As we arrive to there base we realise how much they we experience but the tech they had the groups are made out of 30 groups we were group 27 there groups go down by the size and how experience they were they were group 20 they had tanks,plains,snipers all the good stuff
In group 27 all we were given food, cloths. and the weapons we were given were rifles and grenades this would also mean that we would have to find shelter in broken buildings and remains of a battlefield unlock the commander of group 20 people thought that they were superior to us and so they started to test us on like people attacking in the night, nife combat training,mounting climbing they started getting worse by each day, one day I managed to see the commander and then I hit something I was given too opportunities either I swallow my pride as a second in command and ask her about her men and the treat ment or I carry on with the exercise they have been giving us.
of course it took the first one because my body felt like it was falling apart as I started to walk towards her she glances at me "is there a problem" I take a huge breath and say with my swallowed pride "yeah your men have been putting our group on extreme training and we would like you to speak to them about it" then the atmosphere changes as she gets angry and says with an evil smile "I'll deal with this problem" after that day we didn't see the group of soldiers what would put us thought that
till 4 days later they arrive back at camp with their uniform and equipment that looked as in they went though he'll you could even tell by there facial expression disparity and sadness
the both commanders of 20 and 27 cone out with a grin on there face saying "what's wrong little training didn't get you warmed up?"