Chereads / Futanari System / Chapter 147 - The Time has Come

Chapter 147 - The Time has Come

My body was sore despite the healing over the night. However, I would have loved to continue to blow off my responsibilities though Alexia made sure that I didn't.

I was now sitting in my office and had just finished some paper signing that reminded me of my old life a lot. I shook myself, though, as I was distracting myself from the two things I had left on hand. I have been practicing with Florine for the last couple of days, and I have made some progress in combat. It was something mild, though, and I still couldn't stand up to Florine at her best. I was just too damn weak.

I sighed again, and I knew I was distracting myself from the last estimates of the gold I had in the treasury here to work with. I looked at the figures, and it was an extraordinary amount. The problem was that the embassy ate into them deeply, which was the cheaper part of it. Christina was correct in one thing, though. Having a Spy ring that could pay for itself would be immense.

I looked at the figures, and Christina was in the hundreds of thousands of gold she asked for to get everything online and running. The total figure was sixty percent of all the profits that I made here in the Demon lands. It was a difficult ask, and I looked at my leftover funds, and if I accepted the funds that Christina said that the Spy ring would need to reach self sustain with the budget that the homeland would offer; I would be leaving the Demon Lands without a copper coin to my name.

I shrugged. I would need to talk to her about this, and I sighed, leaning back in the chair. I would hardily be poor, and I would have income sources. Hell, I want to insist on being at least a shareholder in the companies. But I was also not an idiot to insist on that since people could just look into what I own in the demon lands to learn where the spy ring was. That, coupled with the fact that it would not generate any income for me even if it did, it annoyed me.

I sighed, leaning back, and I stood to stretch. I was gathering too much dust here in this room by myself. I brought myself out of thought and started to pace in the room, trying not to think about it.

I failed, and my mind returned to the growing problems that were stacking upon themselves here in the Demon lands. My gold only helped those problems out and didn't solve them in the least. The biggest problems came towards the representatives, though, and I sighed. I was bringing myself into a whirlwind of second thoughts when they were cut off as I heard a knock on the door with suddenness.

I turned towards the door, and I moved to open it myself. I wasn't about to tell them to open the door when I was already on my feet. As I opened it, I was surprised to see Christina there with her usual non-expression in a black shirt and pants that didn't clash with her silver; They looked like she was out to rob someone or go for some clandestine meeting.

I moved aside and said," Come in sister," I smiled as she came in, and I closed the door behind her.

"I honestly didn't expect you to open the door for me, Ambassador," Christina replied, and I wanted to stifle a sigh. My sister was still keeping her distance despite my best to try and close that bridge a bit more. "Well, that doesn't matter, though. I came because I believe I got some information that I wasn't expecting," Christina continued and had my full attention.

"Oh," I said, and I pointed towards the couches again that seemed to become my favorite places to talk. "Please, I would love even background information at this point," I replied honestly.

"Well, I think one of my operatives in a good place finally got something useful from a Medusa. One of the servants frequents one of the... Interspecies brothels I have gotten into." Christina said with a slight blush. I looked at the rare charming expression on her face before she continued. "What I have learned is that one of the Medusa Representatives has a particular fetish, I believe," Christina said, and I looked more interested. "Well, I am not sure who she is meeting there, but from her screams of pain and joy, my operative heard she is enjoying herself. But she is in complete control of who she is meeting from word of mouth there. I am not sure of who she is meeting or if the rumor is true, but it is something interesting if you wanted to know." Christina finished, and I looked at her.

I leaned back on the couch and listened to her. Although it was interesting information, it also had barely any use other than blackmail. Unless her Mistress sounded like I was telling her to be a fucking pain in my ass, it didn't really matter.

Then I grinned, and I looked at her, "Can your operative get me a meeting with this..." I thought about the right word, "Sexual partner?" I asked her.

"It will take time," Christina said, and I could almost feel her thoughts on it. "I will look into it, though; It is something that the operative didn't even expect to encounter. It was something she stumbled on accidentally, and I have told her only to inquire lightly. I do not want her sticking her neck out. I would rather not lose this operative with her sticking her neck out. She is in a good position with the opening she found to get where she is." Christina finished, and I nodded.

"Well, Without something more coming from this or a meeting with this person, I cannot do anything with this information," I told her, and I contemplated things, "Yeah," I confirmed again, "Sure, this would be embarrassing for the representative, but that is about it. Who cares if the woman is a masochist. There is nothing against that in law, so it would only be embarrassing."

"That is about what I expected, but it is something in the information that comes to background information on who you care about," Christina replied, and I nodded.

"I do appreciate it. It is something I can annoy the medusas about. It is sad that I cant do more than annoy them. I doubt that I can do anything with it, though," I finished, and I leaned back, and I looked at my Silver-haired sister across from me. She was an attractive woman, and I mentally shook my head. "Now, Onto what else you wanted to talk to me about," I stated, and I watched as her expressionless façade broke a little.

"Although I do have something else in mind while I am here," Christina began, "What makes you think that the first piece of useful information I have come up with in the last couple of weeks since I arrived isn't the reason I am here for?" Christina asked, slightly raising her eyebrow.

I made a noise somewhere between a scoff and a snort, and it tingled my throat as the question forced it out of me. "Because I know at least some things about you," I said, "Everything you said tonight could have been summed up in a short memo or message. No, you have other reasons, and they are something you do not want to commit to paper. Spy types like you would not want something like you to want to talk about committed to paper that can be kept."

There was a definite blush now, and Christina looked away. I was surprised but didn't show it at the amount of emotion she was showing. "I have come to some conclusions over the last couple of days while working," Christina said, and she looked at me. Her cheeks were blushing still as she looked at me, "You were correct," She sighed, "Although it is an old message, I have had some of my old contacts talking to me, and it seems that the war is soon going to come into effect. I do not know when but if what you said is true, which I think it is with the Succubus joining you with their backing, you will be in a strong spot." Christina said.

I watched her silently, and I asked, "What information did you specifically get?"

"Our brother Demetri in the Tribes wizard battalion as one of the major leaders is getting promoted, and it seems some of our other siblings are being put in strong spots." Christina said, and her expression turned serious, "It seems that some of our siblings are starting to gather together to make gain accomplishments in the war, and someone is backing them," Christina continued as I frowned, "It seems that someone is backing them and I am not sure what to make of it." Christina confessed, "I am not even sure if it was father or one of the Elders. But it seems the upcoming war will dictate the future on who gains permanently becomes the heir." Christina said with her analysis.

"Well, I know it wasn't mother's faction," I said almost absentmindedly as I thought, "No, it was Father or the Elders. I do not know what they want from it, but almost certainly was them," I continued deep in thought.

It made sense that my other siblings gathered together. The Elders back in the homeland already knew what I had achieved or more like was about to accomplish for the war. If they wanted someone they could control being in my father's position in the Silvermoon tower, they would need to start the prep work before the war was declared. There was also the Gathering of Tribes to convene to start the hostilities, and after that, the gathering of all the tribe's warfighting units. There was so much about to happen all at once.

My mind spun, and I looked at her, "I think you have realized being out here has taken you away from the best place to receive a better placement for the war then," I told her bluntly, and Christina nodded.

"You are correct, and you know it," Christina said, "Your proposition is the best for my ambitions, and frankly, Demetri is not someone I like very much," Christina said, and I could hear a slight tone of contempt with the almost monotone she spoke with.

I raised an eyebrow, and I was about to ask when she stood up, and I could see her expression change. She crossed over to me and looked down at me, "There is one other thing, though," Christina said, and I looked up at her questions all over my face.

"What is that?" I asked, and I was about to guess there was another reason for her being here than she was explaining at this moment. I looked up at her, and her expression still had that faint blush, and it suddenly deepened. The black clothing she wore disappeared, and my mind blanked as I saw my sister naked.

"I don't want to die a virgin," Christina said, "The war is about to come, and although I am in the higher position if I join, that doesn't mean that I will not be in the direct fighting," Christina explained. "I have never been saving myself for anyone in the homeland. I know that I am alone no matter what," Christina continued, "But I don't want to die without a partner ever, and I don't want this getting out. Please take my first time," Christina finished.

I could see the blush on her face, and her white breasts were in my face. Doorknocker twitched with the scent and sight of her. Christina was an attractive woman, but then I remembered something again. She was my fucking Sister.

Christina stepped forward and took a seat on the couch. "Wait," I said, my voice moving while my mind tried to catch up. "We are sisters; I don't think that it is an excellent idea," I replied even as Doorknocker started to harden as Christina pushed herself at me.

"That is coming from someone who has been having sexual intercourse with our mother?" Christina said, and I froze. The smile on her face as she came close to my ear, "She told me about how big you are. You know, mother and I are still close, and I have been in her camp. This round, she told me how much pleasure I could feel from you, and I broke." Christina said, and there was no longer an expressionless face as I turned to her. "I have been holding myself in for decades," Christina continued, and I didn't know who I was looking at.

Where did my sister that was always expressionless, go? I asked myself this as my brain struggled to catch up. My mother told her about our escapades? Why did she tell my sister, and why did my sister, who was always expressionless, turn into a needy woman all of a sudden?

"I want your Doorknocker to burst into my womb and bring me pleasure that I never felt before!" Christina's voice raised slowly directly into my ear, and my mind was at the point of exploding. "Fuck me, Make me your bitch, and I want you to drive me into the corner and make me cum all over your cock. Mother told me, you can do it, and you have done it with her. Please, Sister, Chelsea, fuck me!" Her sudden exclamation ended her rant, and her hand's dove under the loincloth.

Doorknocker started to harden as her fingers went to work while I sat stunned, looking at the needy silver Bunny-kin that was my sister in front of me. My brain felt sluggish, and I was struggling to think as I felt like my brain had fried for the first time in my lives. I did not know what to think, and I stared at my sister, brain struggling to catch up.

My sister, though, wasn't going to let my brain catch up, and I felt her hands push aside the loincloth. Doorknocker sprang free and was already at half-mast from her machinations. "Wow, I know I have been seeing this, but knowing that this Fat cock is about to stuff my pussy is amazing. I have always wondered what it was like," The completely different person that I don't believe I ever met said as she gazed down at Doorknocker.

Then reality snapped back into place for me as my sister straddled my lap, holding Doorknocker in her hand. At this moment, at the moment of truth, I came to a conclusion. It was one that I remembered and one that hurt a lot less than the first time I did it. I barely knew Christina. My sister was who she was, and I never met this side of her. It was something in the past I thought she might be hiding her feelings instead of being detached from them.

It didn't matter at this point, though. My thoughts moved with speed I don't think I ever achieved before, and my hands moved out, and I pulled my sister close to me. I looked into her eyes, and I no longer saw the uncaring façade that she showed the world. No, this was a borderline crazy woman who was lonely as hell. It was almost the impression I had of her before, and I could see the need and even fear of rejection in her eyes. The shyness that she was showing before wasn't a façade. This was a woman that was desperate for attention that needed physical touch and was seeking it out from me.

I brought her lips to mine before I even knew it, and I felt her grip loosen on Doorknocker. The sudden kiss took this woman by surprise as much as her performance took me by surprise. I wasn't sure how much was acting or how much was the real Christina begging for the attention that she now wanted. Hell, I didn't even know if this wasn't just her trying to get something from me later.

It didn't matter as I held her in my embrace, kissing her. She seemed to almost melt into the movement of our tongues and our lips. She brought her body closer to mine, and I felt her breasts press against my collarbone as I looked up to keep the kiss going. My hands let go of her back and moved to her ass as I felt Doorknocker press lightly into her pussy.

I felt the wet pussy that was Christina's crying juices of want down Doorknocker as it slowly dripped down. The passion she attacked me with blew my indecision away, and I no longer cared that she was my sister. I never grew up with her, and damn the results. I couldn't care anymore as Doorknocker was ready for this needy woman who attacked me. My hands landed on both ass cheeks, and I felt through her mouth her distraction. I pushed down before she realized it and her pussy slowly stretched for the first time. I went slow at first, and I heard her moan, and her tongue stopped playing with mine. I opened my eyes to see Christina's widen.

I pushed in slowly, and her head started to back off as I felt myself push past her hymen slowly. Her mouth opened like a fish out of water, and I could see some pain flash in her eyes. There was pleasure mixed, I think, in those depths of her eyes, but at this moment, I was breaking her virginity. I didn't stop pushing into her slowly as her mouth gaped as Christina silently opened and closed her mouth.

I brought a hand up off her ass, stopping myself for a second to push our lips back together. Her lips didn't move, and she was almost unresponsive as our lips rejoined and my tongue played with hers. I was annoyed, and my hand went back down to her ass, and this time, I broke the kiss.

"You fucking started this," I told her, and my hand came down on her ass with a loud slap.

"AHHH!" Christina replied, her cry sounding odd to my ears, and much to the ever-increasing amount of surprises I had tonight, Christina dropped her hips. Christina's head flew up as her pussy gobbled up Doorknocker in haste, and her cry sounded out in the room. "AWW FUCK!" She cried out again.

A tight, almost painful grip hit Doorknocker as I felt her wombs door on the head of Doorknocker. "You want me to fuck your naughty virgin pussy?" I asked her.

"Yes!" Christina screamed, and the completely different woman showed herself to me bare, "Fuck me, Chelsea, Fuck me till I forget that tomorrow exists!" She screamed, and I growled.

My hands began to pull her ass up and down, and pleasure flooded my head as I fucked the tight cunt that wrapped tightly around my cock. The pleasure continued to hit my head repeatedly, and I growled in announcing my pleasure as I took my sister's pussy without thought. I didn't want to think, and her cries sounded like a beast.

"YES!" Christina screamed, "HOW COULD I HAVE NEVER FELT THIS BEFORE?!" The woman above cried out, "HOW COULD I HAVE DENIED MYSELF THIS PLEASURE!" She screamed, and I didn't reply.

What was I supposed to reply as I pushed that ass down on my cock over and over again, pleasure reaching my peak? I didn't make it there first as I heard, "WHAT IS THIS!" She screamed, "WHAT IS THIS FEELING!" She screamed again and again as her pussy spasmed and her body started to shake violently. She began to shake her head as I was almost worried that she had a seizure before she tossed her body back, and her hands fell to my knees, and her pussy sprayed me all over in a giant overwhelming squirt that blasted my abdomen and cock.

Her body shook, and without realizing it, my ejaculation had begun to fill the fertile pussy as her pussy which was already tight, continued to spasm on me. Her body shook like a vibrator, and her mouth gaped open.

I was confused, and pleasure was filling my head. I turned off my brain, though. I needed to as too much came at me, and I no longer cared. Fuck it, I thought.

I picked her up, and I pushed her onto the couch. "Fine, You want me to fuck your virgin cunt? You want to feel pleasure? I will show you pleasure, Bitch!" I roared, and I started to fuck the bunny-kin under me, and I didn't see my sister. I saw a slut begging for Doorknocker, and I thrust my hips into her over and over again.

I didn't think as she screamed out in pleasure. I didn't care when she begged me to stop. She became my cumdump tonight, whoever this woman was before. Fuck whatever the world thought that this slut was before tonight. Now she became a wanting woman that threw her feelings into becoming my cumdump. Maybe that was wrong. Maybe I shouldn't have thought of it that way. I knew that Christina was hurting and seeking out pleasure from me.

Well, she got it, and as my balls hit her ass, as I thrust into her, she squirted again all over Doorknocker. Whatever she was before. She wasn't that now.