Chereads / Futanari System / Chapter 202 - Chapter

Chapter 202 - Chapter

With a flourish, Tayler cried out in pain as I ripped into her with an arm made of the void. The mysterious energy ripped into her undead body, making her scream in pain as the fight concluded.

My mana drained quickly, and I released my mana from my body, allowing my body to once again come back to reality. Seeing my new form of mana conversion was interesting, and I was still trying to grasp a reason for how it worked. It was complex and extremely mana intensive. My mana vortexes were at a low point, and the lich in front of me looked extremely annoyed.

"You know that FUCKING HURTS! My body still feels pain, you know!" She demanded, and I nodded.

"This was our last fight, and I am going to say this because I care," I told her flatly, "Your attack pattern needs work. It is simplistic and easy to learn during combat. You sit back and let the orbs do most of the work. Yes, your ability to control many of them in combat is quite impressive, but that is all it is. You can dodge and move while controlling the rotting Mana balls as well. But it is simplistic and see-through.' I finished, and Tayler scowled.

"I AM NOT SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE FRONT LINES!" Tayler demanded, "I am supposed to be in the back while others fight to protect me. Also known as the fact that I am a necromancer!" She announced on the destroyed battlefield the Military commandeered in negotiations.

"Looking around, I see no dead," I told her with a raised eyebrow, "True that in a war, you will be a force that continues to grow stronger based on the army of dead you control. We quite plainly plan to use that soon for the good of the nation. But right here and now, you are alone without killing anyone else to assist you. I am not doing this to be an Asshole, Tayler," I told her seriously, "I am telling you this because I think you need a card you can pull out when someone closes the distance. Your rotting Mana is fucking despicably powerful. Without canceling the mana, the ground around us would rot into an even bigger mess. Use it and come up with something that can stop foes from either closing the distance or to use if they, in fact, do." I finished my rant.

Tayler looked more moved this time, even as she rolled her eyes, "Fine, I understand what you mean. You are the worst type of fighter for me. Your ability to move through the void is something that allows you to close the distance, then your ability to somehow convert your body into the lack of something is logic destroying." Tayler complained.

"Thank you," I told her, even as I couldn't help but take the last comment to heart. My ability to convert my body into the void was logic-destroying, and I still didn't understand it. It was like something in the back of my head understood it subconsciously and was now starting to allow me to do it at will.

Everything with this power allowed me to learn something extremely interesting about mana that I never knew before. All the research about mana in the Silvermoon Tower showed that your thinking must have a clear logic. I devised my thermite fireball by imagining the chemical composition and its reaction with oxygen and heat. That produced a thousand-degree ball of fire with a bright blinding flash of light. It was meant as a weapon to do multiple things at the same time. But there was the thing; It was my way of imagining it.

Susie, my little daughter, loves the flames, and when I had a conversation with her, she talked about the flames and how they sparkle to her. She didn't understand the chemical compound underlying beneath making a fire. Instead, she imagined how she wanted her fireball to be and grew more fascinated with it. This was logic-defying to me originally until you start to realize more and more that Mana is formed not from reality. Instead, it was something logic-defying that was developed by the imagination. The more you could picture the thing, the more powerful it became.

This was my new working theory as I taught myself to change my body into different forms of mana. One thing I learned about it while doing these things was that even if my body consisted of fire or water, my body is still there. It was odd, but if you hit me while I was in the form of water, It would still hurt me. Maybe not in the exact way it would have if I hadn't transformed my body, but it still did damage.

There was more to learn, and I had made sure to take time from my insane schedule to learn how to battle. Florine fought with me, along with Tayler. Florine was now a commander in the new Military that I was making and one of the higher-ups running the show.

We devised a new system for the elite army, and at minimum, each squad needed one B ranker. The amount of B rankers was higher than I knew, and that got me excited as we had an entire division after Queen Mira brought her ladies from the Demon Lands. They made their way into Hell, Which was my form of boot camp. Queen Mira was quite happy with the results of Hell as she watched her ladies form into Soldiers along the ranks of Bunny-kin, Dog-kin, Cat-kin, and Goat Kin.

It took less time than we thought to integrate the main Cat-kin tribe bringing along the Tiger-kin. With the Cat-kin, we brought in a brand new Era to our scouting and assassination forces with how lithe the Cat-kin was. Their specialty in speed made them excellent at helping indirectly bring up the power of our forces. The men and women joining our new forces were quick and strong. They mainly focused on what I wanted to call energy and speed forms of mana, but that wasn't all. Their warriors were strong in and of themselves, and they were raising a strong generation of warriors.

The Dog-kin tribe that we absorbed was the Brown Short tail tribe with only a single A ranker which was powerful. Their leader quickly accepted and brought his people into the fold of our nation. It was amazing the speed of adoption of current policy right now with the Grand Alchemist handing over the Elder councils head. The Brown Short tail Dog-kin tribe brought a type of ranger and warrior to our new growing military, which was one of the more interesting things. Their archers could have been better, but they moved quickly and could reposition with the best. They were also excellent warriors to move with the scouts who specialized in light armor setups that could move around quickly and fight. They took to Hell pretty quickly, and their teamwork, I believe, was the best thing from their race. It seemed most of the Brown short-tail tribe was the ability to work together as a force.

That brought me to the Goat-kin, which were brought in mostly because they were a long-standing ally of the Bunny-kin. They protected our northern border and had done so for decades. Their people made excellent all-terrain fighters and were a mix of unspecialized warriors. They were dangerous, though, and I would be just as scared to fight against them if they used a sword or a slingshot. They seemed to excel in tactics and use the area around them to their advantage. They were mostly mountain folks, though, which made things more difficult. Still, they were eager to learn besides the others and work themselves into a highly militarized unit.

Boot camp became a place that many Beast-kin people also talked about now—with Logistic personnel needing to be trained there before they were allowed to work made a large vetting process. Bunny-kin, Dog-kin, Cat-kin, and the Goat-kin who could pass were put to work with a good salary. The movement of gold and cash through the city was much higher now, as I insisted everyone was paid. Silver flowed like a river moving from hand to hand on their days off, where they released steam, further increasing the economic might of the Silvermoon Towers city.

The military in my old world was something of a major rise from poverty, and now with the recruitment standards being lowered to my boot camp, things started to change. I found that a large portion of the lower class of the Bunny-kin was very excited at the Logistics branch of the military. They didn't have an option of picking, but those that had not developed mana into their bodies were not accepted into the current tribe's military.

For now, there was only the Normal tribe's military which was a collection of warriors and wizards that didn't want to join the ranks of the elite. They wanted to avoid entering the boot camp, and they liked their current style of combat instead. These warriors were glorified barbarians that would occupy the front lines with the other tribes. Then there was the elite army. I had a minimum standard of C rank bordering the B rank. The only exception was the Succubi Illusionists with them. They were C ranks and D ranks due to the limited numbers that we had.

The new Squads in these Elite ranks were built around a purpose with at least one B ranker unless they were for the front lines. They would have a B rank Warrior and Wizard if they were meant as fighters. The two would cover each other while being paired with at least two scouts, one more wizard, and another warrior. The other six in each squad would be chosen based on the team's preferences and their role in the Division.

Unfortunately, it was complex and not uniform, but teams were assigned to do each task that was needed.

"Chelsea, Chelsea," Taylor shook me as her legs were reattaching themselves, bringing me back to reality. "You're stuck in your head again!" She told me again, shaking me.

I shook my head myself just as I received a Mana message making me smile and turn away from Tayler. "My Babies are being born!" I announced, making the lich behind me exclaim in surprise, but I was already moving. It was the first time I was going to be around for the birth of my babies.

I opened a rift, and the void opened under my call as I spent mana. I walked through, and I was a great distance closer. I wouldn't miss this chance as I rushed back to the Silvermoon tower and looked forward to seeing Katie's and Mally's births. They were going to be popping out babies one after another, and the excitement increased as I finally was going to be there.


Thank you for enjoying my Stories. Sorry for the delay in releasing a chapter. I am currently experiencing Computer problems that should be finished with soon. If you would like to support me, I have recently released Week 5 of Life of a Dominant Futanari and a couple of short stories. You can check them out on Amazon or on my Patreon. Links below.

Thank you for reading.