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The secret book one


Table of contents


Chapter 1 - Young me

Out of all of my memories as a kid, there's one I will never forget no matter what.On Tuesday, June 16, 2001, I was only 13 at the time and in middle school there is a lot of drama. At least at my school. My friend Gracie has been talking to my best friend PRIVATELY a lot. There are lots of things I'm afraid of like clowns, spiders, but what i'm most scared of are secrets. But i'm not sure if it is a secret because Gracie could just be trying to steal my bff, which is my second worst fear. I went over to talk to them and ask if we could have a sleepover so i can ask them what's going on, but when I asked they said no at the same time which was weird because Amanda (my bff) before did not even like Gracie when I was hanging out with her. I have a feeling they are planning to hang out without me. Later that day i went to go see gracie and soon to be ex-bff to ask them why they are whispering a lot. But when i did they acted like they did not know what i was talking about. "Marla we have no idea what your talking about" gracie said "yeah we don't know" amanda said. They both looked at each other for a second then looked back at me. I didn't want to be rude so i just said " umm im thirsty im going to get some water and go do work". So i can leave them, i got some water to calm me down, but before i could one tear already came out of my eye. On the bus amanda sat next to me, and she did not even talk to me like before when we were best friends. Then i had a brilliant idea, well it was brilliant to me. Amanda said her mom always sent her notes since she lives in san francisco and we live in florida. I ran home and got in the computer and wrote the note " dear my sweet amanda i just want you to know that if you need help with anything i'm here, if you need any advice to keep secrets or any thing, just send me a letter back the this house. That is where i am right now" i would have put my address but she know that very well so i put my neighbors. I wrote her address on the envelope put the note in and sent it. The next day i got a note back i got so was from amanda she said " oh hi mom you sent a letter yesterday but any way there is this one girl named marla, she used to be my bff but i don't like her anymore i like gracie but i'm not telling you why i don't like her or any thing else i will not tell anyone at all not even the counselor" i was so shocked about what she said but she said there is more that she will tell no one. What else could there be, i have no idea how to even figure it out. The next day i got a package of wireless headphones that i can connect to phones to i can hear everything that is going on. Then at school at recess gracie and amanda were playing like always, then i took a quick glance. It was amanda's phone i connected my spy headphones and left. amanda came back and put her phone in her pocket and went to a private spot. I was listening i can't believe what i herd i almost cried. She said ugh im so tired of marla she is sooo rude i actually never wanted to be bffs with her in the first place" i was so shocked i just i bluetooth my headphones and i did not realize what she said next until i un bluetoothed. She said " now let's talk about the deeeeeep secret" which i'm pretty sure ment the reason why she did not like me and the other stuff. 3