A few minutes before Xin Lei came.
Liao Huifang ran out of the room and randomly climbed upstairs with no specific destination to go to. She just wanted to be away to have a breath of fresh air. She didn't even realize that she was unconsciously holding her breath for the whole time she watched her sister in that video.
She pushed the terrace door open, rushed towards the railing, and collapsed on the ground, holding onto it.
All the memories she spent with Liao Chuntao came rushing to her at once.
Sis... why can't this be a bad dream? Why can't I wake up and realize that everything was a lie? Sis, I want to see you again…
Weren't you going to cheer me on in my upcoming art competition? I wanted to win for you. I wanted to show you my best art until now. I wanted to tell the whole world that it was because of you that I became so capable. I wanted to show how amazing my sis is.
Why? Why can I not do it anymore!?