked at her words, and she pressed on hoping to give him a sting. "Who was he?"

Zoar must've known a lie wouldn't have ended well. "His name was Mason "The Bull" Horn, a bounty hunter inquired by the Howl Chief. We were to win the war, and so, he tried to have my father assassinated. And when we captured him I chose mercy," There was new darkness in his eyes. "But it was not mercy … to leave a man marred is worse than death."

Lyolis felt afraid. She'd never heard him speak of the wars. The days upon the battlefield. The nightmares that haunted him in the night. Was this the one he feared? Was this the man that haunted his dreams?

"You did that to his face…"

Zoar nodded and admitted, "I did that to spare the man my father's rath … to show him mercy, and give him a chance at another life … but I fear that I've created a monster who'll stop at nothing but to bring me harm." He walked over and grabbed her hand. "To bring us harm."

Many want to bring my family harm. What's one more? she thought.

"There's more," Zoar said, dropping to his knees, allowing their eyes to meet. Lyolis tried to find the light but all she saw was swirling black moons. "I found that Mitch was the one who had taken our Brusk'Kab, and sold him to the one they call Baxter." He shook his head. "I tried to find her, but the husky man got rid of her … sold her to somebody else, who I'm uncertain."

The Mayor, Lyolis wanted to say, but feared it would upset him further. "Have you told my mother and father?"

He shook his head, "They cannot know that I am the responsible … that I am the cause. If I get her back than maybe your mother will accept me. All I need is her approval—"

"You have my approval," she pulled her hands away. "Am I not enough?" 

"Of course you are," Zoar grabbed her hands once more. They'd grown softer since his time away from the war. No longer calloused from swinging Tomahawks and shooting bows. "That's why I've brought you something."

Lyolis was taken back by his words. First the flowers from Tonsi, now a gift from Zoar. As much as she wanted to hold onto her anger, they were both making it very hard, and the beast-blood within her was settling.

"Odd you'd give me a gift after confessing such atrocities." She said. "I will not have you buy my love."

Zoar rose, pulling on her hand, his eyes bow glowing brilliantly. "Even if I could, no gem in the world could afford your love."

Lyolis turned away and giggled, unable to hide the reddening in her cheeks. Next moment, she found herself in the foyer then the courtyard where her love brought her to the empty street.

Lyolis eyebrows furrowed, "Are you playing games?" 

"Of course not," Zoar smiled truly. It'd been a long time since he allowed himself to, and she knew it was on her account. "We've spent too much time here … We must go with the wind, if only for tonight." He pointed to where the road dipped beyond her sight.

Lyolis heard it first, the soft trot of hooves against stone, and then it came, up and over the hill. A beautiful mare, brown as autumn leaves. The white in her hair showing her wisdom. She was large enough to hold a two men, though Lyolis could tell, gentle enough to carry a child. 

"I found her roaming the desert … Seems somebody lost her or rid her due to age." Zoar watched her approach. "But I promise you she is strong, and will have many moons ahead of her."

Lyolis had dreamed the day she'd have a horse of her own. Even spoke of it often. And the many nights she felt like Zoar had not been listening, he was, allowing her words to brew like a cauldron. 

"I love it!" 

"Good," Zoar stroked her back. "Because it's time to ride with the wind."