Gareth and Batsa took their stands ready to face each other none of the spectators dared to take a breath fearing it would disrupt the atmosphere, without warning they charged at each other the sword and spear clashing which such force we all doubted whether or not they were still human.
A smirk quickly grew on Batsa's face when he clashed with Gareth meanwhile Gareth kept his emotionless face. They continued to clash with each other the sparks produced from their clashes lighting up the night and the sounds produced from their clash being the only sound of the night.
They continued going at each other for what seemed to be an eternity before they finally separated Batsa armour had a few sword marks meanwhile Gareth had but one mark on his armour. Batsa laid back attitude changed when he realised what he thought to be an even fight turned out to be an uneven one against.
"You really do live up to the stories Huntsman, I know but a few who had managed to fight me like you have but this ends now." saying so he took of his armour leaving his chest bare to the cold wind which seemed to have no effect on him whatsoever, his upper body was toned from all his training and he had a tattoo of a drakon engraved on his chest.
He resumed his combat stance but the huntsman remained the same then without warning he spear left his hand and flew straight to the huntsman's face, with inhuman reflexes Gareth's blade blocked the spear though the force caused him to stumble backwards and the sparks produced by the collision of metal temporarily blinded him.
Batsa not wasting anytime tackled Gareth down and rolled over to pick up his weapon which had fallen close by and launched an attack at Gareth who could do nothing but roll away to escape. The battle which once looked like a beautiful well coordinated one had turn into a dog fight.
Each of them aiming at each others blind spots the fight got heated once more and it became harder to tell who was winning while everyone ones attention was at its peak. a piercing scream broke our trance turning to the source Batsa had a new sword slash across his upper body he was bleeding and could barely stand the Knights no longer watching the fight rushed to help their commander it was at that moment one them took notice of me and put a blade to my neck shouting drawing attention to himself "STOOOP!!!!!".