Chereads / X-Dress: My Superhero is a Crossdresser / Chapter 10 - Rogue Growthority

Chapter 10 - Rogue Growthority

The final period of this short, yet eventful day, was homeroom. Mister Evans, who is also our maths teacher, spoke the full forty-five-minute class about the event of today. It felt less special, having experienced it a little differently from everyone else.

"However, do not worry too much, as these things don't happen often. If it does happen again, people like Floran are here to protect us."

His name emerged the thought of illegality in my mind. Now that I knew he was most likely far from an innocent Peacebringer, my perspective on him changed. I wasn't a fan of him before, but now I could hardly call him a Peacebringer at all.

The buzzer went off.

"Well, that's it for today. Maths group, remember to finish your homework for Monday."

Mister Evans opened the door and the class emptied like someone turning over a bucket. Autumn, Simon and I were the last droplets to leave.

"Oh, Larissa? Do you have a moment? A really short one?"

I stopped and turned my head around the corner. Autumn and Simon stopped as well and waited further ahead in the hallway.

"I noticed you've been around Simon and Autumn a lot lately, and less with the girls. Did something happen?"

"Oh, no, well, yes. I had a little dispute with Christine and Madison, so we took some distance."

"Ah, I see."

"And, I'm fine hanging around with Autumn and Simon."

"Good to hear. Well, if your dispute doesn't resolve itself you can always ask me for help."

"Thank you, but I think we can resolve this ourselves."

I blatantly lied in front of him, but it was for the better. Mister Evans is overly worried about most of his students, so it wasn't unusual hearing this from him. However, if I told him I didn't want to resolve the situation, it would have sparked an unnecessary conversation.

"Okay, well, that's all I needed to know. See you on Monday, and don't forget your homework."

I waved and left the classroom. Autumn and Simon were on their phones in the hallway but put them away when they noticed me. We walked through the hallway and down the stairs.

"Now the question is, do you want to resolve the dispute?"

Autumn started talking out of nowhere.

"I- I don't know."

"You don't know?"

"Well, you see-"

"Don't force yourself to resolve it. Just leave them."

"I'll see."

Autumn was straightforward with it. Christine and Madison were never this straightforward, so I had a tough time accepting his words and seeing them as the truth. Christine's words always had a second meaning to them, and Madison went along with her. It still felt a bit unnatural to have someone speaking the truth, without a double meaning.

We walked out of the building and went towards our bikes. Autumn bumped Simon's shoulder and whispered something in his ear. I couldn't hear it, but Simon turned around shortly after.

"Do- do you want t- to ride- to ride-"

"You can do it, you did it with Heather too."

"Don't interrupt!"

Simon was having a tough time speaking to me casually, though yesterday he was doing just fine.

"Do you want to ride- to ride home with us?"

"But, my house is the opposite way to yours."

"We know, but- but-"

"We have something to ask you."

"Autumn! I was-"

"You were almost there, I know! But it was taking too long for my liking, sorry."

Simon was visibly agitated from Autumn interrupting him. Autumn laughed it off. We arrived at our bikes, which were parked relatively close to each other. I unlocked mine and put the chain lock in my bag. Autumn and Simon only had a lock around their wheels.

"But why do I have to go to your house for that? You can also ask it here."

"Nope, we can't."


Autumn smiled at me, then turned around and stepped on his bike. Simon and I took out our bikes and stepped on as well. I assumed, that their question would have something to do with Floran. They might have overheard me, or put the pieces together. If they asked me about Floran recruiting Guster, I'd have no idea how to talk myself out of it. I didn't want to be the one to end Floran's career, as people would start to despise me.

We left the schoolyard and cycled towards Autumn's house. Since Simon said 'we', I assumed he lived close to Autumn. We entered a forest and followed a shallow path through it. Then I felt it. It was that feeling again, almost. I stopped cycling and set my foot on the ground. Shortly after, they stopped as well, a few meters in front of me.


"Something's over there."

The presence came from the right. My gut had a similar feeling to the one earlier today, right before Guster broke through the windows. I dropped my bike and felt ready to run into the forest.

"Wait! What do you mean?"

"I don't know!"

I hesitated. I wanted to run away, but something urged me to stay. The presence was overwhelming me. It was vile, and frightened me from head to toes.

"I'll check it out, you try and get something out of her."

Simon ran off into the forest, in the direction of the presence, and Autumn dropped his bike and walked up to me.

"Larissa! How do you know?"

"I have no idea, it feels similar to earlier today-"

"What feeling? When?"

"Right before Guster showed up."

Autumn's eyes shrunk. He spoke Simon's name quietly and ran after him. I was there, all alone in the forest. I couldn't move, even though I wanted to. It was fear. A genuine fear. It was hard to breathe, to see, to feel and to hear. All my senses were shut off, and I had left reality.

Suddenly, Simon came running towards me.

"Get behind something!"

I still couldn't move, but he grabbed me and pulled me into a bush next to the road.


A tree fell onto the road, on the place I was standing before. It snapped me back to my senses, and the menacing feeling left my body.

"What happened?"

"A rogue Growthorist. Thundergirl will take him on in a moment."

"You mean Au-"

"Thundergirl, not him."

Simon was devoid of his stutter again, and he addressed Autumn with Thundergirl. His tone was serious and he kept me and himself hidden in the bushes. I peeked through the bushes and immediately saw it.

A creature, covered in brown and green, was slowly walking in our direction. It was no taller than a man and still had a human posture. He or she had Awakened mere moments ago. Beneath its feet, plants sprouted over a meter high. They had dark green, needle leaves like the pine trees of the surrounding forest. Growthority had sprouted within him, but he was unable to take control of it.

"Don't make a sound, and we'll be fine."

Simon was breathing in and out profoundly, at a certain rhythm. I noticed it matched the blowing of the wind. I wanted to ask, but I had to stay silent.


His eyes focused on me. I quickly jerked my head away from the bush. Simon didn't respond. He had his eyes closed and was completely focused on his breathing. I peeked through the bush again and saw that small pine trees, no higher than a few meters, had grown on the road. The Rogue was walking at a higher pace now. He trespassed the road and walked beside the bush.

His eyes were focused straight ahead. I could see his overgrown body from less than arm's length away, and it was made clear that it was a male body. The vines around his arms and chest had small white flowers on them.

Lightning struck on the other side of the road, and the Rogue turned around. Plants grew from the ground around him and missed Simon's foot by a hair. The trees grew horizontally, but Thundergirl kicked the trees and they shattered. She punched the Rogue in the stomach.

"Your target is over here!"

The Rogue flew into the forest, and Thundergirl jumped after him.

Their fight began, and I observed in silence from the shadows.

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