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To Fight Thug Love

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Tiara is a 18 year old girl from the projects her momma is a crack addict and Tiara been trying to move out that house she only trust her bestfriend Chris who knows everything Khalil is a 20 year old boy who is a drug leader he made it to the top and now niggas work for him he never wanted to find love or be in love but when he sees Tiara everything changes What happened when Khalil tried to break Tiara walls down would Tiara let them fall or will she not this is THUG LOVE

Chapter 1 - New Living Arrangements

Tiara POV.

I was staying at Chris house for now on my momma throw all my shi out and made sure everybody stole my shit so now we going shopping we took Késhaun car but knowing Chris ass ain't shit that he told me is true we at the mall walking around when we see a piss off Késhaun and his laughing friends and a smiling Khalil I rolled my eyes and Chris was laughing "Bitch I forget to to tell you Késhaun don't know we took his shit" Chris said smiling "I can't stand yo gay ass sometimes" I said laughing he smile "Bitch but your daddy can" Chris said I rolled my eyes "Keep on and I drown you mf" I said he laugh "Bitch I'm dead" he said Késhaun,Jamal, and Khalil was waiting for us to meet so we turn and started running they was chasing us Chris saw a security guard and was about to scream when Khalil was in front of us and Késhaun and Jamal was behind us "I swear y'all three musketeers looking dumb dumb assholes get out my god damn way man" I said Khalil look pissed I rolled my eyes and grab Chris but Késhaun grab me "Hold up what wrong with ya" he said I took a Breaver "Tell me why some hoe came to us at the mall right and was cussing Tiara ass out man I had to pull her off the bitch cuz she was bout to kill her ass and only reason why cuz of Khalil mannn his hoes is something else she told me that she wanted to finish getting her shit replace and go to the house" Chris said I was already in the phone store I got my shit and walk out "Sup Jamal" I said walking pass Khalil but of course his Oompa Loompa ass had to grab me "If you don't get your Oompa Loompa hands off my I promise you we gon have some problems nigga" I said getting irritated his ass gon tighten his grip "Y'all I take Tiara home we need to talk" Khalil said they nod and left "Now what is you god damn problem" Khalil said I look at my arm then him he let go my arm but lead me to his car after getting in he got in his drive oh sit I noticed we was matching I had on my forever 21 black jeans with my red lace crop top and some red 12 Jordan retro with my hair in a ponytail slick down with my edges swooped I was looking at his ass he had on a red Jordan shirt with some black jeans and some red air Jordan 13 with his sexy ass waves and fine ass lining he must of saw cuz he had that smirk on his face "You like what you see" he said I rolled my eyes "Nah I saw better" I said he look pissed he slam on the brakes and look into my eyes "Yo ass gon get hella niggas killed talm bout seeing better" he said I look at him "You still just tryin to fuck am I right" I said he look at me like I lost two heads "At firs yeah but nah not no mo you is all in my head I can't even fuck my hoes so I quit" he said I look into his eyes he ass wasn't lien but his ass was lowkey I just turn my head and shook it "Nothin to say ma" he said I look to see he was close "Yeah take me to my new house" I said he nodded and ask for the address I told him I staying with Chris and Késhaun he rolled his eyes and started driving he pulled up he go out and I did to we walk in to hella niggas I look for Késhaun once I found him of course his in the middle I push pass him niggas trying to touch me and shit but of course Khalil dead some mugging shit and they stop I hug Késhaun "What's up lil bit" Késhaun said I hated that nick name "Where Chris" I said he pointed upstairs I push me what threw and went up stairs and found Chris sitting on the bed "Bitch help me I'm trying to get some food out the kitchen" he said I laugh and nodded we was walking downstairs people was talking to Chris and playing around talking about some "What up gay nigga" and shi I rolled my eyes Khalil eyes never left mines since I came back down hoes tried to say something but he mugged them and say something and ran the boys he around just laugh I grab some food and Chris came and took it and put it in his mouth I slap tf out him I grab another piece some chicken went to the freezer and grab some frozen grabs and Chris was begging I grab him some also once we was done Késhaun told us to stay down here so I could meet some people I look at him like he don lost his mind "Hell nah nigga" I said walking up stairs well tried Késhaun ass told Chris to do some shit and all of sudden my ass is on the couch between to people I hate right now and sitting on a nigga who loves to control shit "Fuck you Késhaun I hope you actually get jump and Chris I hope you choke a dick" I said pulling my phone out connect my headphones but Jamal snatches my headphones and throw them I look at him everybody just stop what they doing and look at the me and then back at Jamal "HAVE YOU LOST YOUR GOD DAMN MOTHER FUCKING MIND NIGGA" I yelled Khalil let me go and I trying to gain my anger off "I buy you a new one after everybody leaves" Jamal said "Jamal you gon make me kill you sorry bitch ass" I said walking into the kitchen slamming the back door "That was cold" Khalil said I turn "How" I said he just shook his head "He said he buy you and new one and you still had to bitching about it that ain't cool ma" Khalil said "Nigga get the fuck out my face and space" I said how tf he gon say I was acting like a bitch "Man this is why yo ass always put down yo ass just disrespectful" Khalil said I look at him he high and drunk I got up and slap him and walk away I push pass people and went to my room this ain't it fr

Khalil POV.

She slap me but I deserve it i was back into the house and sat on the couch Késhaun look and at me confused "Aye can you have them leave I just want to chill with you and Jamal" I said Késhaun nodded and told everybody get tf out after that Jamal plugged the game and we was playing well I stop and started wrapping up and smoking Késhaun mom came in and smile and ask was we staying for dinner we said yes "Tiara sweetie can you come help me" Toya ask Tiara had change into something more comfortable some shorts and a hoddie I wasn't breathing right I started choking Jamal and Késhaun look confused but saw Tiara and started laughing I slap both of them in the back of their heads and walk to the kitchen and sat on the stool to see Toya and Tiara laughing they seem look at daughter and mother "Oh Khalil sweetie you want something" Toya said I smile "Yeah what we eating" I said smiling looking at Tiara she rolled her eyes "Tiara you tell him while I get the stuff of the car" Toya said walking to the car "Well" I said "Poison" She said I laugh and walk up behind her and hold her so she can feel me against her "You know you make me want you more baby" I whispered in her ear I feel her shaking sh turn to face me "Umm we cooking umm" she couldn't finish her sentence I smirked the door slam and Toya was coming in "Ribs, macaroni, green beans and biscuits" she said really fast and went to finish putting the stuff away I help her Toya came in the same time Tiara almost fell I catch her "Thanks" she whispered Késhaun came in the kitchen with Jamal and Chris Tiara jump out my arms and ran and drag Chris into the kitchen and they started cooking I went to the fridge and grab a beer and grab Késhaun one Jamal was pissing me tf off he grab his own and went into the couch Késhaun was still looking at me like he knew something i rolled my eyes and turn the game on

Tiara POV.

"Bitch spill now" Chris said as we was in the kitchen "Umm well I think I like him but can't be sure" I said Chris nodded knowing what I mean "Get out my kitchen" Toya said we got out going to the leaving room we look at each other and nodded me and Chris stand in front of the tv "Chris Tiara move y'all asses" Késhaun said we look at each other and laugh and shook our head "Man what y'all want bro some niggas truly tryna watch a game" Jamal said me and Chris smile "alright get out the damn way before I body slam you Chris" Késhaun said "Okay fine" Chris said "Not nigga" Chris said I smile I see Khalil whispering to Késhaun and I snatch the control out his hand and turn the game off and all of the sudden I'm on the floor and Khalil on top of me and Chris is running upstairs I rolled my eyes Chris came down with a taser and tried to tase Késhaun while Jamal was sitting in the kitchen "Move you weigh more then a whale bitch" I said Khalil look like I don lost his mind I was confused when I noticed I called him a bitch oh shit "What did you Call me" he said holding my waist tightly "Nothin I said get up off me" I said he smirk and pulled me into his lap so I was straddle on his lap and I can fell his dick me I took a deep breath and look anywhere but him "Look at me ma" he said I rolled my eyes and tried to get up "Khalil and Tiara come eat we waiting for you" Chris said I got up and ran and sat by Chris Khalil sat across from me right next to Késhaun and the left to Jamal "Késhaun you in charged for a month I have to go to a job for my nursing" Toya said "Chris and Tiara no more fights and GET TO SCHOOL ON TIME" Toys said me and Chris nodded "Okay I'm leaving Tiara said she can cook the dinner for y'all so by be good and don't do nothing to mess up my house" Toya said leaving the house after she left Chris slap Késhaun in the back of his head and ran Késhaun chase him while Jamal ran to to the living room leaving me and Khalil alone he look at me I rolled my eyes "Staring is rude" I said getting up to clean the kitchen as I was cleaning I felt him staring still

"Damn nigga what the fuck you staring at" I said I heard him get up and walk his way behind me so his dick is pushing against me I let out a quite whimper but remember what he said out in the back I turn and push him away and finishing cleaning he was burning holes in my skin to where he was staring after I was done I went to find Késhaun attacking Chris I pulled him off and grab Chris and went upstairs and told him to change he nodded and I went to find something to put on we was going clubbing I got out the shower to find Khalil siting on my bed "You know you wanna forgive me from what happened" Khalil said I rolled my eyes and grab my lotion, deodorant, perfume, body spray, and my Victoria secrets black set underwear and threw it on my bed not caring he right there I went into my closet and got out a mesh Rhinestone two-piece dress that was black he look at me like I was crazy "Yes I forgive you just don't do that say that again can I get dress now" I said he laughed and stayed "Where you going wearing that" he said I rolled my eyes "Me and Chris is going to a club no get out" I said he nodded and walk away after that I got dress straightened my hair and slick the edges down and but on some black heels I walk downstairs Chris was ready he was in the kitchen fighting with Késhaun "COME LET US USE YOUR CAR WE NEED TO GET BACK" Chris said "HELL NO YOU TOOK IT WITHOUT ME EVEN KNOWING LAST TIME" Késhaun said I rolled my eyes and walk into the kitchen where Jamal was laugh and Khaili was just looking "Késhaun please" I said making my cutest face he rolled his eyes and toss Chris the keys "Be back by one" Késhaun said I smile works every time "Aye matter fact let go with y'all" Khaili said smiling i knew that nigga had something on his sleeve "Cool hurry up and get ready" Chris said I rolled my eyes "Me Tiara and Chris will ride in one" Késhaun said I thank god for that Khaili nodded this is going to be one long ass night