I walked alone my pale reddish pink hair swaying around me as I crossed the log that separated my cottage to my after school hideout. The log had been there for years and never once been disturbed until now. I walked across the log only to see a pixie on the other end, whimpering. As a kitsune I can Chang my form, I usually stick to a beautiful teenager with pinkish hair and red eyes . But helping a pixie was a must if you made enemy's with a pixie or a kitsune it was bad. Then I sensed something not actually being able to see it because I'm only 300 years old. But It was a kirigami a puppet that was made by a sorcerer that could take on an origami shape. I acted fast as it grabbed my tail and yanked only to get a face full of fangs and snout. The pixie looked up already noticing my three tails made him on guard but he thanked me and noticed my holy charms I had on my clothes as I shape shifted back into a girl. Then he asked are you a Zenko kitsune?