it all started in a small town. a small little town in the mountains, a boy raised, treated unfairly for his looks, his personality. Xcite was only 5 when he felt like something was different like he was aware of his surroundings, his life. he was carefree, young and he didn't know much. he has some friends when he was younger, his childhood friends, they played and had fun, but he was still taken advantage of and people didn't care. they didn't care about his feels, his hopes, his dreams. they never cared. he was bullied by other kids in kinder garden and continued until he was 10 years old. as he lived. he was so stressed, he felt like the world was looking down on him and expected everything of him. he felt like he was drowning every day. so low yet so high, and somehow, he kept trying, wishing to be something better than his own self. he looked at his hands and thought about how his life would go, how he could do anything but slowly as he turned 15, he was bullied to the point where he didn't go to school. his parents always looked down on him and never helped him.
sometimes he wondered if he should even be alive, his eyes seemed to look depressed, the bags under his eyes. 'i couldn't do a thing' he thought to himself. he slowly thought of that day when he wanted to save someone, but they rejected him, said mean things and didn't care like the others. after he became 18, he wanted to leave but his parents beat him countlessly. his face looked broken, unreal. every night he would go for a walk and see the people around him staring. but one night was different. a male with a suit walked up to him. "Hey, would you be interested in research experiment?" the man asked, Xcite just looked at him and his eyes avoided eye contact "i-..ill pass" Xcite replied. "we'll give you money!" the man replied back quickly, "Huh?" Xcite replied. "We'll give you money..." the man said "money doesn't solve anything.." Xcite replied, his tone low. a grunt escaped his mouth. "Fine, how about this. ill give you card, if you want to call in a week when you change your mind" the man said as he pulled out a business card from his suit and handed it to him "my number or email is there." the man said. "ill think about it." Xcite replied, he would put the card in his pocket and almost wanting to forget about it, though days have past. Xcite couldn't get the lurking feeling in his mind that he should at least try, at least try to change his life and do something different.
So at home, he was in his room looking out the window before looking at the phone then he picked up his smartphone and began to put in the man's business contact number, he hesitated for a minute but he built up the courage and began to call. It would ring... And ring.... And ring and just when he thought no one would answer, suddenly someone did. "Hello?" A male on the other line said, "Hello? This is Xcite. A man came up to me and gave me this number about a experiment?" Xcite replied. There would be abit of silence on the other side before someone said "Oh! Hello Xcite, are you ready?" The male on the other end said. There was a quiet reply "yes.." Xcite said.
The male responded with "We'll pick you up tonight, tell us where to meet you." He said, Xcite felt like something was off but he quickly brushed it off when the male replied "also don't worry about the drive, you'll meet the researcher that will be keeping in an eye on you in the car, she'll be very glad to meet you!" He said. Xcite calmed down and replied with his address and said "I'll be in the front of the house." There was a bit of silence again before a response "we'll meet you in an hour, be ready in case because we're abit fast" there was hangup and then silence, Xcite knows he shouldn't have accepted but he looked at the ground and felt kinda happy that he gets to get out of the house.
When it was time to go outside to wait for the car, he would forget something then grab it, and have all his stuff. When he walked outside and seen there was a woman with blue hair and brown eyes leaning against a black car, she has a white lab coat on and high heels, she has some skirt and she seems to be carry a expensive purse.
He froze and looked at her and was silent for a moment before he asked "are you the researcher?" He asked before he got an instant response from her saying "Yes" like she knew he was gonna ask that. "and that car is-" and she responded again instantly "this is the pick up car" and he asked "Are you reading my damn mind?" He asked and she was silent like she was caught before she looked away and said "Maybe". He would sigh "I should get in the car shouldn't I?" and she quietly responded "Yes.. please do." he would get his stuff and put it into the car and the 2 other males would help him and then they would close the trunk and he would get into the back seat with the researcher. "my name is Lisa Renee, I'll be your researcher and head of taking care of you, don't worry I'll make sure you'll be in good hands" she replied with kinda of an evil smirk as she stared at him and he said in his head 'that is the look of someone who wants to kill me, the hell did I sign up for?' he questioned in his mind before he shook it off. She would continue "I founded a project to make someone immortal and I wanted to test it on someone, I looked into some people and found you were the most compatible with the research and now I wanted to see if it was true" he would look at her and ask "Immortality? Is that like living forever?" He asked as he was curious and replied "Yes but it comes with a lot of risks, are you ready to accept those?" She asked.
There was a hint of silence, the wind was a bit stronger but nothing serious. He would answer "I accept" then she would said "Great, and look at that. We are here". They would approach a gate, and the gate open from seeing the car on camera then the drive would take 10 before they got near a very large research center. It was as tall as some of the hotels and it looked like there was a special type of medal made on it.
First month felt like it was drowning, I had a bad dreams because it felt like it was a black empty shell, the team would bring me something to make me sleepy like a small LED light, though it made me question. As the months pass I was happy to do I pleased as long as I was behaving and respectful, and the head researcher was growing closer to me, seemly monitoring me and my health levels and seeing if I was eating, drinking or something else.
As the first month pass and so on, but over time I felt my emotions depleted, I felt sad and depressed like I was sinking in a hole and I asked myself In my head 'what could go wrong, what could happen?' and my muscles would feel weak but it seemed like they were changing the medicine that was needed for this experiment and I felt illness, but i wanted to die or I feel like I wanted to when in reality it was the very thing that scared me.
When I finally was able to come to my senses, I felt better until I started to feel extreme pain. He would scream, the head researcher would yell "take him to the ER of the department and help him!" She seemed to roar. I laid there as I felt like my body was crushing in on itself like a black hole, every inch felt like swords were cutting through me or I was being burnt alive even though it was my insides that felt the most weird, it was like they were twisting in unnatural ways and I couldn't do a damn about it... God it hurt that day and so slowly they began to give me medicine but it was definitely different and difficult, I didn't trust it at first until they told me that it's in smaller doses and I did take it but it was the last time I seen that research center because after a few minutes after I took it, I would feel like I moved one wrong move and flated that entire building, there was a sense of strength flowing into my body, I felt the rage and hatred for my enemies and I thought the whole world was dangerous so I killed everyone, yes everyone. I didn't care if they were innocent or guilty. They needed to go but when I seen a child, I can't help but feel their sadness or rage. I tell them "don't... Be... Like me...."
My body was covered head to toe in something black, my body looked like it was made of it too, lucky I even have a human body but it was distorted, it was like looking into a black hole. My ...eyes were glowing white and I had this.....smirk like I was planning to do something evil, i didn't but after i would around the first... Earth I was born on now looking at flames and burning buildings, what could I say... I was 'One of a kind' I thought to myself.
I smiled like a villain, I couldn't even control my own emotions, every single time I would open the portal, I know that the world was gonna get destroyed by me because I knew I wasn't myself. I felt evil, this made sense to me and I couldn't stop it and so I let my self rest as my corrupted mind takes over and goes and destroys world, one after another and another, and another, the loop continues until one day Xcite hits his head very hard on something in this new world, and he felt asleep for awhile but when he woke up and realized he killed over 100 billion people, he couldn't help but cry as he sat on his knees. The world he looked at was burning and the building, they are destroyed, unrecognizable. It was a blood bath and he hated it.