Chereads / Futanari System / Chapter 264 - I Decide your Fate

Chapter 264 - I Decide your Fate

The Crown Princess was now in a hell of Edging, and I was going to leave her that way for a while. Things started to pick up in the rest of the city after the rebellion. You could feel the tension inside the city from the humans who thought they were going to be retaliated against because of the Rebellion. That became an issue as people started a general strike accidentally because they were staying home and scared of the guards retaliating.

So, I had to make a speech. 

Two days had passed since I played last with the Crown Princess, and I had been working on paperwork. I had notices placed out to have humans gather in a square, and I had all available Elite Army Soldiers. I recalled a hundred soldiers from the front to reinforce the Logistics Army security points, replacing the Elite Soldiers for the day.

The main issue with no one leaving was that many were not doing normal jobs that were necessary, like cleaning the streets and sewers, opening shops, and moving civilian supplies. This was destroying the economic power the City should be boasting about, and the army could not do them long-term on their own. 

To top it all off, I needed this city to integrate into the Beast-kin Nation. If this was how things were currently going, things would not be working well. In war, if the enemy knows you will not retaliate, they will grow bolder, and there are tactics that you could use in order to make our lives miserable. I needed to make a Robust Logistical area that would allow us to push a bit deeper into the Empire if we had to. This offensive would be different from the one we had just finished. They would be retaliatory, probing attacks before pulling back into the defenses to annoy the Empire's armies and no more.

At least, that was what I had planned. The other thing was that this city actually had a place where they made good Carriages and wagons. They would assist in increasing our logistical transport ability making them a strategic resource, which meant I needed the damn humans leaving their houses and going to work.

No matter how many Bunny-kin were happy with the empty streets.

The Elite army was extremely happy that humans were not out on the street. Because of this, they reported remarkably low injury counts, and it was like a vacation for the Army after the Rebellion. 

That could not continue, and I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. I heard a chuckle.

"You look Stressed," Queen Mira said, appearing on the side of my desk in a cute little pink dress and strawberry blonde hair. The back of the dress, though, was almost nonexistent as it cut down to her ass but did not show her ass. I turned my attention and Smiled at the Queen.

"Where have you been?" I asked.

"I have been talking to my people," Queen Mira said, hopping off my desk and walking over to a chair. The chair turned into a couch, which Queen Mira started to lounge on. "There was one death from a poorly executed spell," Queen Mira sneered.

"A poorly executed Spell? From her or my people?" I asked.

"From herself, She isn't technically dead, but the chances of her waking up from her Illusion dream are low. She stupidly tried to overextend the reality needed on the battle slaves. It is complicated to understand, but she fell victim to her own spell, and when we misstep, there is a chance to enter our own creation and be forever trapped in it. She is currently on the battlefield as a battle slave, attacking what she believes to be the Beast-kin yet knows it the Empire, but believes it is reality, not an Illusion." Queen Mira sighed, "The chances of coming out of this are low," Queen Mira sounded sad, "We have not discovered a way to easily escape this downside of Illusion Magic. This is one of the risks of our form of battle."

I nodded, Just as a Venomancer could make a poison too lethal for them to survive, or I could bring down a mentor on my own head. All Magic had risks, and Wizards all knew that, and you accepted them. In a war of this size, people falling victim to their own spells was still not common. It was something that C rankers and up usually did not fall victim to; d rankers and below, though, could much more commonly.

"So, What are you up to?" Queen Mira asked, "I have not been around."

"I can show you later, but I know you want to come listen to me speak," I said.

"Listen to you speak?"

"I need to talk to the humans, and it is about time that I get going to talk," I said, getting up. I walked down the hall and looked down at myself in the camouflage fatigues that I was wearing as an Elite army soldier. I did not make formal attire at this point, and I opened a rift looking out a window and invited Queen Mira. 

Queen Mira smiled and said, "I will not be visible to others, but I will be beside you. I look forward to hearing what you say."

"Good, I would love to spend some time in your company."

I smiled, and we walked through rift after rift, finally appearing in the largest clearing in Border City. The crowd of humans gathered and were silent, with only small whispers among the people. I opened a rift to a platform at the front that was elevated so everyone could see I was talking, and I stepped out onto the hastily erected platform. The Crowd went completely still as I stepped out, and I looked around.

Elite Army soldiers were all around the square, on top of buildings, and at all the exits. I could even see my soldiers in the crowd, and I smiled. I could see Queen Mira watching the crowd, and I was reminded of the Execution of the stupid Nobles in my army who thought they could take advantage of the army without consequence, and I smiled.

"People of Border City," I said, using mana to boom my voice and travel around the square. "Not long ago, your fellow people rebelled against the Beast-kin occupation," I said solidly, and a wave of whispers went out over the crowd. "Beast-kin died suppressing it; your fellow people died doing it, were captured, and are now criminally charged. I am going to be completely honest with all of you. I am the Supreme Commander and the person in charge of your fate." I said, and the crowd went silent, "The person you see before you, I, Chelsea Loveknot, am the one who dictates your fate. I can free you all, kill you all, or cut off your food with one simple sentence to the people I order." I said with fierce determination.

I could hear the gasps and fear from my statement, "Although I can do whatever I want with all of you, I chose not to. I chose peace with you. I chose to have my people fight and protect all of you," I said, hearing more murmurs, "My people, day and night, fight the undead to stop the concentration of the magic so you may sleep peacefully without worry an undead will sneak in, in your sleep. We are the ones who are also protecting you from the other Beast-kin," I said, and I saw and heard everyone freeze.

"Do not delude yourselves," I said bluntly, "Many of the Beast-kin would prefer to kill you all, rape, plunder, burn and leave nothing behind." I paused to let that sink in, "I am the reason that is not happening," I told them, "I am the one who keeps your people safe from those who rightfully resent your race for capturing their Women, children, and men, to be sold as slaves here." I took a deep breath, "But not all of you are guilty of that. Not one of you broke the law, and so our quarrel is with the men and women who you slave and work for for decades. The Nobles in your Empire who use our people as entertainment."

The silence in the square was defining, and I then said, "Now, Back to the rebellion," I said once more, "Those who did not fight or lend aid and comfort to those who attacked and killed beast-kin HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR. My people will continue to protect you and continue to aid you when you need it. We will protect you with our lives and prove to you that we are better than those who controlled you before." I closed my eyes, "I am sorry that I am disrupting your lives. Making you fear walking out into the streets and enjoying life. I, in fact, want you to go to work so that you may survive." 

Pausing once more, I waited, and the crowd was silent, "Many of you are no longer leaving your homes, No longer walking the streets to work. I understand your feelings, but I also must say this:" I sighed, letting the sigh go around the plaza. "If you continue to do so, our ability to protect you will weaken. Without you transporting supplies, your Merchants cannot have food for you to eat. Without people making carriages, there is nothing for those merchants to transport goods. Without the supplies the Merchants sell, the Farmers cannot grow food. So, I am ensuring your safety. You do not need to fear retaliation from the Rebellion. I, Chelsea Loveknot, will not be retaliating for the harm others did."

Silence reigned for several moments, and unlike what you would hear in movies, only a few people cheered, and I smiled wryly. "That is all I have come here to say: tell others that they may be on the streets again without fear of retaliation and report soldiers that do," I said. They will have to come to speak with me personally if they have been abusing their authority."

A purplish-black rift opened beside me, and I grinned, "DISMISSED!" I announced, stepped out, and appeared on a corner of a roof with Queen Mira of the plaza. I overlooked the people in the town square who, this time, did cheer at the news, and I looked at Queen Mira before looking back into the crowd, seeing that the crowd seemed much more upbeat and the Elite army was filtering people out, and I sighed.

"How did I do?"

"That was an interesting Speech. No idea what you are going for with it, though. I am unsure if it will be effective."

"It depends on what you call effective," I said with a wry smile. If half of them start working again, things will start working again. That will be enough. If they don't," I shrugged, "they will eventually starve."

Looking down at the humans filtering out, I chuckled, "I wonder how it will work myself if in two days they haven't." I shrugged, "Did I not just have a rebellion? I am sure I have a few people who will underscore a lesson."

"Hmm, Boring, I want to enjoy our time together," Queen Mira complained.

"Then let's enjoy ourselves," I replied with a smile.

Opening another rift, we departed, no longer watching the humans leave the square.


Hey guys,

So as an Announcement I just released three books onto Amazon. One is I Sissified My Step Bro book 2 which is available on Kindle unlimited if you are interested in helping me out a little financially and like my work you can check it out.

The Second book is Called The Devil and the Goddess (A Futanari BDSM Erotica Love Story) I believe it is one of my best short stories yet check it out if you are interested.

The third book I just released is the Seventh Week of Life of a Dominant Futanari. This book is 240k words and the longest book in the series and if you enjoyed the previous weeks then you will love this week.