Wolf was the lowest of the low an escaped orphan and ward of the state destined for a factory somewhere to work at minimum wage until he died but he was having none of that. Wolf had mastered hacking by his 15th birthday and had a solid grasp of engineering any other planet and he would have been a genius and treasured but on Likion IV he was just another body to feed to the wheels of industry. Wolf dreamed of escape and on his sixteenth birthday that's exactly what he did covering his tracks on the network proved to be no challenge finding a hideout proved tougher though until he found a shut down auto factory that was used to build surface to orbit corporate yhat's and he set it up great first locking out every other person and making himself the only authorized user in the system and then he had it build him a new top of the line deluxe yhat.
Atomic food synthesizers and all it was the perfect place for a teenager to hide he even used forged credentials to stock the ship fully. After stocking the ship I began setting up defenses first was a shaped charge behind the forward display though it didn't use a good explosive it would certainly dump shards of screen and wiring throughout the bridge. After the bridge claymore I set up a hidden command that would cause the core to begin overloading when the bridge charge went off I also set it to lock the main hatch. My traps in place and my ship ready as much as I could get it I began looking for a crew and weapons. Weapons proved to be impossible to acquire and I had to resort to building my own and seeing as how I was no marksman and I couldn't get ahold of explosive anything so I decided lasers were what I'd build so I started taking a holo desk emitter system apart and a few optical drives and I worked to cobble together a laser pistol from the parts. My homemade laser pistol was no work of art and was only good for about 8 shots but hey if it works it works though it did have the dubious advantage of not looking like a weapon so I might be able to sneak it in places.
Once I was armed I started looking for a crew after all I'd need one if I was going to do what I planned. My plan was simple capture a cruiser and make it mine though it would certainly be a challenge I figured if was going to do something crazy I might as well do it big. My first trick would be getting past the warships weaponry the least of which included 1cm laser cannons and 20mm auto cannons all the way up to intrasystem anti ship missiles and stealth torpedos. I needed a crew that was brave desperate and a little bit insane if I was going to pull it off and lucky me the government tracked people like that mercilessly.
My first target was a revolutionary and also the hit single hardest man to find on the planet that also happened to be the number one most wanted man in the sector. Getting the first guy on my list proved to be difficult but I managed without incident the guy was even more excited about my mission than I was his name was Horacio Midlan a zealot of unquestionable skill with weapons. My second recruit was easier to find but much harder to convince Elemar Schofields an eccentric who was known to take out foes silently and was also known as the go to assassin.
My second crew member proved to be less than willing so I decided to try something else and went with my backup number two choice a college student who had racked up massive debt with the corporation and was currently being hunted for credit fraud he was easy to convince and so Jack E joined the crew third choice was an engineer who couldn't get any patent for a single one of his inventions and was thoroughly disgusted with the ruling council he also proved easy to convince and preferred to be called Niel Orzan.
With three crew members I was starting to get things rolling but I needed more the minimum crew I'd need was twenty and I had plucked the most undesirable people in the system already so I set out a couple hidden advertisements on the local net for people willing to do something about the government and those who were seeking a better life. Yeah it worked out about as you expected I got crazies and disaffected workmen in the end I managed to weed out most of the applicants and still ended up with thirty able bodied crew with thirty three crew not counting myself things were starting to get interesting.