After looting the offices of the head slavers I walk back towards the exit deep in thought. [I keep being affected by mental attacks and as I travel more I am bound to encounter more powerful psionic users. So I need to develop a defense, but where to start? I could change the neurological pathways to try and make my mind more confusing to gain access too. But my empathy suggests that the brain produces is some kind of magical frequency which the psionics can read and influence. The only way to know for sure is experimentation.] I mind briefly wanders to the still alive brain I took from the last slaver which is currently where my stomach usually is.
[ And then there is this.] A small lilac flame appears on my hand. [Didn't know I could do this. It appears to destabilize and feed off nuclear force. (The force that holds a nucleus together is the nuclear force. I am aware that disrupting this would cause a lot of reactions and such but the flame feeds off the energy produced.) But why can I only now use it?] I feel a small sense of fear deep within me. I snort. [I will deal with that later.]
Finally, back at the exit/entrance, I find what's her face and a bunch of dirty looking people looking at the scene of the fight. Which is just a crater and a bunch of sand. Using my arachnid limbs I cross the uneven surface with ease before using my new and improved space ring, which I recently stole, to deposit the stolen money.
"There you go." The sack hits the floor with a thud. "Distribute it amongst yourselves to help start a new life."
They start to mutter amongst themselves as I walk past them into the tunnel that would lead to the room where I killed the potential buyers. I only make it a couple of steps before I start to hear arguing and petty bickering. I sigh and look up at the ceiling in exasperation.
My head starts to ache in pain. [Perfect].
Shade shrieks as I send a wave of fear throughout the filthy degenerates. The arguing stops as they freeze and slowly look at me.
"I can't be fucked to babysit a bunch of cunts so you will fairly distribute the money. Which I am freely giving you. And if you think your pitiful existence is more important than the people you have shared your hardships with then I will take the money back and rip out your eyes." I smile sweetly as my arachnid limbs move mire millimeters away from the eyes of the four people try to take most of the coins.
"Usually I would just take the money and leave nothing but corpses but I fucking hate slavers and I feel like you at least need a second chance at life."
I look at the filthy individuals who the girl claimed were like a family.
"Shade will stay here to make sure you don't act like pieces of shit again. Oh and I almost forgot it's not safe outside, some kind of plague, so I suggest you stay here until I send word of it being safe."
With that, I leave the slavers den and tunnels to once again step outside into the fresh air filled with screams and smoke. I smile half-heartedly before my face falls to a blank expression. [I am really not in the mood for this shit right now.]
Snapping my fingers I send a jolt of pain through my nervous system. "Well, no time like the present I suppose," I mumble before setting out into the city.
I head towards the high sector of the city expecting to find the guildhall with the highest authority there. Along the way, I make sure that the cure I placed into my bloodstream works on every infected person or group I come along.
Discovering no issues with the cure I tie up two infected to show as proof and then locate the biggest collection of noninfected people using my empathy and head towards it hoping for it to be the guildhall. [I probably don't want to burst into the head office, it would probably give the wrong impression. Should probably make myself look more like a person who has made it through a city of chaos.] With that in mind I create a couple of bruises on my skin, a few drops of blood on myself and a couple of tears in my hair clothing.
Now looking the part and having a working cure I run the rest of the way to my destination until I see a stone wall raised from the cobblestone streets. Noticing the guards I slow to a walk and raise my hands.
"Hello there! Is this the adventurers guild hall?" I call out in a neutral tone.
Some of the guards look in my direction and one responds. "Yes, but we do not have any food and water to spare. And what are you doing dragging those to crazed around?"
[So they have named the infected crazed? Fitting I suppose.]
"I am not here for the food. I am here to talk to the resident guild master about the cure I have found." I call before slitting my wrist…
"Stop!" Calls the guard in a panic
...and letting my blood fall on to the face of one of the crazed I have brought along. My wrist heals as the man stops hissing through the gag and straining against the bonds as he momentarily passes out before waking up with a panicked expression on his face.
Meanwhile, two of the guards run over to me with concerned and weary looks. They look between me and the panicked looking man as I take out his gag and undo his bonds. They all open their mouths to talk and presumably ask questions but I retrieve three gold coins from my space ring.
"You…" I point and the recently cured man "Shut up" I hand him the coin
"You…" I point at one of the guards "Look after him." I toss him a coin as I gesture at the confused man.
"And you…" I point at the remaining guard "Take me to whoever is in charge."
They stare dumbly at me for a few seconds.
[Fucking idiots everywhere.]
They each except a coin as the guard who I paid to guide me hurriedly shows me into the guildhall where I receive some odd looks for carrying a crazed but I ignore them. I am quickly lead up a flight of polished wooden stairs where I am greeted by a stressed looking receptionist sat at a desk in front of a set of double doors. She looks up and I notice the bags under her eyes. [Looks like my little experiment has taken its toll on this city and the people running it. If I didn't have more pressing concerns I would celebrate.]
The guard turned guide steps forward. "Excuse me ma'am but this young man has a cure which I have witnessed…"
I step up next to my guide and show the crazed I am carrying. "And I am happy to show again to the guild master."
Jumping to her feet her eyes widen "Are you sure?!"
"It worked every time I have tried," I respond calmly.
She steps out from behind the desk and raises her arm to knock on the door, but before her knuckles managed to touch the wooden surface the doors are flung open.
"Did I hear that you have a working cure?!" Asks a dwarf with white and black checkered hair.
Momentary surprised I respond to the Dwarf who I presume is the guild master. "Ah, yes I have a cure. I found it…"
The checkered haired man interrupts me "No time for your stories boy, just show it to me."
[Well there goes the carefully constructed lie I prepared.]
Slitting my wrist I let my blood drop onto the tied-up crazed. A few moments later the snarling ball of hate becomes a confused woman who looks around in a panic.
The dwarf looks at this with wide eyes. "Um. I may need a slight explanation. But make it short, I don't have much time until I have the whole guild and kingdom up my ass."
[Kingdom? I don't know shit about this world. I need to fix that.]
" Was looking for a lost friend, ended up at the slavers den. Turns out they made this sickness for the gladiators and sex slaves but it broke loss and infected them all. I fought through them and found the slave master who was hiding with the cure. I got infected during the fight and had to take the cure. Had to fight our way out but the slave master died and I discovered that my mutated blood aura could replicate the cure." I explain quickly and clearly.
"Looks like we are lucky to have you, a mutated aura is rare and even the healers are struggling to help." He seems to be lost in thought for a moment. "What do you need to cure as many people as possible?"
"Two days alone in a private area, 100 barrels filled ⅔ of the way with water, as many people who can control water as possible and a promotion to A-rank from my C rank." The guild master's eyes narrow at the last request.
"I am only allowed to give a maximum reward of a single rank and platinum. Any more and the higher-ups will consider it invalid. I am happy to give you the highest reward for your service. But I don't have much say in the matter." He states in a tone that leaves little room for negotiation.
[I shouldn't appear to be too greedy, it would only make gaining their favor harder in the future.]
"Keep the platinum and use it help clean up after this mess. Could you move me up to a B+?"
He taps his foot impatiently. "Fine, I will move up to a B+. Now, what is your plan for the rest of the things you need?"
I reply with a smile. "I will spend two days bleeding myself into the barrels and once I am done you can use the water controllers to blanket the city in the diluted cure. If It doesn't work, we can do it again with a higher concentration of the cure."
He turns to the receptionist. "Get him what he has asked for." Looking back to me "Can you afford to lose that much blood?"
I shrug "I have no idea. Some red meat would probably help though."
Pondering this for a moment the dwarf turns to the guard who was still here awkwardly standing to the side. "Send out raid parties to all the known butches in the area and get this boy some meat."
"Yes, sir!" He rushes down the stairs.
"Now let's find you a room."
I spend the next 12 hours bleeding myself into 62 barrels. Originally I planned to this within a couple of minutes and to send the rest of my time trying to improve my mental defenses. But as I was now in a room within the guildhall, I was wary of being monitored. So after filling 62 barrels and eating all the meat that was brought to me, I left the room and told the receptionist I was taking a break.
[Now would be the perfect time to loot the city although I only have a couple of hours. I should have planned this better.]
I walk down the stairs and look over the sea adventures and guards until my eyes notice a familiar face staring at me with widened eyes.
[Isn't that the female from the grey beak tribe I helped? What was her name again?]
"Hey, Jacob!" She calls out as she worms her way through the crowd. [I don't have time for this and I doubt she would want to help me ransack a city in crisis.]
"Sup buttercup." She blushes slightly
"Sorry, but I have no time to chat. City to save and all that. But I am happy to meet up afterward if you like?" I say while walking towards the door.
"Um, I would like very much."
"Excellent I look forward to." With that, I leave the guildhall and run off into the night.
Using my arachnid limbs I traverse the city at high speed before I enter a random empty house to change my appearance and clothes so that I am not recognized.
[Now to get me some loot.]
I then proceed to break into all the stores and more wealthy-looking houses. Small cracks in the walls or under the doors allowed me to gain access to the building by putting a tentacle through the gap and teleporting in. Stealing all the space rings I came across I used them to store all the money, weapons, metals, armor, expensive clothes, food, beast cores, and monster crystals that I could get my hands on.
At one point I found an alchemy store filled with potions and herbs claiming to heal injuries and fatigue. Curious to know more I cut a long gash along my arm and drink a potion of healing. I felt the potion go to the affected area and supply nutrients to the cells in my arm while the cut seemed to gradually stitch itself back together.
[Probably uses some kind of magic, I suppose that is the best solution for a healing potion considering that there could be a large diversity of injuries that would need to be healed. A bit inconvenient to use a glass bottle though, maybe I can sell a better solution in the future.]
I repeat the process but can't figure out how to replicate the magical element of the potions so I just swallow three bottles and trap the potions inside my body in a ball made of stomach lining. This would allow me to access them whenever I needed. I do the same to the fatigue, cure poison and temporary boost potions.
The temporary boost would infuse my muscles with magic for a short time, enhancing them, but would produce toxins and damage the muscles afterward. This isn't an issue for me as I just removed the toxins and fixed the muscles.
After liberating the rest of the potions, leaving the herbs because I don't know what to do with them, I went back out into the early morning.
For no other reason then for my own amusement, I would create and leave severed heads around the places I visited and would periodically leave a few gold coins in some of the poorer buildings I found.
After leaving a smithy and liberating a large amount of lead and other metals I saw that the sun was beginning to rise, casting a golden glow of warmth onto the dying city filled with screams and death.
"I should probably call it a night. Literally and figuratively." I mumble as I being to hide the space rings around my person and thinking about all of my ill-gotten gains. I walk around for a bit before ducking into a random house and change my form to the one publicly recognized as Jacob WillBreaker and head back to the guild.
After another couple of hours of bleeding myself into barrels, the 100 containers were filled with a red concoction of blood and water.
Once the barrels were filled it was only a matter of time before various individuals who could manipulate water where stationed around the city, holding up the mixture in the air and letting it fall upon the city, Curing most of the city. Those not in the bloody rainfall were detained and cured directly.
With the task finished successfully the guild master gave me the promotion, not knowing he was rewarding the culprit of the entire ordeal. I smirk at this thought as I send a summoning call to Shade as I get ready to head off into the city.
[Time to go find Dave.]