The day was bland, as my hair irritably brushed against my face, I sat in the company of the ents. Their tall a structure and vibrant leaves were a perfect shield from the sun, they were rather timid creatures, Vacuo said people on Asharia call them tree people. Not the correct term but I guess it will have to do. My isle was by far the most colourful, birds sang, crickets chirped and there was a subtle breeze which caused branches to dance to it's rhythm, nothing died here, they'd simply turn to the hardest stone until I rejuvenated them with my power once more. Whatever I created stayed here and remained free.
You could see both of the islands from up here, my brother's barren landscape shielded by a rather angry storm, just the way he liked it, and Asharia flourished with both aspects of my realm and Ghorah's power and fueled by Vacuo's. His is the embodiment of magic power, yet it appeared desolate and empty, you'd expect some sign of elemental magic or light in the void but only 3 islands resigned here.
His voice, like a ghost, echoed throughout my isle. We talk about many subjects from the serpents under the waves to the wyverns rode by humans, he describes it as the perfect haven, an oasis of life and death. He is free to look upon the lands as he has no emotion, however, he remains perfectly stable and considerate. His lack of feelings make his judgements clear and unbiased, making him the perfect god to look upon the lands we create. "Asteria, do you know what is wrong with Ghorah?" He inquired as a dark mist swept before me, I shook my head and nodded at him to continue. "He's acting strange, we was conversing when he asked if he could visit the Midlands", my jaw dropped, Vacuo was always drilling into our heads not to even ask this question.
"Are you serious?" I replied, my voice quiet and timid.
"Yes, of course I am, watch him please, I don't want him doing anything stupid, if he goes he won't come back as the Ghorah we know", I gave him a thumbs up.
"I'll go talk to him, maybe he is going through a phase of curiousity" I gave the mist a smile and rose from the rock of which I was perked on for the past couple of hours.
"Curiosity is a good emotion but can lead to deadlier things", I looked at him confused and brushed off the the dress, it's white silk was now dirtied by the dust. The ents returned to their tree state as I walked towards the edge of the isle, my power draining from them the further away I got.
I mustered up the strength to summon a wyvern. Summoning was a skill that life and death magic had, a common trait even among the humans, however few are able to summon anything above a cat, nevermind a mount. Vacuo explained the laws of magic frequently and said in some circumstances humans can inherit our magic directly, this phenomenon occurs once every 50 years and in its most potent form the child will be born with either, yellow, purple or silver eyes. Silver being the rarest of the three, their eyes had a multicoloured tint to it and they could wield life and death magic, along with the power of the four elements, terra, ignis, glacies and aqua. Of course me and my brother can wield all four elements, however, our strongest and most potent magic is life magic, also referred to as victus, and death, mortus.
After a few minutes of dedicated concentration a green aura appeared swirling out of the blades of grass, coming together, almost building the beast up. Wisps of the magic, known as terra, earth magic, floated around me almost emitting from me. Within seconds the green wyvern, small enough to fit on the rock yet big enough to ride, was sat before me. His yellow eyes stared at me intently, those orbs seemed to be filled with life and enthusiasm. His scales were a beautiful emerald green, they looked like they were dipped slightly in gold. The wyverns wings lowered down, gesturing for me to get on his back. I giggled with excitement, I haven't had a good flight in years. Without any hesitation I climbed on his wing and slid onto his back. I ran my hands against his scales, you could feel how thick his skin was and every bump and ridge that was on his back. His horns were long and sharp, they appeared to be made of gold. I grabbed onto them and without a minute to spare he rose from the ground, his wings reaching out horizontal and pushed us off of the ground.