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♦ Topic: A Storm on the Horizon, Brockton Bay?
In: Boards ► United States ► New Hampshire (NH) ► Brockton Bay ► New Cape Arrivals
Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Posted On Feb 3rd 2011:
So, I don't know if you guys haven't been paying attention, but in the past few days there have been a total of 9 Merchant stash houses raided. The alleged (that IS important people, because everyone is INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY in a court of law) Merchant members were all taken down with minimal fuss and no injuries. My contacts at the Brockton Central Hospital and within the BBPD confirmed this for me- other than some cottonmouth from whatever sleeping agent was used the alleged members were unharmed.
It was done in the dead of night with no one being the wiser until the police showed up to collect the sleeping Merchants (assume that I'm putting 'alleged' in front of everything, will ya, MODS? Thanks.), and from what I was told they hit three targets in quick succession the first night, probably as a test run, because on the second night? Six stash houses in a row without them making enough noise to attract attention from any of the Merchant Capes- usually you get Squealer showing up if Skidmark isn't sober enough to attend, but here though? Not a peep from the Archer's Bridge Merchant parahumans. The final target of the night, I was told, had almost 40 un-powered members, with enough automatic weapons that would make a Columbian cartel blush. One of my friends remarked that it would have been a blood bath if the BBPD would have tried to root out this location- a container ship has a lot of 'fatal funnels' and hiding spots for someone with a weapon to hole up in to wait for the right opportunity.
All of this was accomplished with only TWO of the Eight confirmed members of the newly named 'Frontline' Hero team that announced themselves on our lovely platform just a few hours ago.
The two Capes identified themselves as 'Horizon' and 'M16A1' (Yes, like the rifle), and they were observed with some pretty intense looking power armor that was, in the words of my source, at least on the same level of quality as Armsmaster's, though they used what appeared to be mundane weapons; they had 'non-lethal' and 'lethal' options available to them, which is honestly quite nice because most Capes who pick up a gun tend to be... let's say more inclined to stride on the 'letha' side of the spectrum versus the 'non-lethal' side. Though, I won't be getting into the weeds on their equipment or possible powers- I'll save that for the "Powers Speculation" thread.
Prior to their announcement, there was an anonymous poll that seemed to polarize our community- and it asked if we would like for someone, a Hero Team, to take the fight to the gangs to end their stranglehold on our fair (*cough*) city of Brockton Bay. Whether you said 'Yes' or 'No' the answer before the thread was locked was an overwhelming 'Yes', with 77% having prefered action over inaction (as of the last I checked).
It got pretty heated, and some insults were bandied about, temp-bans were handed out in equal measure for those who broke forum rules, but this is PHO, what else is new? Regardless, the people of Brockton spoke and this new Independent Hero team responded.
They listed out a date and time when they would be visiting the PRT Headquarters to register, and right after that? Right after that they posted a video on their profile page -> [HERE]
Say what you will about how people handle their branding, but this was probably one of the cleanest introductory videos I've seen from a brand new team since... probably forever. Now, before you get up in arms, there is a disclaimer at the bottom that states all depictions of violence in the video are fictional and for demonstration purposes only. The faces and clothing were also CGI so that no one who was filmed had their likeness plastered all over the internet. So they have their liability covered there. I've never heard the song they used before, and using 'Ba-bam!' on the lyrics doesn't bring up anything from Aleph either, so it was likely they wrote this number to accompany their video. You guys know that I try to only stick to the facts and keep my opinions to myself, so I won't wax on about how appropriate or inappropriate the video was- they made it, with production values I would assume belonged to a Hollywood movie set, and then posted it for all the world to see.
So, the real question here is does this new team have any substance beyond their first successes? Or are we looking at a team that will kick the gangs to the curb?
As always, only time will tell. Fingers crossed though, I'd like to be able to shop of knickknacks for my cat lady porch without being pulled into a running gunbattle between Nazis and Junkies again.
-EDIT: Apparently this is only ONE team of 'Frontline', they have more teams incoming.
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►InsiderClassy (The Lady in the Know)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
Once again, you beat me to this story, Bagrat. Do you even sleep? I was just about to post my own thread when I refreshed at saw this up. *sigh*
There was ONE thing that I do know that you didn't though- the tranquilizers that Horizon and M16A1 (what a strange name, but to each their own I suppose) used are in fact, NOT TINKER TECH. One of the cops I know was nearby to overhear Horizon informing the Protectorate Cape that had responded, Velocity, that it was NOT a Tinker substance at all, and could be manufactured by anyone! I snooped around and found -> [THIS] in the website for the US Patent Office, and it seems to be legit. The formulas are censored for obvious reasons, but they handed it over to the PRT and Protectorate to verify that the substances were indeed safe for use (they claimed to have done their own testing, but the decision to get official validation is a great way to establish a rapport in my book).
►Foxtantabil (Veteran Member)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
Welp, I can confirm; the druggie that used to sit out on the front porch across the street of my apartment complex is no longer ruining the view in the mornings; the cops were out last night and picked the puke and all of his trash peddling buddies. I felt bad for the BBPD though, despite looking like he was a buck oh five, dead weight to move into a paddy wagon is still dead weight!
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
@ Foxtantabil
Can totes agree- the Merchant trap house on my block was also smacked down; I work the swings, getting off late from work, so coming home to see the street covered with cop cars (without their lights flashing) was something else. I guess the BBPD CAN be quiet when they feel like it; who knew?
Cheers to Horizon and his team- at least for the next few weeks I can rest easy knowing that some punk isn't going to try and drag my kid in to get him injected. Though, unless they deal with the gang entirely then its just going to reoccur.
►LegendPhobic (He's Gay, but hates ALL things that Sparkle)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
I gotta say, normally Cape outfits look like hot garbage warmed over, but I'm really liking the aesthetic they have going on here.
Screen Caps from their Video: [Here][Here][Here][Here] and [Here]
►Gosilver (BB Moderator)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
@ LegendPhobic
While we're always happy to have you posting your screen caps and costume analysis, please, once again, keep that relegated to the Cape Fashion board -> [Here, for the Nth Time]. Next time I WILL Temp-Ban you.
►Guywichinfi (Temp Banned)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
Hahahahahahaha! The fun police at it again. Though, it is fun to see Void Cowboy's fashion counterpart at it again.
- Temp Banned (24 hours): We aren't 'fun police', we keep topics on track, no more, no less. Also, do not invoke the specter of Void Cowboy, as he's still only four days into his week long ban. Take a 24 hour time out. ~Gosilver
►RecipeFantastic (Verified Cooking Show Host)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
I really enjoyed having a man in power armor around my kitchen, really made kneading dough so much easier! Armsmaster if you ever want to come back on my show again I would love to have you! I was thinking a nice amous bouche, what say you?
Also, Horizon @M16A1 shoot me a message if you ever want to appear on my show! I would love to see what you guys cooked to get so big and muscley.
►Armsmaster (Verified Cape) (Protectorate Employee)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
This is an automated message:
Please contact my Branch Public Relations Branch if you wish to schedule another appearance.
Thank you.
►Kid_Win (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
Bagrat Glad we can always count on you to get us the right information at the right time. Apparently Frontline is in the building but we weren't told a thing. Gallant and I really want to find a time to talk shop- power armor is something that's always attributed to Tinkers but Tinkers who can actually make it are pretty rare.
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►Clockblocker (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Verified Funnyguy)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
@Kid_Win LOL Usually I'M the one the one complaining about not getting told jack, but I guess once those Tinker juices start flowing even you can fall victim to "Fingers before Thought" syndrome!
I look forward to seeing you in our next PR Management class. Cheers, buddy, welcome to the club!
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♦ Topic: Horizon & Frontline's Power Armor
In: Boards ► United States ► New Hampshire ► Brockton Bay ► Cape Speculation
Procto the Unfortunate Tinker (Original Poster) (Not a tinker) (Veteran Member)
Posted On Feb 3rd 2011:
So, we got a new Team showing up in the Bay, but I guess its at least not another gang. (Thank God!) Though whether or not they'll be a stabilizing or destabilizing presence we won't know until they start making moves, though I guess they already are; Bagrat has the scoop on their opening actions so far, and you can find that -> [HERE]
However, the news and nothing but the news is his deal. My deal is Tinker Tech and anything associated with it even though I am NOT a Tinker (I am a Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, and along with my lovely wife who is a Mathematician and Physicist, but most of you already know that) we try to theory craft everything that is related to all the latest Tinkertech seen in the Bay area, from the Protectorate and Wards to the Independents and the Villains.
As ALWAYS, if something we post is sensitive, then please DM us so we can take it down. These are just thoughts and theories for funsies and to stay engaged with our community, but secrets when it comes to both powers AND tech are important. So if we get too close to home and it might compromise you Heroes, then let us know and we'll remove the content quietly (for what that's worth).
Now, lets get started!
First thing's first- LOOK AT IT.
Seriously, would you just look at it?
That is probably the best looking power armor I've seen outside of Armsmaster and that one VPA-EX (Variable Powered Armor- Experimental) armor that Hero showed off back in '99. It's nice and clean, no additional frills that don't appear unneeded, and it has armor that actually protects what it needs to protect as well as some sort of body suit that also looks very protective. (I know that WarVal in Prescott, AZ has her own Tinker Tech that curves projectiles around her body, but having Bikini Power Armor is NOT cool, no matter how well she fills it out)
From what we've managed to glean after talking with Bagrat is that their helmets are fully sealed, and their visors have some sort of holographic display that allows them to display emojis and the like. It sounds funny, but even with the efforts to make their body language exaggerated enough for positive identification, lacking the ability to see the face does a lot to impact proper public relations. The addition of the emoji function (trust me, I laugh at the thought of it too) but it really does circumvent a lot of the issues Heroes with full-face helmets have when interacting with the wider public- even being able to use something as simple as a smiley-face or a frowny-face really improves everyone's ability to accurately read how they are feeling. It helps build a rapport and connection without sacrificing the versatility and protection that a full-faced helmet system provides.
All you have to do is look at their Stormfront Approaching Video (Which you can watch -> [HERE] if you haven't seen it already) to figure out that these helmets have a LOT of tech packed into them. At 3:53 and 4:29 you can see two instances of an engagement with Merchants (allegedly) from Horizon's POV; his head doesn't move at all- the camera view remains rock solid- but his rifle barrel move independently. The same can be said for 7:17 and 8:54 from M16A1's POV (And yes that IS her Cape Name) where she isn't even aiming down the sights on her rifle. In all of those clips it indicates that there is a Heads Up Display that links the barrel of the rifle to an aiming point within the helmet (Yes, just like all of your favorite First Person Shooters).
A lot of the HUD information has been sanitized for the video, but our buddy @TechJunkie4Lyfe has done an excellent Mock-Up of what he thinks the HUD for their system might look like.
[Image1_HUD MKUP]
Pretty sweet, right? Power system manager, Armor Integrity Sensor, Ammunition counters, and more than likely a Compass and GPS. We won't know for sure until we get more information, but considering how well everything appears to be put together it might be some time before they decide to release it (if they ever do).
The helmet, at least on Horizon, also has what appears to be an extended communication array- likely that others will pick this helmet up as well? We don't know, but we DO know that there is more than just 'Alpha Team' from 'Frontline', so its possible we'll see more of this variant.
What are your thoughts on the armors as well as the design characteristics you like?
Let us know your thoughts!
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►BadSamurai (Not a tinker) (Tech Junkie)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
Did you see that slow motion shot of Horizon running on the curved bow of that tugboat and then leaping vertically almost 76 feet into the air with nothing but a small bump from the armor's thrusters? (Edit: Alright, I've changed it to 76 feet, you happy now you damn pixel monger?)
We don't know how heavy those suits are, but the amount of energy required to leap 76 feet without frog legs/kangaroo leg armor designs is pretty immense; enough to fold a man in half (backwards) or cause compression damage on the spine (as we unfortunately found out with High Jumper, RIP dude, you did Oregon proud). The armored suit underneath the power armor can do a lot, but it can't affect the forces that would still be had on the human body. These aren't mundane people wearing power armor guys, they ARE enhanced in some way, shape, or form. Whether its powers granted or they were bio-tinkered up some enhancements (eugh) in order to move as they do.
►Brocktonite03 (Veteran Member)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
@BadSamurai Uuuhhhhh... Hello? BS? Did you somehow miss this? -> 2:37. The guy cornered in SAND like a mother fuck'n CHEETAH doing at LEAST 55MPH! Of course he's enhanced in some way!
- Infraction No. 1 Brocktonite03: We get it, its pretty crazy stuff, but we don't need the sarcasm and language here in Cape Speculation. We pride ourselves at being able to watch what our fingers type. We aren't General and we certainly aren't the Meme thread. ~WholesomeDreamer (Moderator)
►Dawgsmiles (Veteran Member) (Tech Junkie)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
@Brocktonite03 Nah, @BadSamurai was just too busy watching Uber & Leet's reaction stream to the video to notice that little clip. We're sitting next to each other in lecture hall and he only saw what clips of Frontline's debut that I showed him. I'll make sure he watches the whole thing, though I'm sort of just banging along to the music.
Though, to prevent myself from getting slapped for not meaningfully contributing, did you see the tactical rigs they were wearing on their armor? You don't see many people with power armor doing that, usually they prefer to integrate whatever tech than can into the armor versus carrying it in pouches. BulletStorm out in Texas actually carries his magazines inside his armor to protect them when he's in the middle of a fight.
You know what this means, right? The only reason why they would have their equipment on the outside, unprotected by the armor is if they have some form of energy shielding.
That's my theory by the way.
►Laser Augment (Verified Pixel Counter) (Tech Junkie)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
@BadSamurai Uh, looking at the frame-by-frame and the number of pixels from the bottom of the tanker to the top of the tanker, even from Horizon's elevated position on the tugboat it's more like 76 feet, no the 100 you were talking about. Still no less impressive though.
Edit: But, to be fair from the beach to the top of the tanker deck it was likely 100 feet.
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♦ Topic: Horizon & Frontline's Power Armor
In: Boards ► United States ► New Hampshire ► Brockton Bay ► Cape Speculation
Procto the Unfortunate Tinker (Original Poster) (Not a tinker) (Veteran Member)
Posted On Feb 3rd 2011:
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►Kid_Win (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
@Dawgsmiles Yes, that is exactly what I was thinking as well. You can see on my armor I have armored holsters for my pistols. Of course, it could be a technology gap, but I don't have a feeling that it was with that picture-perfect free-fall drop. I'd have to run the calculations on the amount of G's the body would experience decelerating from 820 fps to 20fps in such a short time span, but I would agree with BadSamurai that they are augmented in some way.
►BadSamurai (Not a tinker) (Tech Junkie)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
@Kid_Win Actually SirMathsALot already ran those numbers on page 6, post 9 (if you run your PHO in 10 posts a page).
►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
@Kid_Win Your minder told me to tell you that you're not supposed to be commenting on new Capes. You know the rules.
►Clockblocker (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Verified Funnyguy)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
Ahahahahaha! And thusly Kid Win's rebellion was smote, struck down before it even blossomed into adulthood. Fare thee well, teenage agency, hello mandatory weekend PR classes.
►BlueLine (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
@Clockblocker You'll be joining him, Mister. See you Saturday.
@Vista You too. Saturday.
►Clockblocker (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Verified Funnyguy)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
@BlueLine Jokes on you, ma'am, I'm already scheduled for saturday!
@Vista NO! Don't post, you'll be caught, Vista! They're paying attention to us!
►Vista (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
So I noticed that there is a girl on the team that looks to be about my height. Would it be possible for me to get power armor like that?
Edit: *sigh* S'what I get for not refreshing before posting. Guess I'll see you there Saturday as well, @Kid_Win @Clockblocker
►LegendPhobic (He's Gay, but hates ALL things that Sparkle)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
As much as I love the interactions with the Wards here (Hello, @Vista! If you ever want that dreadful costume redesigned, let me know!) we are getting dangerously close to derail here. So to get it back on topic, has anyone else noticed the color scheme and patterning on the armors make it look very professional? Liek, military, but not 'martial law' military. Cop-ish but not like, eat donuts while stealing your drug money cop-ish. Powerful. Commanding. It stands out without being *Stand* *Out*, you know what I'm saying?
►Procto the Unfortunate Tinker (Original Poster) (Not a tinker) (Veteran Member)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
Whew, thought we were going to catch a thread lock there for a second. Wouldn't be the first time the Wards have trolled us like that. Oh, you kids. *waggles finger* >
Yeah, I wasn't the only one who notice it. Its blue and white, with black and grey being on the tactical vests, but it all blends together. Hardly the color for stealth operations but for being recognizable and visible? Yes, a very interesting choice- if I were someone in PR I'd wonder if it was toeing the line on being almost... too official?
Anyone from PR in on this?
►Glenn_ChambersOFFICIAL (Protectorate Employee) (Verified Head of Public Relations (Protectorate HQ - DC))
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
To answer your question, it is indeed VERY borderline, but edging on the side of what is considered legal.
We always recommend that new Capes try to avoid taking on a LEO or Military look (outside of certain circumstances) to avoid anyone mistaking them for a Law Enforcement Official.
If you want to know more, you can consult our Independent Hero Costume Recommendations Guideline -> [HERE]
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►Answer Key (Cape Groupie)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
Wow, seems a heavy hitter appeared with @Glenn_ChambersOFFICIAL.
Though he seems to omit Captain Law, Sergeant Savage, Officer Peddal, Inspector Inspector, among others. They all have VERY official military or LEO uniforms but you didn't comment on their threads.
►Whitecollar (Cape Wife)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
@Answer Key Please don't start poking @Glenn_ChambersOFFICIAL. He was the man who saved my husband's career after the local branch tried to dress him up like Bobo the Klown. He is a SAINT!
►Richtor Fist (Verified Cape) (Protectorate Employee)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
I agree with @Whitecollar, Glenn saved me from having to wear a construction vest and hardhat everywhere I went just because I have a Shaker power that lets me break down stone and earth. They even wanted me to have a foam jackhammer to carry around as a prop!
►Gosilver (BB Moderator)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
Seeing as the last posts in eight hours have been people singing the praises of @Glenn_ChambersOFFICIAL with no new discussion, consider this thread LOCKED.
@Procto The Unfortunate Tinker you can DM us here at BB_Local_Moderators to have this thread unlocked if you feel like there is enough new information to warrant it.
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
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♦ Topic: Frontline Hero Group - Serious Gender Imbalance?
In: Boards ► United States ► New Hampshire ► Brockton Bay ► Cape Speculation
FightTHAPowa! (Original Poster) (Cape Husband) (Cape Groupie) (Veteran Member)
Posted On Feb 3rd 2011:
So, I'm not a Brockton Bay native or anything (you couldn't PAY me to leave the beaches of Miami), but I saw that new Hero team you guys got up there, and while I'm loving the vibe they're putting out, and the fact that they're there to help you guys (Lord knows you need it with Actual, Factual Nazis and a Rage Dragon running around)... is it strange to anyone else that the number of women on the team to men is so high?
I understand more than most that women often undergo traumatic events more than men do, as they are most often targeted for violent crimes and rape, but usually you would see 6 to 4 Women/Men in a sample team size. Doesn't 7 to 1 seem a bit high?
Also, isn't the small one, ART556 a child? She should be in the Wards program, not gallivanting off with a rifle of all things! Has anyone thought out calling the Youth Guard?
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Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
Yes, it WAS noticed by all of us here in the cape groupie community, but none of us bothered to comment on it because its irrelevant. They seem very competent, and we need more competent women Heroes out there who can do everything a man can do and look good while doing it. We have to many FAKE female heroes like Tiara, Glamor, Escapade, Lady Helena, and others who hog the limelight and don't do anything other than PR tours and photoshoots for magazines. I saw the clips from M16A1's helmet camera, and boy could that girl shoot AND move! Felt like I was watching a scene from Aleph's Shoot First or Die HARD! Totally thrilling to see real women empowerment making its way up into the world. Did you see their workout routines? I do Yoga four days a week, and let me tell you that the exercises they are doing in those clips aren't for the faint of heart!
►bothad (Veteran Member)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
Great, now the feminists are coming out of the woodwork. Listen, @Navidadu, no one here is against women fighting the good fight. The fact of the matter is that these women in Frontline are most likely augmented in some capacity, and they're all wearing state of the art power armor. Nobody knows how much it makes them stronger or faster but the fact remains that Woman + Augments + Power Armor > Un-powered ganger. Its just a fact.
Though truth be told I'm sort of surprised you're not screaming about all of those women on the taem but its a MAN running it? What, no comments about how he's just creating a harem?
►Chilldrizzle (Wiki Warrior)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
@bothad You just HAD to go there, didn't you? A buff, jacked dude surrounded by all those beauties? The fantasy is goen now. Ruined. When Frontline eventually releases a swimsuit calendar all I'll be able to think about is how lucky that Horizon guy is to be surrounded by all of those babes on a daily basis.
@OP To answer your question, the Youth Guard holds no power over Independents- its the Protetorate and PRT they got bent over the barrel. Granted if they *wanted to* they could probably pursue child-endangerment or something, but that would be a stretch. The power is in the hands of little ART556, bhtough to be fair I think I would prefer to see her in the Wards too; its a hard life for Capes out there.
►ART_556 (Verified Cape) (Frontline Member_Alpha Team) (Temp Banned)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
@OP, @bothad, @Chilldrizzle The Youth Guard would hold no sway over me anyways because I'm an adult. Believe it or not, I'm 43 years old, born 1968. I'm likely older than everyone clutching at their pearls for assuming that I'm a day-old newborn simply because I happen to like being short, irresistibly cute, and very fluffy!
Horizon is also a very lucky man- he gets to work with us every day! Truly, he is most blessed to bask in our presence. Hee-hee-hee.
►Chrome (Verified PHO Service Technician)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
Oooookkkkkaaaaayyyyyy... apparently we have ART_556 in the house? Uh, how did you get unique tags so fast? I had to ping Tin_Mother for a whole year to get her to make me a unique tag!
►2tochuBullGlossy (Temp Banned)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
Troll account. Fake AND very gay. GTFO. Probably a sweaty, porky mouth breather that wanted to waifu for laifu.
- Temp Banned (48 hours): Try to keep things civil. Derogatory terms and hate speech will not be tolerated. Also, if it has a Tag then it means its been verified by Tin_Mother and someone at the Protectorate; so if it says "Verified 'X'" then it means its been *verified*. Take a 48 hour time out. ~Gosilver
►ART_556 (Verified Cape) (Frontline Member_Alpha Team) (Temp Banned)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
@2tochuBullGlossy Well, you are right in that I was a lonely, unhealthy, 'porky', mouthbreather. Then I got my powers, and I decided that instead of simping the Waifu I would BECOME the Waifu. I'm a legal loli. It's the best. Cake was gained and then eaten. Delish.
Edit: Aww, now that he's been banned I can't interact with him anymore, @Gosilver. Don't worry, despite my size I'm a big girl, I can handle a lot of criticism (Critique me HARDER, Daddy!), so there isn't a need to come White Knighting for me.
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
LAMAO! Gosilver has just been accused of White Knighting. Gosilver. This day is great. The stickler for the rules simping. XD Truly ART_556 is a comedian that @Clockblocker wishes he could be.
►Gosilver (BB Moderator)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
@ART_556 I... *wasn't* "White Knighting". We have straightforward rules. I moderate according to those rules. Nothing more, nothing less.
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►ART_556 (Verified Cape) (Frontline Member_Alpha Team) (Temp Banned)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
@Gosilver Don't worry, I won't fault you for simping. I'm outrageously cute, yanno? It's only natural that people would want to ride to my defense. I mean, I'm not LTLX7000 beautiful or anything (she would make the ships sail for Troy, that girl. So unfair! Mou!) but still, Cuteness is Justice!
►Bruce Lao
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
Ahaha. Hahahaha. HAHAHAHA. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. OMG, wtf even is this thread right now?
►Gosilver (BB Moderator)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
*stares at screen and sighs deeply* All righty then, @ART_556. Enjoy a 24-hour Temp Ban for Trolling a Mod.
►M16A1_Official (Verified Cape) (Frontline Member_Alpha Team)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
*Sighs* @ART_556, what am I going to do with you?
We will be holding an AMA next week on the 11th @ 7:30PM EST. So if you have any questions please write them down and we will do our best to answer them for you.
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
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A/N: First PHO interlude done. Whoo! Seriously though, does no one know how to do those cool drop-down graphics so I can make a snazzy dramatis personae page? LOL
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ZreaderKnow what you're doing yet?
beingme said: ↑
You know what else is sus? the fact that our boy is the only guy in the current alpha team. Or really, the only guy that is on the field from the entire "Frontline" Hero group (Assuming we bring nothing but T-Dolls and robots in the field). I hope he got some good answers to that question because I am drawing a blank that does not sound sketchy as hell.
Their trailer is already anime-sus af, so, assuming their team is a sussy PR setup, the gender ratio actually matches the rest of their "sus PR setup" vibes.
Tuesday at 8:40 AMReport
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SirNagsALot, Oh Bam Ah, Poe Darkly and 34 others like this.

GasperVladi0Know what you're doing yet?
.....It gets even better? Holy shit it gets even better! I love this story and PHO chapters are great.
Tuesday at 8:50 AMReport
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Potato Eater, TheWoodenOne, Jason Wang and 38 others like this.

*Basks in online shenanigans* Majestic.
Tuesday at 8:54 AMReport
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TheWoodenOne, havefeith, TodaBruh and 24 others like this.

searchNot too sore, are you?
I guess the sky diving was cool, but I am way too shy to make myself a promotional video. It also felt kind of weird for them to hype themselves so much when they haven't been there very long or done very much, but since their next step is probably getting rid of the merchants I can see how they would cement their reputation as the real thing.
There are no perk descriptions at the end of the last chapter by the way.
Tuesday at 8:55 AMReport
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DragonEmperor23, MechaJesus, Myrddin Emrys and 14 others like this.

TheSystemFanKnow what you're doing yet?
Man you are posting chapters like crazy. Love it ❤ ♥
Tuesday at 8:58 AMReport
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Andi rivers, G1 Convoy, Wentley and 6 others like this.

PsylentFox said: ↑
Seriously though, does no one know how to do those cool drop-down graphics so I can make a snazzy dramatis personae page? LOL
There is a guide to unusual XenForo formatting on SV.
Tuesday at 9:03 AMReport
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havefeith, G1 Convoy, Terra1125 and 10 others like this.

DacraunFriendly neighborhood robot
I usually skip PHO interludes, but this was quite fun.
Tuesday at 9:03 AMReport
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HeyaUser, Wintercat, G1 Convoy and 7 others like this.
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