Chereads / Futanari System / Chapter 207 - Third Time is the Charm

Chapter 207 - Third Time is the Charm

After the horrible session with the Elders, I continued to encounter; I introspected myself in meditation. My political power was soaring, but I was no longer growing personally. I was not growing in the least, and now was the time when I needed to grow the most. I needed to change that, and now was the time. After a long night with my women and releasing a lot of pent-up frustration into them, which they loved, I sat to meditate, as I started to take up doing.

My thoughts strayed, and I thought about the time that I had in the day, and there was very little time that I had to try and make up for this training. I couldn't give up my responsibilities because of my long and short-term goals. I would lose disproportionally too much if I gave them up and I already made enemies. Even as I tried to mitigate that damage, they were still extremely unhappy with me.

This wouldn't stop here either, so I had to continue to build up my political power for when I returned to keep my autonomy. That made me reflect on what I could do to increase my power, and I thought about my fighting style. No matter how I said it these days, I was a beast in close distance fighting as a Wizard. My ability to change my body into Mana with my robust mana vortexes was something unheard of. My ability to use my mana in my blood and body was critical, and I could only expand on that instead of shying away from it.

Everything told me that this was my path into the future, and if I was going to be a close-distance battler, I needed to work on my martial arts again. Back in the Dwarven Kingdom, I started to tell myself to do this, but I ended up in the Elven Forest and lost not long later. Sure, I spent some time in the Dwarven Kingdom with the basics, but I barely even have the muscle memory of that time.

No, Now was the time to change all of that, and suddenly, I had a flash of memory from myself as a child before I ever went to school in my previous life. No, it was of a School, but it was me from much, much younger in a Dojo. When I first learned my love of Martial arts, and followed my sensei in those small moves. I was a weakling then, and I was a very young child. But now I thought about my own children and the bond I could build with them. The childhood memories, they would have looked up to me as I taught them personally.

It would take from my time to talk with them personally, but I could do it. This thought made it so I could barely think for a couple of moments as emotion overwhelmed me. I didn't want to spend all my time with them making them look up to me. I wanted to be their dad and their best friend. But I did not have the time to do that for every one of my children. This was a way I could instill discipline and teach them moves while working on my own muscle memory at the same time.

I would have to go back to the basics and start from there, but I already had to be doing that. My muscle memory was basically a nonentity at this point, and if I recruited all my children that I had, I could start to teach them various martial arts. Susie was learning Elemental Fire Wizardry and could always learn more about close-range combat. Some Jiujitsu would do wonders and allow me to spend time with them all while teaching myself.

This would directly cut into one of my most precious times, but it would turn it into something my babies would be able to take out into the real world. I could teach them hand-to-hand combat that worked in real life. That, in combination with it, would allow them to ask me questions while I was still around. This seemed like a good idea, and I would love to spend more time with my kids. My babies were too young for that, but I still had a number of kids around the age of five where I could start.

I decided, but now wasn't the time to move as I still had to reflect. A war was coming soon, and my transformation into a void body was my trump card. But it was draining despite being elementally tied to the Void element, even if only a little. I had to question if going full void Wizard was better for me. The problem would be coming to enchanting and Alchemy in the future if I did so.

One of the Reasons Alchemists who wanted to brew a variety of potions stuck to general wizardry was because of infecting a potion with your specialization. So specializing in the void would hurt me drastically in that way. What I needed, though, was a way to convert myself into even more forms of mana. That was the second way I could fight, and I could not help but wonder if converting myself into various forms of mana would be a more interesting way of fighting. Maybe even more powerful?

I could move forward through a rift in the void, appear before an Ice wizard as an incarnate of fire, and blast them with my much more robust mana. I wouldn't even need to convert myself completely, and I could isolate my body parts when attacking. With this and a more hands-on fighting style, I should never have an issue with closing the distance.

There would be problems with this, but it was very interesting and allowed me to follow a new path. It would be a trail with no others before me, and I would learn more about the mysteries of Mana. It was so interesting I found myself falling in love with the idea. There were many issues, and I had been following this path slightly already, but I would need to lessen the time it took to convert myself and various forms quickly.

I felt that this would be a new form of battle that would allow me to continue down an avenue of battle. But the training would be largely like I had been doing. Reduction to conversion and battle with hands and feet. Still, something felt incomplete with my thoughts and patterns, and I thought along those patterns, wondering what exactly was triggering my instinct.

Close distance battle hand to hand was dangerous business, and getting hit in critical spots could leave you instantly out or even dead. It was that thrill that had me when I was younger and a thrill seeker in my previous life. My Parkour and martial arts made way to extreme sports of all types. I remember the last-minute parachute pulls I did when skydiving just to gain those extra few seconds of freefall to the earth.

No, Something was wrong here, and it took me a minute as I thought about it, and when it clicked, I realized a significant part I was missing. Hand-to-hand combat was actually rare in this world. I was more likely to encounter hand-to-weapon action, which changed the equation in my head. Fighting various weapons would become problematic when being a Wizard. They could be used to block, and while I had the largest Mana pool known, that didn't make it a good idea.

The answer came much quicker to me than I thought, as there was a form of combat and a weapon that worked with these thoughts. I even had the weapon already ready and had used it in the past. I would not be able to start the training and building of my fundamentals with it in hand, but it would increase everything about myself overall.

Staves were a great monk weapon in my past world and came with their own martial arts. I would have to adapt it to a form of combat in this world, but staves required extreme body usage. They were like spears but with an even higher skill ceiling but less lethality. If you thought about it, it did not make sense to go for a staff over a spear in this light for me. There was one key difference in this world over my last world that changed that completely.


Mana changed the equation, and I could use my arcane staff as a weapon, and I ranged shooter to compliment my spells as I fought in close distance. It was even a little spiky and could be used as a mace. It wasn't like the staff was extremely breakable, although it wasn't ideal either. Still, It was a staff without elemental tinging making it much more useful in the style that I wanted to adapt.

I could convert my entire body into ice and cast close-distance ice spells while being in their face. Slowing them as I attacked them and used Mana-enhanced muscles to attack them. It would be attacking them so close they would be unable to dodge even while I attacked. This was the style that I had always been wanting to adopt. I never seemed to have made it, and with the war right around the corner, it seemed almost insane to pull off.

So much to do with so little time to even start the training, but I felt good about this, and I found myself opening my eyes, and determination filled me. I would do this and make the time for it even as I fulfilled my duties as a lover, father, and commander. I would do it all or be damned. I would meditate when I could, and I would train my ability to change.

That wouldn't be all I needed to train, but I would start with the fundamentals as I stood and looked at the woman around me filled with my seed after finishing the night before. I barely slept these days as I started to use meditation to substitute except one day a week. I found keeping at least one day to let my mind shut down allowed me to stay sharp and relax. Relaxation was good, just like spending time with my cute little babies. I would not give that up, so I would have to work within limitations.

At times when most would sleep, I would train my conversation in a quiet room after spending time with my women. After all, I still needed to increase my point count for the System I had so I could spend during the war when I leveled up. That wasn't the main reason, either, as I remembered what my Mother told me about Futanari and holding back for too long of a period of time. I felt a snarl on my lips as I remembered the raw rage of what my mother did before I reinstated my calm.

For now, I would start my new form of training and start to work. I stretched and found myself in a quiet room with no one else. I moved all the furniture to the side, and I went back to doing what I had tried and failed to do at least twice in this life. I tossed out a punch in perfect Muay Thai style and followed it up with an elbow strike. Then with the other arm. I repeated, and I began my foundation rebuilding again. I would keep to it this time if I needed to. I would start adding other spells to my attacks later.

That was the reason why I stopped last time trying to make a martial art with spells included with each movement. It sounded amazing, and maybe I would get there someday. For now, I wasn't ready for that. I needed to walk before I sprinted so fast I flew.

"I will keep at it this time," I told myself, and my first flew out again.



Hey Everyone. Thank you all for your support and Enjoyment of my Novel. I am writing this because I have released a couple of things that I think you might enjoy. I Released a new Short story and the first-ever Ebook to one of my light novel series. Plus, Week 5 of Life of a Dominant Futanari is out! Check it out on Amazon if you are interested in reading ahead. Also, check out these stories if you are interested:

Galaxy Hunter Online Tutorial Part 1: Into the Virtual World

The Damaged Innocent Futanari: Book 1: First Date

Thank you so much for reading my announcement, and I really appreciate your comments. Please continue to enjoy my work.