"Your husband seems to want a child, right?" Asked the man again, and that Denisa can't help staring at the man again.

"Who are you? I think you are'nt an ordinary person?" Asked Dhenisa with a sharp gaze.

"I assure you, your husband's wish will come true soon. You will give birth to a beautiful baby girl who will be my soul mate." said the man with a serious look.

"What do you say? How can you say that I will give birth to a baby girl? And what do you say? Is she your match? Seriously! You are the same age as mine, and I am not pregnant nor have I given birth. How can you say my baby is your soul mate?" Asked Dhenisa with an increasingly clueless look.

"My name is Asoka Yasa, to be precise prince Asoka Yasa who controls the sea of ​​Ise's coast. I want your daughter, right at the age of seventeen I will come. And at twenty I will marry her." Said Yasa, staring at Dhenisa's face.

Dhenisa shook her head.

"This is impossible, how can you be so sure that my baby is a girl and you can't just marry my daughter who is still twenty years old." Said Dhenisa with emotion.

"Why can't you? She is my soul mate ... the love story between me and your daughter is written in the carving of the destiny of Ise's beach." said Asoka Yasa calmly.

"I do not believe! I know this must be my imagination! Get away ... get away from me." Said Dhenisa while pushing Yasa's body.

"I will go. when your daughter is an adult I will come. Give her the name Yeira, because she's actually a daughter of Yeira." Said Yasa then got up from his seat and walked toward the open sea and drowned in it.

Many times Dhenisa blinked her eyes to wake up from her dream, but still what she saw was real.

" sleep Zee?" Daniel asked suddenly in front of her.

"Daniel? You're done soaking?" Asked Dhenisa after she realized that Daniel was rubbing her face.

"Yes Zee, I'm done soaking. Looks like my wish will come true Zee, because my face has been hit by the ocean waves." Said Daniel with a happy face.

"Thank goodness Niel, we'd better hurry back to the car. We've been away from Justine for too long. Poor Bubu who hasn't had time to swim." Said Dhenisa with a thought that cannot be separated from the names of Prince Yasa and Princess Yeira.


While waiting for Bubu to swim with Haruka, Dhenisa and Daniel sat in a restaurant which was quite comfortable and shady.

"Zee." Called Daniel who had seen Dhenisa looking restless.

"Yes Niel." Dhenisa replied while breastfeeding Justine.

"What is wrong with you? I've seen you look quiet and nervous." Asked Daniel and couldn't help looking at Dhenisa, who was still pensive.

"Daniel, it looks like this beach holds a mystical story that we don't know." Said Dhenisa with her eyes looking at the open sea.

"It could be Zee, because you know yourself that there are many people who bathe just because they have goals and desires." Daniel replied, looking at the high seas.

"Daniel, when you soak in the sea, do you feel something?" Asked Dhenisa to Daniel, who does not have any sixth sense advantages other than Daniel has a very strong bond with her.

Daniel thought for a moment, then looked at Dhenisa deeply.

"What is it, Zee? I just felt water a chill go into my pores and after that it was like someone was splashing water on my face ... that's all I feel." Daniel replied feeling a little odd.

"Excuse me, sir, madam if I was be brave to have heard the conversation of the two of you. I was interested to hear it because sir, madam discussed the story of the Ise beach. For sir and madam, enough just know Ise Beach does have a mystical story that many people in Ise city already know." Said the person who owned the restaurant when he gave Daniel hot tea, and overheard Daniel and Dhenisa's conversation.

"Oh yeah? Is that right sir? What kind of story, sir?" Asked Dhenisa increasingly curious, Moreover, from the word Yasa there is a story of fate between prince Yasa and princess Yeira.

"At the bottom of this ocean there was a kingdom ruled by a prince whose name was prince Yasa. Prince Yasa is a half-snake human form, who loves a human princess from another kingdom named Princess Yeira. They loved each other but their love did not get the blessing of the King of Oman, the father of Princess Yeira. Their love is tragic because with death they still cannot be united. When Prince Yasa and Princess Yeira decided to die together, they were both dying, The King of Oman still separated the two of them by taking Princess Yeira away. And finally Prince Yasa died alone without knowing where Princess Yeira was." said the owner of the restaurant very clearly, it made Dhenisa's heart touch and pity, Suddenly there were tears flowing from both corners of her eyes.

"After that, did Princess Yeira survive or die too, sir? " Daniel asked goosebumps to hear his story.

"Princess Yeira survived, but when she heard Prince Yasa died Princess Yeira drowned herself into the sea of ​​Ise where Prince Yasa's body was located." said the owner of the restaurant with a face that looked sad.

"Really ragis, really love them true love." Said Daniel with a sad look and admiration for Yasa and Yeira's love.

Dhenisa could not bear to hear it, finally could no longer hold back her tears. Dhenisa cried softly while wiping her tears.

"Zee, are you crying honey? Is it because of this sad story that you cry?" Daniel asked a little panicked seeing Dhenisa's condition, which looked very sad.

"Daniel, do you believe me, if I had this strange experience?" Said Dhenisa with a serious face.

"What's the weird thing, Zee?" Asked Daniel curiously.

"I was visited by Prince Yasa." said Dhenisa after a full gaze.

"What, madam? Madam visited by Prince Yasa? is he so handsome?" Asked the owner of the restaurant, who still heard the conversation between Daniel and Dhenisa.

"Yes, prince Yasa is very handsome." said Dhenisa, thinking about something.

"Sir, does Prince Yasa often appear on this beach?" asked Dhenisa wanted to know more about the story of Yasa and Yeira.