A minute ago, Lia gambled on the chance of her decision. She also felt the brief joy that was utterly destroyed by the realisation that once again, she was in the wrong. Why was it so hard for her to retreat? Why was it so hard for her to take a step back?
What was she so afraid of? Letting the elders escape? Couldn't she just regroup with Noel and go after them again? But the momentarily panic of letting them slip out of her fingers spurred her on the walk down the wrong path.
The path what would break her over and over again.
As the hostages were released, Lia waited until the elders stood up and Nessa made her way to her. She had thought that Nessa was far enough from the lackeys and out of harm, but Lia never anticipated the moment she ordered the corpses to kill both elders, the lackeys would throw a knife at Elder C who grabbed it and-