I didn't think too much. It may only be because i've just met him and felt intimidated. I made my order, waited and took it back to my table. I finished my food while I enjoy the view of the trees lining along the bustling street, the laughter of kids playing in a nearby park, and the people walking past to their own destinations.
I noticed that it was getting dark and decided it was time that i head home. I stood to leave and check if i left anything. I went to the door and "Thank you! Come again." he said smiling. I bowed in response.
On my way home, I can't get him out my head. His image keeps popping out, "do i like him?" I thought. I shook my head thinking that it can't be it. "Maybe its because I find him attractive" I whispered to myself. Well, its no surprise. He does seem gaudy but he sure has a pretty face. "He smiled at me- could I be his type?" I wondered. He filled my thoughts then I noticed that I was getting close to home. I signaled for the bus to stop and walked the rest of the way until I reached our house.
As I walked in, I found mom waiting for me in the living room. "How'd it go, dear? Did you find a good place?" she asked. I actually forgot to inform her. "Yes mom. I did find a great place. It's close to school and the rent is just right." I tell her as I sit myself comfortably in the couch. "and- I already paid for the advance so you dont have to worry about it." I continued. "Oh really?" she looked at me with eyes wide. "Yep, and you can just give me the money when i'll be moving in there. Though it'll need be doubled." I jokingly told her. She chuckled, "Okay, but that'll leave me broke then" she joked.
"Is dad working late at the office again?" I asked mom. I noticed this not so long ago but dad has been coming home less. If he does come home, its only to shower, change and rest. "Mm" was all my mom could utter. "Never mind your dad, he's just very busy." mom said as she clapped her hands. "Are you planning to move out soon?" she looked to me with her eyes fighting sadness. "i'm not moving out mom" i tell her in a playful manner. "I'll just be staying far, well, not so far". She gave a weak laugh. "Alright- Alright" she meeked. "But seriously dear, when do you plan to move in the dorms?". The school semester will start two months from now so, "In a month, i guess?" I answered, looking unsure. "Ah- but i'll only be moving my things by then" I continued. "I'll be staying here with you guys until a week before the semester starts." I grinned.
I left mom in the living and went to my room. I lay in my bed and can't help but think that maybe mom and dad had a big fight this time. They've been quarrelling a lot lately, but i didn't bother asking them. I know that if I involved myself they would just try to act like they reconciled. I pondered about what is happening between my parents but next thing I knew, I fell asleep.
I woke up the next day, got up, went to the bathroom and freshen up. I acted oblivious to last nights' thoughts and busied myself spring cleaning my room. Days and weeks have passed as I cleaned my room bit by bit. Preparing the stuffs I need to bring to the dorm and boxing others that needed clearing. The days were going by fast, it's two weeks away before college begins. Most of my stuff i already sent in the dorm when i was spring cleaning, all that's left for me to bring are my clothes. I was folding my clothes into the luggage when
*Knock knock*
"Oh, hey dad" i gasped "not really just folding my clothes."
"I see" he scoffed.
"Are you-" he paused as i looked him in the eyes.
Dad entered my room and sat on the bed.
"When will you move in there?" he asked as he hands me clothes he folded.
"Friday, maybe" I answered, "before this week passes."
"Are you coming home on occasion?"
"Dad" I looked at him, "I haven't even left yet" i scoffed.
"Well- just making sure, so that your room will be kept tidied up."
"Is there a problem?" I looked at dad in distraught.
"You've noticed right, between me and mom?" he asked sadly, "i just wanted to tell you it's not such big a deal so you dont have to worry about it." I stared at dad and it seems to me he's telling the truth.
"I know dad, just don't argue so often" i smiled.
"Friday, huh" he said softly.
"Don't worry dad" I assure him. "I'll make sure to come home every so often that you guys will get tired seeing me" i quipped.