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Creative Writing
The Conceptual Deck (OC insert in the MCU)
Thread starterMetaBettaOmegaLetta
Start dateDec 20, 2021
Tagsmarvel cinematic universe
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Brill Adrien
Jan 14, 2022
I love airsoft, and I made a whole push in the gorillafingers Spidey quest for it if for no other reason than spidey-sense training But I do agree that BB's might not be the best weapon as a primary in direct comparison to a bow. One reason being range and accuracy. Airsoft has decent amounts of both for up to medium distances but that also requires getting some special hopups because standard ones in cheap to mid range guns arent great. Plus he would have to go with a gas gun since electric would make too much noise and a very distinct noise. Something that could be addressed with card effects, would NEED to be addressed with card effects, same as hopup upgrades. On top of any distance modifier upgrades. So that's three layers of upgrades just to bring the airsoft gun to bow unmodified standard. Since this power doesnt really have time based limits like some others this is not a problem but it does show that in some basic manner the airsoft gun starts at a lower floor.
Having said that, a pistol upgraded to a good level would work on many levels. Not only the customizability inherent to the power, but also in its utility and stealth, it being one handed, easy to use/learn, and a good intimidation tool.
For something that is a smaller profile, easy to explain why you have it, and less likely to get you arrested like a gun or a bow, I would suggest a slingshot. They can work over long distance, can be very accurate, are discrete, can accommodate a range of ammunition types, and if nothing else would be unique. Guns are used by everyone and with a bow (regardless of utility, cool factor, etc) you are kind of making yourself a ripoff of Hawkeye. Which is fine. I personally don't get people's issues with hero's having similar/same powersets (i.e. every Gamer story ever "dont do a party system then theyd all just be the same powerset/character) since the difference would be in the character. These people are not walking powersets, they are people who have skillsets/powers to me. but that's a tangent so ill stop there.
EDIT TO ADD: i recognize that the cards allow him to carry anything he pleases discretely, I am mainly considering their use and that they would have the item/weapon in hand before and after use. If they get stopped for having been "seen with a weapon" simply not having it when stopped can only go so far and an officer could pull you in for questioning on suspicion anyway, which limits your time if nothing else.
Last edited: Jan 14, 2022

Up to No Good
Jan 14, 2022
The thought got into my head to kit-bash together a coil gun, and it wouldn't leave me alone.
Don't know how the cards would handle it, but it was a better way to spend 30 minutes than what I had planned (that is, nothing).
Would this even be possible?
Spoiler: Hypothetical
Jan 14, 2022
What about combining an Infinity symbol with either the lockbox, a wallet or a credit/debit card for infinite money?
Brill Adrien
Jan 14, 2022
Doodle said:
What about combining an Infinity symbol with either the lockbox, a wallet or a credit/debit card for infinite money?
I'd rather the author not abuse the idea of "picture of a thing is the thing" to utterly break the entire story and make all progression meaningless before it hit double digit chapters.

Jan 14, 2022
HoldMyFOOF said:
The thought got into my head to kit-bash together a coil gun, and it wouldn't leave me alone.
Don't know how the cards would handle it, but it was a better way to spend 30 minutes than what I had planned (that is, nothing).
Basically the equation Ive been using to figure out how combinations work is
Spoiler: Thought process for card functionality
I'm glad the story is making you think!
Last edited: Jan 15, 2022

Jan 15, 2022
I feel like the focus on the "power leveling" is detracting from the actual character now and plot advancement at this point. The past two chapters both read like the main character is doing stuff just for the sake of bigger numbers, without any actual personal touch or feeling to be found. If I were to make a comparison, I would say they read like someone's 9th Skyrim playthrough, where the player is starting to get the hang of the ins and outs and tricks, and just going through motions and doing everything because that's what you do rather than actually wanting to do it. This feeling while reading culminated at the part where the MC fell asleep and woke up within two lines, and in the same paragraph at that, yet somehow he "slept like a rock" while the reader is left whizzing through that section. Like jeez, throw in some line breaks or something so the reader has a moment to reset between scenes. The disconnect between words and feeling is jarring.
TL;DR: I am liking the story so far, but recent chapters have felt like you rushing through the "small stuff" to get to "cool power shenanigans". You should try slowing down the powerups, or make them less of a focus until the big stuff while adding more characters and interaction. MC and Ema are currently two bland kids in a sandbox surrounded by NPCs.

Jan 16, 2022
I do agree that you need to add some more characters for Carson to interact with on a more regular basis. Have you thought about him looking into the more street level heros that are in New York? I know that none of the defenders are out doing the hero thing yet, but he can still see what they are doing. He might even be able to help some of them. Jessica in particular could really use some help if she is still under kilgraves brainwashing.

Jan 16, 2022
San392 said:
I do agree that you need to add some more characters for Carson to interact with on a more regular basis. Have you thought about him looking into the more street level heros that are in New York? I know that none of the defenders are out doing the hero thing yet, but he can still see what they are doing. He might even be able to help some of them. Jessica in particular could really use some help if she is still under kilgraves brainwashing.
Click to expand...
Originally his boon was a bag of holding by combining a messenger bag and the box the deck came in, so Ema didnt even exist for him to talk to. I rewrote five chapters when i realized it read like hot garbage

Jan 16, 2022
I wonder what would happen if you fuse a diamond with say a steel pipe, would you get diamond thats been perfectly blended with steel or tge steel pipe becoming hard as diamond.
Jan 16, 2022
Crizom said:
I wonder what would happen if you fuse a diamond with say a steel pipe, would you get diamond thats been perfectly blended with steel or tge steel pipe becoming hard as diamond.
While that would be an good idea, what about doing that with arrows. I remember from a green arrow comic he has diamond tip arrows. Heck making the diamonds would be easy, get some coals and go from there. Sure I may take some trial and error but that is both an path to money and strong arrows.

Jan 16, 2022
Alright, so I just thought of a question. If he were to use a card on say a stream of water being fired at him from a firehose, how exactly would it function? So far I've thought of 3 possibilities.
1. It constantly pulls in the attack as long as it's being hit, only sealing it when it stops being hit by the same attack or the attack changes type.
2. It pulls in a certain section of the attack before sealing it, so let's say one foot for this, so one foot out of the stream would disappear.
3. The entire attack is pulled in instantly, so in this situation maybe say all water that has left the fire hose instantly disappears into the card.
Or maybe it's some other way I didn't think of, because trying to determine how well his cards work as defense or what combinations are available could really be changed by how exactly the card pull functions.
If it can pull constantly, then it can make a great defense against an unending attack, such as a flamethrower or iron man's beams, and also points to the card being able to let out a constant attack! That or while it can constantly absorb, it lets out the entire contents of a card at once, which could make some attacks extraordinarily more deadly. Though now that I type this out, I think I might remember something like that already happening with the lighter, so give me a sec to check.
Edit: So I went back and checked, and in all of them he pulls the flame tips in individually, so this question is not useless! Woo!
Ok, so what this means now for my question is that option 1 is slightly less likely, though that could be just because of how small the flames he was pulling in were. If he's pulling in all the flame and heat, it might just not be large enough to sustain a constant flame for him to absorb. It could also mean that 2 or 3 are correct instead. The reason why this is important is that it changes a lot of things. If say it's like 2 and just absorbs an area of a single thing, well who's to say that they need to be connected. He could walk into a burning house just absorbing all fire around him while he searches for people. Or just take the oxygen instead and starve the fire.
As for 3, it could provide a bit more tactics. All he needs to do is absorb the blow and already be moving when the attack disappears, while the attacker is still surprised by it being instantly gone. I don't know, other people can probably think of better uses, I'm tired
Last edited: Jan 16, 2022
Jan 16, 2022
TorrentAB said:
Alright, so I just thought of a question. If he were to use a card on say a stream of water being fired at him from a firehose, how exactly would it function? Would the card just keep pulling in water as it's being fired? Would it just take in a section of the water? Would it pull in the entire stream being fired? Or is it some other way I didn't think of, because trying to determine how well his cards work as defense or what combinations are available could really be changed by how exactly the card pull functions.
If it can pull constantly, then it can make a great defense against an unending attack, such as a flamethrower or iron man's beams, and also points to the card being able to let out a constant attack! That or while it can constantly absorb, it lets out the entire contents of a card at once, which could make some attacks extraordinarily more deadly. Though now that I type this out, I think I might remember something like that already happening with the lighter, so give me a sec to check.
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It'll be cool he does an goblin slayer. He had pressure water from the ocean the shot out and it totally destroyed the enemy in the manga. How he would get that water I don't know

Jan 16, 2022
SchweinHinokami said:
It'll be cool he does an goblin slayer. He had pressure water from the ocean the shot out and it totally destroyed the enemy in the manga. How he would get that water I don't know
Honestly all you'd need for that is just combine a lot of cards full of streams from a water drill or whatever it's called. The thing they use to cut metal with highly pressurized water

Jan 16, 2022
TorrentAB said:
Alright, so I just thought of a question. If he were to use a card on say a stream of water being fired at him from a firehose, how exactly would it function?
So context is everything.
Spoiler: Deck Power explanation
Threadmarks Chapter 9 - Harlem Shakes

Jan 17, 2022
Quite a while later I was sitting on a bench in Harlem, a few blocks away from the Apollo theater, chewing on my last slice of pizza. The pizza was exactly how I remembered, though the shop looked a little different. As I ate I watched the people on the sidewalks go about their business, the sun slowly setting. Eventually the crowds started to thin out, the sky getting darker as the day started to wind down.
I wiped my hands of grease and pulled out my phone, starting to scan through a map of the area. I was going to have to move around quite a bit, not spend the night practicing my martial arts while keeping half an eye on a street or two. I was probably going to skip the stealth suit until I found the shop, no reason to wear it anyway until then and it was likely to get more attention rather than less.
As I planned I was tempted to find a more private place so I could bounce ideas off Ema. Unfortunately the streets were still too crowded. After a while of planning my route on my phone, I jerked at a distant sound that reverberated through the street. It was baffled and muffled enough that it was impossible to figure out what it was, save that it was loud. The street grew hushed as everyone listened, looking around confused at the sounds. Eventually the pops and cracks of distant gunfire joined the reverberations, ending with an explosion.,
"Fuck…" I muttered, slowly standing from the bench.
People around me started to move, slowly at first but quickly gaining a fervor that was bordering on dangerous. And then the sound of screaming reached us.
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck"
I called out, rushing to the nearest alley way, giving a quick look up and down it before carding away my clothes and pushing Ema out.
"Ema, connect to my phone and fly straight up. Fly around but don't go too far. Be my eye in the sky." I said quickly, cutting off her greeting. "Remember what I said about getting pulled into stuff? Well it's here."
"Oh dear. Okay, I'll play recon." She replied before quickly flying straight up.
I nodded, pushing my bluetooth earphone into place, pulling my armored beanie over it. I got dressed quicker than I ever had before, pulling the scarf over my face in record time. I pulled my new quiver over my back as I left the alley. Noting where everyone was running, I ran the other way, towards the explosions in the distance.
"Tell me what you see Ema"
"Lots of fire, people running from- oh my! That's a large man. What is wrong with him?"
"Describe him Ema. Which way should I go next?"
"Keep going straight for another block, before turning left." She answered before continuing. "He looks to be about ten feet tall. Covered in muscles and bone protrusions. A dark tan greenish."
"Fuck! That could be the Abomination!" I cursed, pushing my bike out and riding on it as fast as I could. "Do you see the Hulk? About the same height, very green with no bone mutations. Built like the patron saint of steroids?"
"I don't see… wait no on the other side of the street!"
I cursed and pedaled harder, eventually turning the corner. The street was in chaos, people screaming and running while cars and buildings burned. I hopped off my bike and pulled it into a card.
"They are charging… Hulk just got put down hard."
I cursed again, running down the street, blasting several fires with my gloves as I went by. I got closer and closer to a busted fire hydrant, spewing water high into the air and across the street. On a whim I pushed my bow into my hand, reaching back for an arrow.
I called out and nocked an arrow, turning and firing it at the broken hydrant. The deep blue arrow impacted and exploded into a blue mist that instantly froze solid. The hydrant was encased in ice, three feet of the spray frozen as well. I couldn't help but smirk before continuing to run, just in time to see a green blur get punted off the street through an empty lot and the Abomination leaping after him.
"Fuck! Follow them Ema. I can't help if I can't catch up!"
I kept running, carding a few cars that were in my way. I almost stumbled the first time, not expecting the effort it took. I grabbed five more before I made it to the lot, just in time to see a helicopter unload on the Abomination, who responded by scaling the building even faster. I watched as the helicopter rose and continued hosing the monstrosity with bullets, flying alongside the building while the Abomination disappeared onto the roof.
"Abomination is crossing roofs, jumping the gaps… He is going for the helicopter!"
I watch as the mutated looking behemoth of a man lept from the building to get to the helicopter, only to get grabbed by the Hulk. Even still he managed to grab the landing struts, both him and the Hulk hanging from the now struggling aircraft.
"Oh fuck, Ema tell me where it's going to crash!" I shouted, watching as the helicopter started spinning and falling, making it over the building and beyond.
"Follow around the alley, it's coming down in another abandoned lot a few blocks away!"
I pushed my bike out again and followed, huffing by the time I got around the buildings. I could see the smoke, and I pushed harder. I could feel my heartbeat pounding in my chest, my body alight with anxious energy. When I finally found the abandoned lot the helicopter was not moving, broken and smoking near an old ruined building. I kept riding, pulling the bike into a card when I made it to the pillars of whatever this building had been.
From where I was I could hear the two behemoths fighting but not see them. I could, however, see the copious amounts of gas and sparks the helicopter was spewing. With surprisingly little thought I pulled my bow out and called out, putting two ice arrows into the wreckage. One by what remained of the blades, the other near the fuel tanks, both freezing over and stopping their targets from starting an inferno. Which was good because I could see a woman struggling inside, who with Marvel luck was probably Betty Ross
"C'mon!" I shouted to be heard past my sound muffling suit. "You guys need to get the hell out of here!"
I ran to the helicopter, my boots splashing in the puddle of gas that had leaked out of the fuel tank. I quickly rushed closer, climbing up the wreckage carefully.
With a grimace I quickly checked the slumped over gunner. When I realized he had no pulse I winced and tried to pull him to a card, shuddering when it worked. I looked back to find wide eyed stares focused on me. I quickly push the corpse out of its card on the ground nearby.
"C'mon!" I shouted again. "You guys need to get going! It's not safe here!"
I grabbed the armored door blocking the way and yanked it open. I turn around to see the mutated mess that was the Abomination jamming an elbow spike into the Hulk's chest. He looked different from what he did in the comics, but it could really only be him. I stepped down the pile of wreckage, calling for an explosive arrow and firing it at the back of his head. The explosion rocked his bald, off color skull but didn't do any obvious damage. It did distract him enough for the Hulk to get a devastating barrage of hits in before he grabbed and pulled, slamming him halfway through the wall he had been pinned to.
The Hulk stepped forward toward us, confused now that he didn't have to rush to save who I was almost positive was Betty, which meant the old guy was probably her father.
"I'll get them out of here so you can cut loose big guy!" I called out to the angry green goliath. "I'll be back to help!"
I started to turn before noting that the Abomination was starting to stand, hand gripped on some sort of massive chain. I pulled an arrow and fired it, one of the two shotgun slug arrows slamming into his hand. The chain shattered, the slug arrow blasting his hand, leaving it a bloody battered mess, though mostly intact. The Hulk reacted poorly to me firing the arrow, but turned when it streaked by him and roared at the Abomination as he saw him standing.
"Fuck him up big guy!" I called out, rushing back to the helicopter.
"Let's go, C'mon, there you go…" I said, guiding the woman out before practically dragging the older man. "You guys need to leave the area."
"No! Bruce!" She said, calling out to the Hulk, who flinched just long enough to take a fist to his jaw. "I can't leave him!"
"Yes you can!" I call out before turning to the older man.
"Sir! These two are punching out buildings and throwing cars like skipping stones." I explained, fighting back a grimace. "Danger close is at least a couple blocks! You need to get to better cover!"
I explained trying to appeal to his soldier sensibilities, pointing out away from the wreckage. He seemed to struggle for a moment before nodding and tugging at Betty's arm.
"We need to go Betty, we can't help him like this." He said, the familiarity in his voice meaning that this was almost Thadeus Ross.
She tried to pull away, trying to walk closer to the ongoing fight, but I blocked the way.
"I'm going to help him the best I can, but if you're that special to big green and you get hurt…"
I trail off, looking at both Ross and Betty. Betty finally looks me in the eye, and Ross tenses, realizing what would happen if his daughter was killed.
"He would never stop…" Ross says, fear starting to show in his eyes. "Betty we need to go! Now!"
Slowly, hesitantly, Betty let herself be pulled away. She clearly didn't want to go, but with that final realization she knew she couldn't stay. As they both stumbled across the rubble to relative safety I turned back to the slugging match behind me. Abomination had recovered from the blast to his hand, though it still dripped blood and looked like he had tried to shake hands with a belt sander.
"She is all clear Hulk! Time to cut loose!" I called out, pulling out a shock arrow and shooting it at the back of Abomination's knee.
The skeleton-like muscle bound monster roared, his knee giving for a moment, just long enough for the Hulk to drop low and deliver a wall shaking uppercut that lifted him up into the air and threw him back twenty feet against one of the huge pillars that I had just walked past. The Hulk angrily looked at me and I held up my hands.
"Just helping you kick his ass big guy. Not that you need any help."
The green mass of muscles and rage looked confused for a moment before refocusing on the Abomination, who was slowly starting to stand. I crossed behind the Hulk, heading up a set of stairs that were somehow still standing.
"You hit him hard and I'll keep him honest Hulk!" I called out, pulling out another. "Kick his ass for hurting Betty!"
The Hulk roared a challenge, charging and slamming into the Abomination, pummeling his stomach. The pillar cracked under the blows, collapsing away from the two massive brutes. The Abomination managed to recover as a large chunk of stone smashed down into the Hulk, staggering him long enough for the Abomination to kick him back. The Hulk smashed across the ground, digging a furrow into the concrete. He struggled to stand, before collapsing in exhaustion. The Abomination turned to me with a scowl.
"Now it's your turn."
With a smirk he started walking toward me, completely confident as I fired another shock arrow, an explosive arrow and an ice arrow. The ice arrow slowed him down the most, only long enough for him to flex and shatter the ice.
"Arrows won't work -"
I cut off his monologue by throwing a card at him, the card disappearing as soon as it left my hand, replaced by a damaged car. It flew at the same speed the card was going though, smashing into him and driving him back a few feet. Before he could recover I threw another, and another, and another. He started punching and tearing through them as fast as I could throw. Finally I threw my last one, forcing me to climb higher and pull out another shock arrow.
"All out of scrap to throw?" Abomination asked, mocking as he kicked his way through the cars.
"Yeah… but those were just a distraction."
A massive slab of stone, the pillar that had fallen earlier, slammed into the side of the Abominations head. The blow again lifted him off of his feet, sending him slamming into the wall. I sagged for a moment before pulling out arrow after arrow, combining them as fast as I could. The Hulk just kept slamming into him, the stone pillar crumbling under the strain, each blow shaking the foundations of this building and all those around us.
Meanwhile I just kept combining, slapping together fifteen armor piercing arrows with my final shotgun slug arrow, nocking it and pulling it back.
"Hulk! Hold him steady!" I called out as loud as I could.
The massive green man dropped the pillar after another few smashes against his chest. The Abomination tried to stand but the Hulk smashed him and dragged him into a headlock. He struggled, smashing his elbow back into the Hulk, who roared in pain but managed to keep his hold strong as the Abomination tried to pull free. The Hulk smashed and pummeled him harder, arm wrapped around his neck to hold him steady. For just a moment the Abomination was facing me perfectly, held steady even as he roared in defiance.
I focused, holding my breath and releasing the arrow. It streaked across the gap and slammed into the Abominations eye socket. The crack of a shotgun going off echoed across the ruins as the arrow buried itself a foot into his skull. The Abomination flailed, spasming and obviously weakening before dropping limp.
There was a long moment of silence, before the Hulk rolled him to the ground, bellowing out a roar into the sky, arms spread open like a challenge to the world. When he finally stopped he looked down at the corpse, breathing heavily. I walked down the stairs and got closer, standing on the other side of the corpse.
"It had to be done Hulk… and Bruce, I know you're probably listening in there too." I assured him, meeting the green giants' look. "He was a bad copy of you, he wouldn't have stopped and there is no real way to contain him."
The Hulk nodded, seeming to understand what I was saying, but I couldn't help but wonder what Bruce was thinking under there. Hulk seemed confused about how to react to me and what to do now.
"You probably want to get the hell out of here, right?" I asked, leaning down to card the Abomination's corpse, tearing it in half without any hesitation. "Any desire to stick around and help pull people out of the rubble? I'll help you escape if you change back or if Ross gets any funny ideas."
The Hulk seemed to get even more confused, seeming internally conflicted. I wonder if they were having an argument in his head. I shook my head and stuck out my hand.
"Don't worry about it buddy, I get it. You don't trust me or anyone else yet. I don't blame you."
I admitted with a grin, watching the Hulk look down at my hand before tentatively reaching out and engulfing it in his. I smirk as he gives my hand a single shake before releasing me. I had to bite my cheek to keep from yelping, he had squeezed my hand hard enough to feel the bones rub against each other. Before I could say anything motr Betty rushed up beside me. I smirked as the Hulks attention shifted completely to her. I stepped back with a small smile, only to turn and stand face to face with General Ross.
"Son, what-" He started
"Sir, there are fires to put out and people to pull out of rubble. With all due respect, now isn't the time for any of the conversations you're looking to have." I said, cutting him off.
I had a feeling that this incident was affecting him, especially when a man known for his bullheadedness said nothing to my interruption. He seemed lost, conflicted and unsure.
"A piece of advice though sir. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. And being the good guy is easier on the soul than being the necessary evil."
I said before walking past him. I kept walking, making it around the corner before my legs gave out and I stumbled. I barely managed to catch myself and lower myself to the ground.
A few moments later Ema flew down from the sky, hovering around me. She did a scan as I sat there, saying nothing when it came clean.
"I just stood up against the Abomination, shook hands with Hulk and verbally backhanded Thaddeus Ross"
"Big night." She eventually responded. "You did well sir."
I nodded before standing up, leaning heavily against the wall before pushing off. I took a deep breath and pulled my bow back into a card before pushing out my bike.
"You know emergency services will-"
"No, I can help so I will. I'll have to stop at some point, probably pretty soon, but for now…"
I rode my bike back to the street where the fight started, where most of the damage was. I carded the bike and walked to the nearest fire, carding the flames and spraying the spot down with my gloves to keep it from sparking back up.
"Ema, scan the rubble for survivors and note any corpses."
We worked for a few hours more, joined by fire fighters, police officers and soldiers. I was surprised when they agreed to work with me so easily until one of the soldiers explained.
"General Ross said to leave you alone unless you were doing something illegal."
I nodded and thanked him for his explanation, shaking his hand. We managed to pull a handful of people from the collapsed buildings and put out some fires before they could spread too far. Eventually my exhaustion was too much to fight anymore and I faded away into the darkness.
Jan 17, 2022
Reader mode

Jan 17, 2022
Waste of a perfectly good super corpse smh
Jan 17, 2022
Whelp now he is definitely on the radar now.

Jan 17, 2022
Oh man, Hawkeye's either super jealous that it wasn't him, pumping a fist in vindication of his bow and arrows not being useless, demanding Fury grab him to be his protégé, or some combo of all three!

Jan 17, 2022
Are we sure the abomination is dead though. If it were that easy Thadeus would have killed the Hulk long ago. I'm not saying the abomination does not now have brain damage but I would doubt that shotgun blast to the brain would actually permanently put him down.
He does afterall have a healing factor.

Mister Questionmark
Jan 17, 2022
Williams1996 said:
Waste of a perfectly good super corpse smh
Well if he left it, Shield would have taken it and then Hydra would have taken it and oops-ed a bunch of gamma monsters upon everything because Hydra.
He could try to merge it with a harmless animal card, but that's how you get the beast of caerbannog, except green.
Sure, no one can now use abomination blood to make more hulks, but in the marvel-verse the ratio of friendly gamma monsters vs. horrible ones is not very good.
On the other hand, he is now very much on the radar and also the Hulk can join a hero team much sooner since probably far less negative press.

Jan 17, 2022
Manticore said:
Are we sure the abomination is dead though. If it were that easy Thadeus would have killed the Hulk long ago. I'm not saying the abomination does not now have brain damage but I would doubt that shotgun blast to the brain would actually permanently put him down.
He does afterall have a healing factor.
MetaBettaOmegaLetta said:
"You probably want to get the hell out of here, right?" I asked, leaning down to card the Abomination's corpse, tearing it in half without any hesitation. "Any desire to stick around and help pull people out of the rubble? I'll help you escape if you change back or if Ross gets any funny ideas."
He is extra extra dead, can't be more dead than that.

Jan 17, 2022
Gaiseric said:
He is extra extra dead, can't be more dead than that.
Just mostly dead. But dead enough for a card to *yoink* his corpse. Good. But IIRC the proto-Leader who helped Blonsky become Abomination instead of Gamma America is still out there.
Jan 17, 2022
Williams1996 said:
Waste of a perfectly good super corpse smh
Kind of have to agree, but the power ramping might be too sudden, can only imagine the SI getting hulk powers this early in the game. I am getting the feeling this is not trying to be like "12 Steps". Though it would have been neat to see him use it as fodder for giving people lesser abilities, like use it as an avenue to let the SI get used to pulling out Meta aspects of an item/object. Like he could have been trying to pull out the regeneration aspect from the corpse but only gets out a slight regen factor and it teaches him to better meditate and get in the right mindset, before trying to do that for the first time. and we then look back at this as both a win for him and a failure. I like the card ideas, but I feel like they need to be something the SI needs to grind to figure out on that level.
rockus4 said:
Whelp now he is definitely on the radar now.
Yeah but hopefully in a good way, did pull the Ross' out a leaking helicopter surrounded by fires. Saving someone's daughter like that will earn you brownie points, and then acting in a way that demonstrates a level head and a desire to protect the common person while there is a NUKE fight happening, well that will get you the sheet of brownies straight from the oven.

Jan 17, 2022
wel hello radar how are your today ^^
hope h got some blood for his cards could be usefull for an upgrade or two
Jan 17, 2022
He had to combine the corpse of the Abomination and the ring
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Creative Writing
The Conceptual Deck (OC insert in the MCU)
Thread starterMetaBettaOmegaLetta
Start dateDec 20, 2021
Tagsmarvel cinematic universe
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Magni Imitator
A Simple Imitator
Jan 17, 2022
America and Shield: Okay so there's a guy in what has to be a high tech piece of equipment, a suit. Stealth tech. Shit we don't even have in the works yet. It's beautiful. And he's firing arrows. From a bow. These aren't normal ones. They are cryo arrows, explosive arrows, gun shot arrows? Shock arrows as well. That's high tech. Stuff people don't have access too. Someone investigate a billionaire; do we have any black ops with access too this? Barton do you know anyone who could use a bow like that or have access to those types of arrows?
Also very happy I called what was going to happen. Aka ending up in the abomination fight.
Last edited: Jan 17, 2022
Jan 17, 2022
did he fell asleep in the streets ??

Jan 17, 2022
MetaBettaOmegaLetta said:
The chain shattered, the slug arrow blasting his hand, leaving it a bloody battered mess, though mostly intact.
I'm surprised that the slug arrow even pierce the skin considering that he was hit by a helicopter chain gun and a special rocket to the face and took no damage.
Jan 17, 2022
Well well well, I am definitely excited for the next chapter! Also, this power is just broken and I love it. The power ramping is ridiculous and honestly, I kinda expected Carson to not be able to fire more than a few arrows cuz he doesn't have the muscle yet, but adrenaline will do that to you. Man, this is great, thank you for writing!

Jan 17, 2022
Peruna said:
I kinda expected Carson to not be able to fire more than a few arrows cuz he doesn't have the muscle yet, but adrenaline will do that to you. Man, this is great, thank you for writing!
I wrote a few paragraphs of him
Spoiler: Writing proccess/cut content
Jan 17, 2022
MetaBettaOmegaLetta said:
I wrote a few paragraphs
Makes sense. Tho honestly, a compound bow isn't super hard to draw a few times even as a couch potato. I'd guessed that his mods woulda given it greater power for smaller draw weight and the effects from the arrows being the main impact for his fight. I was just surprised he managed it quite as often as he did. Good thing you cut it tho, the chapter was way more fun with just the fight as is 
Jan 18, 2022
Williams1996 said:
Waste of a perfectly good super corpse smh
Nah I agree with that actually. This version of the deck works on concepts and Abomination is all the worst parts of Hulk. Almost literally his evil twin. The chances of getting some uncontrollable blood lust along with his power are just too high.
Personally, I would continue to try and gain Banner/Hulks trust and eventually reveal how the deck works and offer to help him use the cards to study the effects his blood has in hopes of filtering out all the bad parts then use the results to give himself a better version of Hulks powers. Likewise, you could then do something similar with things like Extremis for the actual medical uses as well as giving Cap and any number of other heroes a boost in power.

Jan 18, 2022
sdeligar said:
Nah I agree with that actually. This version of the deck works on concepts and Abomination is all the worst parts of Hulk. Almost literally his evil twin. The chances of getting some uncontrollable blood lust along with his power are just too high.
You say that but he could have tried to maybe transfer his durability to clothing or his strength to an item or some shit just not himself.

Jan 19, 2022
Williams1996 said:
You say that but he could have tried to maybe transfer his durability to clothing or his strength to an item or some shit just not himself.
Think about it from another perspective: if he really had possession of the corpse, HYDRA would've tracked him down to retrieve it. So he publicly implied he destroyed it, for the sake of his own protection. (Maybe this is one of the reasons he was thinking of)
Brill Adrien
Jan 19, 2022
Benw8888 said:
Think about it from another perspective: if he really had possession of the corpse, HYDRA would've tracked him down to retrieve it. So he publicly implied he destroyed it, for the sake of his own protection. (Maybe this is one of the reasons he was thinking of)
You do understand that no one but him knows what tearing a card means right? And their only source of knowledge on how it works is him and they aren't likely to accept "no really its gone forever not just in a magical limbo somewhere I can use another card to access"

Jan 19, 2022
Brill Adrien said:
You do understand that no one but him knows what tearing a card means right? And their only source of knowledge on how it works is him and they aren't likely to accept "no really its gone forever not just in a magical limbo somewhere I can use another card to access"
True, but I predict people will reason out (if not now, definitely later) what ripping a card means. The meaning is pretty obvious after all. Still, I agree that HYDRA will probably search for him anyway just in case.
Threadmarks Chapter 10 - No time to waste

Jan 21, 2022
The next day I spent the morning and early afternoon doing nothing but watching the news stories unfold. I was sore from digging through rubble, but mostly I was just shell shocked. My life had changed so much, spun on its head and thrown into the thick of a reality that was already proving to be very dangerous. I was lost in a fog.
The previous night continuously flashed through my head the entire day. I had stood up to the Abomination, someone who could chuck cars and punch through steel plating. My armor had a chance of blocking bullets but there was no way my insides would have survived getting punched by the Abomination. Or the Hulk for that matter. Looking back on it I was satisfied with my actions, but terrified at what I had done. I had put an arrow through someone's skull, without a second thought. Who knows if what I knew about the Abomination was true, who knows if he was as big of a threat as I thought he would be.
"You did the right thing." Ema said, going through news reports about a different incident with the Hulk. "Reports are saying he killed twenty-eight people last night. He needed to be stopped."
"I don't disagree." I assured her, absentmindedly shuffling the Deck. "I'm just not happy about how easy it was for me to kill him. I didn't even hesitate."
"This doesn't strike me as easy Carson." She countered, floating over to me. "You feel remorse, guilt, but you knew it needed to be done."
I eventually nod, taking a drink before carding the empty beer bottle and tearing it. With a sigh I laid back on the couch, content to spend the day unwinding, slowly coming to terms with what I had done. Eventually the conversation turned to what we would do next.
"We are definitely on General Ross's radar now." I lamented, happy for even a slightly different topic. "Especially since he is going to assume I have the Abominations corpse, even with the cellphone footage of me tearing the card."
"What does that mean for us?"
"It means that we need to move quickly. My identity might still be a secret but eventually it's going to come out. This reality doesn't seem to care about secret identities very much, it certainly doesn't follow the normal superhero rules."
"There aren't many super heroes to compare with." Ema pointed out.
"It doesn't matter honestly. Now that I'm on the board, eventually someone is going to put pressure on me. I guarantee if Hydra still exists they are looking into me, as is Shield, General Ross, really anyone who is anyone is wondering what I am and how I'm doing this stuff. Hell I bet you Wakanda is looking into me to figure out if I'm using their technology."
"While I'm sure some of that is true, you shouldn't let that make you paranoid."
"I'm not." I stayed simply. "I know they are and I'm not going to freak out. At least not externally. No, we need to act quickly, go through another few build cycles and find someone who is willing to protect us from all those people."
"That's quite the turn around from your original opinions."
"I think with one or two more build cycles we will be a real force to be reckoned with, especially if we don't hold back the money we still have. How much do we have left anyway?"
"One thousand one hundred and fifteen dollars. Not counting the change."
"That's more than I thought…" I admitted, starting to chew my lip as I thought. "Okay, here is the plan. I'm going to use some of that money to try an idea I've been bouncing around since I made the martial arts ring."
Ema paused and focused on me, part of her frame spinning as she waited for me to continue. After organizing my thoughts a bit I began explaining my theory.
"So I'm pretty sure the ability to wear these rings and tap into the knowledge they contain is partly because the rings are so strongly about being worn." I explained, spinning my class ring on my finger. "But my martial arts and movement ring has some traces of other stuff. I think the reason I seem to be adapting and changing with the martial arts ring is because my class ring had a bit of learning concepts, which interacted positively with the learning in the book."
"I suppose that makes sense. As much as anything to do with your cards does."
"Exactly. " I added before continuing. "But besides that, what I think this also means is that if I create an object whose purpose it is to make me stronger, or faster and I combine it with a ring…"
"Then putting on the ring will affect you like that object would."
"Well… it follows all of the rules we have found so far." She admitted.
"So far." I repeated with a lopsided grin.
It was true that there were probably things about the cards we hadn't discovered yet. I had been doing my best to think creatively, and I could feel myself getting better and better at thinking in terms of what my cards were capable of, but it would still take time. For now, I had an experiment to run.
"Do me a favor and stay here Ema? Keep an eye on the news, let me know if anything pops up. It's a poor cover for actual intelligence resources but it's gonna be all the warning we get if someone manages to do some facial recognition or if Hydra has a pocket psychic or something."
Ema turned to me but I cut her off before she could say anything.
"Yeah I know, I need to be careful not to slip into paranoia. I'll be careful"
She nodded, turning her frame back to the laptop. I quickly threw on my jacket and headed out into the city. Time for another shopping spree.
‐------------------------- A few hours later ‐-------------------------
By the time I got back to the apartment it was getting dark and I had spent another six hundred dollars. With only a few bags to show for it.
"I'm back." I called out wearily. "I don't know how rich people do it, spending so much money like this hurts my soul.."
"But you were able to get everything that you needed, correct?" Ema asked, floating into the kitchen, scanning the bags as I walked.
"I think so. I kind of struggled on this one to be honest."
"How so?"
"Well the hope was to make something that would make me faster, but it turns out there are very few things that would do that and would also fit what I can use for this."
"But you still think you've got what you need?" Ema asked.
"Yeah. I've got a combo that should work."
I dropped the bag onto the table and started opening up the bottles of vitamins and supplements. Many of them had images of people running on the boxes or bottles.
"I bought as much vitamin stuff made for runners as I could. I think combining one of each together should create something useful."
I started taking vitamins from each bottle and combining them, putting my words to practice. Eventually I held the first version in a D rank card.
"Alright, this is pretty much what I was looking for. This pill will temporarily increase my running speed and endurance a very small amount for a certain amount of time. Which means if I combine it with a ring or whatever I should get a tiny boost."
"I didn't think you were looking for a tiny boost."
"Well no, but there are a bunch of vitamins in each bottle so I can make a bunch and combine them to increase it's potency. And I think I can turbo charge it."
I pull out a bag of caffeine tablets and put them on the table before leaving the room and coming back with a box of leftover capacitors from the other day's building. When I sat down on the couch I took a tablet and a capacitor and combined them, before mixing it with the super running pill. I smirked slowly before showing the C rank card to Ema.
"This will make me a bit faster with marginally better endurance for a while, as well as giving me a slightl;y greater boost when I first take it. They all blended together surprisingly well."
I started the process again, repeating it until I had sixteen separate pills, combining them all down to one single amalgamation.
"Well I hit the wall of diminishing returns pretty hard there. It's still a C rank and the last combination was barely any different from the one before. It's a much bigger boost all around though. Better than I thought, worse than I hoped."
"But sufficient to test your theory, correct?" Ema asked, still watching me work.
"Yeah, plenty for that."
I pull out a Stark branded fitness watch, bought from a pawn shop. It was in pretty good shape save a couple of scratches.
"That doesn't look like a simple ring." Ema pointed out.
"I know, but this will give me something to compare it against as well as testing another theory. I think that layering many related concepts is more erratic but produces better results, while mixing singular concepts is pretty predictable but less potent."
I pulled the bracelet into the card and combined it with the pill, nodding and putting the result onto the table before starting the process all over again. I ended up using almost every single pill, tablet and vitamin this time, combining it with a simple bronze colored cuff bracelet. I held up both cards for a moment, getting a feel for them both.
"Well I was right on both accounts. Both of these give the wearer a noticeable boost in speed and endurance, while also giving me a bigger boost on command." I explained with a big smirk. "The cuff is much more simple but less effective while the fitness watch is more complicated but more potent."
After another moment of examining the two accessories I combine the fitness watch with a larger capacitor before combining the cuff and the watch together. I examined the card before grinning and showing it to Ema.
"B rank! This is gonna be good!"
I pulled the new object out of the card, turning it around in my hand. What was once a simple rubber watch was now a metallic brass cuff with a sleek digital screen. I pushed it around my wrist and actually felt it connect to me. I could feel my fatigue slowly vanish, the soreness in my arms and legs fading to almost nothing. I couldn't help but grin, rushing from the room to grab some jogging pants and a long sleeve t-shirt. I quickly put on my armored under layer and threw on the other clothes before heading back to the living room.
"I'm gonna go for a run. You want to come?" I asked my companion, who nodded and floated over to me.
"Are you sure? It seems a bit late…"
"I'm wearing my armor and I'm carrying the deck. I pity the mugger who thinks I'm an easy target."
"That's fair enough." She admitted, sweeping over the room to me. "I will accompany you, but from high up enough that I won't be seen."
"Good idea, I'll bring my bluetooth earpiece."
Five minutes later I was standing at the entrance of the apartment building, slowly playing with the cuff. Eventually I slid it onto my wrist again and pulled my armor over it, grateful the cuff was tight enough that it fit.
"You ready?" I ask Ema through my earpiece. "I'm gonna start at a light jog to test my endurance before testing my top speed with some sprints."
"Ready when you are."
With a smirk I started jogging, leaving my apartment behind. By the second block I had to stop myself from laughing. My body felt light and responsive, the pace I set easy to the point of being boring.
"Going to speed up a bit." I warned her before jogging faster.
The new pace was much more interesting, and while some would have called it a light run, felt as straining on my body as I would normally have expected the first one to be. I could feel the embers of fatigue starting to rise, but the burn was slow, manageable.
"That's about a mile Carson." Ema stated.
This time I couldn't help but laugh. I kept going and going, each reminder of distance making me smile. Eventually, when Ema called out my tenth mile I stopped and sat on a nearby bench. The fatigue was heavy and unignorable now, but not so bad as to completely disable me. In fact as I sat there I could feel the fatigue already fading, both the immediate strain and loss of breath as well as the much more deep seeded exhaustion that stuck around. After around five minutes and a bottle of water from a card I was ready to go again.
"Alright Ema, time for the sprints."
Again I started out slow, pushing myself faster and harder. I could feel every impact, feel the strain building as I ran faster and faster. Eventually I hit my limit in both speed and stamina, forcing me to stop and sit on a concrete barrier next to the road.
"How… How fast was I going?" I asked Ema, glancing up.
"You were hitting twenty-four miles per hour in the last few seconds."
"Holy shit." I said softly, stunned at her statement. "That's incredible."
"It is, especially since it's likely that number will go up." Ema pointed out, continuing when she saw my confusion. "The object you made isn't making your muscles better or enhancing your oxygen intake. As far as I could tell there was nothing different. And yet you ran like an Olympic athlete. That cuff is simply a flat increase to your speed and endurance. Imagine how fast someone who was actually in shape would be."
"And since my Kung Fu ring is already helping me become more fit…"
I trailed off as my thoughts wandered, my breathing slowly normalizing as I rested.
"We need to prioritize another few sets of accessories. Something to increase my strength, maybe my intelligence? Not sure I'm comfortable with that one… Maybe I should do some research online for some ideas. I bet a D&D manual would be full of things for us to try. As soon as we get some more cash. I think we should make plans to visit that address we found, the one further in state. I have a feeling it's worth checking out and we need to make more of these rings."
"...and if it's not worth checking out?" Ema asked through the phone.
"Then we will spend a week trying to figure out who is our best option to go to for protection while going out at night to hopefully find more resources." I said after a slow pause. "For now let's just set that aside. I have one last thing to test."
I stood up and shook off the last bit of fatigue from my limbs. I could still feel it after the distance I had ran and sprinted, but it was already dull, like day-old fatigue instead of a few minutes.
"Do you know what the effect is?"
"Kinda?" I answered. "It's going to be an increase in speed and stamina, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how much."
I started jogging again, pushing up to steady speed before mentally preparing myself.
It felt like lightning in my veins, like a blast of pure energy. Suddenly it felt like I was going slow, like even my fast jog was nothing. I pushed faster, shifting to a dead sprint. Faster and faster, gliding across the sidewalk like a rush of wind and momentum. Every movement felt clean, precise, like I had minutes to decide where my feet needed to be, like-
The feeling faded in a moment, an intense shot of exhaustion pushing through me. I tried to slow down, but the sudden and unexpected spike deadened my muscles. I tripped over my own feet and slid across the ground, tumbling before slamming into a light post. I could feel my armor take the brunt of it, though the impact proved that while my armor was tough it didn't do shit against inertia. I could feel the impact almost reverberate in my body.
"CARSON! Are you okay?" Ema called through the earpiece. "Carson!"
"I'm… I'm okay." I managed to groan, sitting up and leaning against the lamp post. "That… that sucked."
"What happened?"
"There was backlash for using the boost… it really caught me off guard."
In truth it had snuck up on me as I had been reveling in the speed I was running and the feeling of energy flowing through me. Now though I could feel the fatigue in all of my limbs, a heavy exhaustion that was only now slowly fading, much slower than the previous fatigue. It felt like I had sprinted further than my original speed test, then kept going.
"Backlash? That's never happened before." Ema commented as she scanned my body. "You're alright by the way, nothing is broken. You're going to be very sore and very bruised tomorrow though."
"Yeah, I can feel it. I'm pretty sure I can compensate, it just snuck up on me." I assured her. "How fast was I going?"
"In the last moment before you stumbled you were going thirty seven miles per hour."
"Holy hell… we really need to prioritize more accessories."
I slowly stood with a groan, leaning on the lamp post before moving to a nearby staircase. I roll up my sleeve and pull up my armor, looking at the fitness watch. The digital screen had three blinking lighting bolts, one of them just an outline. I pushed down my sleeve and sighed.
"The cuff has three charges, I think it will recharge after 24 hours."
"I'm more interested in the backlash Carson! What if any more of your creations are hiding some sort of repercussion for using them?"
I shook my head, pulling the cuff into my deck without looking, summoning the card to my hand. I felt the exhaustion, which was fading a few moments ago, stop and wash over me again.
"Note to self, don't take the cuff off before exhaustion fades." I said with a groan before focusing on the card.
I put it back on after a moment, biting back a sigh of relief. The concepts were extremely complex, I had completely missed them behind the more prominent ones. Even now I could barely feel them.
"I think that there were several concepts that merged together. Side effects from caffeine and the side effects from taking too much vitamins, the electricity from the capacitors and from the watch."
I stood and tested my legs, running through some simple and easy stretches to see if anything pulled or ached.
"I think we found the downside to layering more complicated objects though. The randomness isn't always just weird quirks, sometimes it's limitations and costs for use."
"Be more careful in the future." Ema urged.
I looked up at the sky, spotting a blink of green. I wave and nod, smiling as I finish my stretches.
"I will Ema." I agree, smirking before looking up and down the street. "Now... you wouldn't happen to know how to get home would you?"
Hey everyone! Just a small reminder that my Patreon exists. Currently we are experimenting with an "Inspiration File" which is a collection of images that I used as inspiration or to help visualize what I'm writing each chapter, starting with chapter 11, which 2nd and 3rd level patrons have access to. While every chapter is different they will contain things like what an object might look like (before and after combining them with things,) color samples, location inspiration, OC character design inspiration and anything else I've used to help write! If this sound interesting to you then stop by my Patreon. Otherwise I hope you enjoyed the new chapter!
Jan 21, 2022
Reader mode

Jan 21, 2022
I have a question what would happen if mc combined his armor with abomination body?
Jan 21, 2022
Can we get an informational with the currently stored cards and items and their ranks?

Jan 21, 2022
General_Hatvenom said:
Can we get an informational with the currently stored cards and items and their ranks?
That's not a bad idea, ill put together a list of what he has.
Jan 21, 2022
Guyvercru said:
I have a question what would happen if mc combined his armor with abomination body?
Bio-body armor with stealth powers?

Jan 21, 2022
MetaBettaOmegaLetta said:
taking a drink before carding the empty beer bottle and tearing it
Well thats a waste of good aluminum.
Edit: Glass, its a waste of glass as its a bottle and not a can lol.
Last edited: Jan 21, 2022

Jan 21, 2022
General_Hatvenom said:
Can we get an informational with the currently stored cards and items and their ranks?
As of Chapter 10 Carson has made:
Super flame thrower torch - C ranked
Armored Beanie - C ranked
Under armor top and pants - B ranked
Stealth suit, jacket and pants - B ranked
Smoke screen gloves - C ranked
Martial movement ring - B ranked
Legolas Ring - C ranked -
Voice controlled Quiver (filled) - B ranked
Stack of explosive arrows - C ranked
Stack of ice arrows - C ranked
Stack of capture arrows - C ranked
Stack of voltage arrows - C ranked
Stack of piercing arrows - C ranked
Stack of punch arrows - C ranked
Runners cuff - B ranked
I think that is everything he has made. What he carries depends on what is going to do.
Jan 21, 2022
Crizom said:
Well thats a waste of good aluminum.
Interestingly, I think, it was glass bottle in my head when reading that. Is american beer usually in aluminum bottle?
Also, what happens if you card an empty card ?

Jan 21, 2022
Mattchaos said:
Interestingly, I think, it was glass bottle in my head when reading that. Is american beer usually in aluminum bottle?
Also, what happens if you card an empty card ?
Woops you're right he said bottle not can lol. I'm so used to people buying the large 24 can of beer.
As for the card I believe nothing happens as the card will just respawn because you are essentially carding/fusing nothing together.
Last edited: Jan 21, 2022

Jan 21, 2022
Gravity arrows sound like a good idea. Hell, maybe lay down some rugs that can act like traps for intruders and just hit them with 2x+ gravity to either slow them down or keep them contained.
Or if he's planning on playing nice with them, which might be the best option for him at this point, to just create something that Shield/Hydra would never find. I'd say he should act like he doesn't know what they're talking about when they show up, but the MC doesn't seem like the type that could act well enough to fool even a junior agent.

Up to No Good
Jan 21, 2022
What about dead blow hammer (1-4 lbs.; $7-13) arrows?
The head is filled with steel shot or sand so that the hammer doesn't bounce when it hits something. That both helps to moderate the force you strike with, and extends the length of the actual strike (Lower peak impact, more complete energy delivery).
The hammers might embody concepts like 'inertia', 'moderation', 'energy transfer', or 'solid impact' (<= guessing).
Maybe a merged hammer could do something with inertia, like making a punch connect better and hit harder than it should (ditto for arrows)?
I'dunno ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Jan 22, 2022
I think you Accidentally named this chapter Wrong (following a lead) is the name of your 11th chapter on patreon. It's supposed to be (No time to waste)
Last edited: Jan 22, 2022

Jan 22, 2022
He should add a few more pills to the watch, like immune system boosters, anti-parasite pills, those coal based meds for drugs and food poisoning.
And if he can, a drop of blood from a alien, mutate, etc

Jan 22, 2022
Combine Abominations heart with a Cheese Burger and get Super Enhanced I got you with my Fabolous ideas.
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