I grudgingly opened my eyes to the sound of the morning bell, which kindly rips me away from my cherished sleep. The other servant boys start to get out of their bunks and put on their uniform. Following the example of my fellow servants I enthusiastically get off the bed, get changed and make my bed then join the line of other servants awaiting Father Paul. Then a happy thought wakes me from my stupor, today's my birthday!
Father Paul comes in as usual and ticks off the names, as the servants line gradually grows shorter. When I am at the front he smiles at me and points me to stand next to him as he ticks off the rest of the servant's names. Without saying a word Father Paul motions for me to follow him.
We walk in silence towards the priest's private chambers. Father Paul takes me into what I assume to be his chamber. There is a large double bed in the middle of the room on top of a worn carpet that is the same pale green as the drawn curtains. As I examine the room I hear the click of the lock on the door, I turn to question Father Paul but see him taking off his clothes with a hungry look in his eye, the same one many of the servants get after a long day of work and they finally get to have the evening stew.
"Take off your clothes Jacob, it will be more comfortable that way" Father Paul's words weigh heavily on me like they are something that must be heard and must be obeyed. I start to take off my clothes. Slipping off my sandals and raising shirt over my head to slip it off. I stop. A sense of fear, confusion, and suspicion start to dig their way into my conscious. Father Paul raises an eyebrow and steps towards me. I step back.
" What do you think you are doing Jacob? Don't you think that it would be much nicer if you were to do what I ask?" Once again his words weigh heavily on me almost like a physical weight against my very being. But the fear, confusion, and suspicion only get stronger and I start to back away.
" You little piece of shit! After all, I have done for you? I took you off the streets as a baby when even your parents didn't want your worthless existence! I gave you food, clothes, and a roof over your head so take off your fucking clothes and get on that bed!" Red-faced and furious Father Paul lunged at me with a mad look in his eye.
I ducked and weaved to avoid his claw-like hands but with his superior reach and strength, he grabbed and lifted me by the neck until I was level with his mad and deranged eyes. Trying to break free from his grip I start punching and squirming but this only seemed to amuse Father Paul.
"Struggling to the very end? Can't have that now, can we? No can't have you bite something you shouldn't while we play can we?" Father Paul tilts his head as if in deep fought " hehehehe oh I know hehe I will just have to break your spirit hehe now won't I? Luckily I know just the spell for that hehe but don't worry, it will only hurt...a lot haha"
Father Paul started to starts to mumble In a language I can only half hear like someone trying to talk to you while you're underwater and what I can hear I don't understand. I try to scream and hit his hand harder but I can barely breathe let alone make a sound.
While he chanted he grabbed a spare belt from the dresser and used it to tie my hands together. Then Father Paul finished his senseless chant and everything turns black.